4 Myths That Could Harm Your Job Search

Myths_march2012_webThroughout your job search, you’ve probably been given several nuggets of advice from research, friends and family, or expert opinions. While there are best practices when it comes to finding a job, many people have their own way, or style, of doing things. But over the years, some aspects of the job search have become assumed taboos in the job market.

There are certain actions that many job seekers believe will knock them out of the running. But little do they know, these things are not only acceptable, professional actions, but they are also what could make you stand out among your competition. Here are some common job seeking myths that could be holding back your job search.

Myth #1: Companies aren’t hiring during the summer or in December.

It’s true that hiring does pick up in the fall as most employers hammer out their next year’s budget and incorporate new hires, but giving up during the summer months could be a missed opportunity. The summer months are generally more of a relaxed time with fewer big projects and deadlines, which makes employers and other workers easier to approach.

In December, not only are employers still looking for help to bring in the new year, but workers are also in a more festive mood, which may give you more opportunities to network. They will be more relaxed and easier to talk to so you can connect with more people, which could result in more leads.

Myth #2: Don’t take notes in an interview.

You may think it looks rude to be writing down notes when you should be listening to the interviewer speak, but it’s impossible to remember everything without a photographic memory. If you’re in doubt, ask the interviewer if he or she minds you taking notes during the interview. There’s a lot to process and it can be in your best interest to take notes. Just remember to use abbreviations or short hand when applicable so that not taking doesn’t detract from the conversation.

Myth #3: Keep your résumé to one page.

The only time you should really try to keep your résumé at one page is when you’ve just graduated from college or are first starting out in the job market. Having a two or even three page résumé might not necessarily keep you out of the running for a job, just as long as you put your most relevant information at the beginning. Hiring managers take seconds to scan a résumé before keeping it or discarding it.

Myth #4: If interviewed by multiple people, you only need to send a thank-you note to your potential manager.

If several people took the time out of their busy schedule to help interview you, they deserve some recognition. Try to ask everybody you interviewed with for their business card and make an extra effort to let them know you appreciate their time.

Don’t let the stigma of hearsay stunt your job search. What works for some may not work for others. We are all a little different and have to find what works best for us. What are some job tips you’ve heard that turned out to be myths in the end?


  1. Nicholas B.

    Myth – What you look like doesn’t matter as long as your skills are relevant.
    Sorry, but 9 times out of 10 your job will be given to the next guy who dressed like he was made for the position.
    Stereotyping may be wrong, but it is reality. Don’t show up in your play clothes expecting the world owes you something.

  2. Peggy Tegeler

    Let’s talk about the mature worker’s out there looking for jobs and get the brush off. Today if you are over 55 employers consider you out of touch with the times, that older people don’t understand technology (they forget that our generation was the one who invented the computer age) I walk into a interview and I an not even given 10 min to talk to some snot with bad manners.Time has proven that the mature employees has much to offer. We have the experience of our past to relate to in problem solving,production, management, and the team spirit.
    So why this discrimination against older people?

    1. Jared Cole

      Peggy, Thank you so much for voicing your opinion and frustration. Age shouldn’t be discriminated against, but if you feel like it is, the job probably wouldn’t be a good fit for you even if you were hired. The people you work for and with can influence your happiness and productivity while on the job, so make sure you’re happy with those you could be working with before accepting an offer.

      1. David O.

        There seems to be so many “politically correct” ways to say “we aren’t going to hire you because we don’t want an older person in this position” that I could pull out the rest of my hair. Just a little “heads up” for all the HR people out there with this attitude: the high number of us that are unemployed because of your “age” tactics will cost your company an exceedingly great number of dollars in the coming months. Prepare yourselves.

  3. Jeff

    I do agree with the above comment about dressing appropriately (typically they say to dress one level above the job you’re going for). I’m not too sure about the age issue. I’m getting up there in age, so we’ll see how that goes. I do believe that older people can offer a lot of wisdom garnished over the years that the younger group might not have had a chance to develop.

    I think another key myth is: Seek only those jobs that are publicly listed. Truth is, probably most job opportunities aren’t listed. It’s so easy for me to assume that I can only apply for a job that’s in a job ad, on a jobs website, etc. It might take some courage, but from what I hear maybe some of the best jobs are those that no job seeker knows about until they ask.

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