Poll: Do You Have a LinkedIn Account?

Job Seeking and Career Advice PollLinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with 250 million members. It’s a place to connect with people, build your professional online identity, and stay in touch with colleagues. LinkedIn allows you to discover professional opportunities, business deals, and possible new ventures for your career. A LinkedIn profile is your professional brand and, in a sense, your online resume. With that being said, it’s a great tool for job searching. In fact, an article from Mashable.com shows that LinkedIn is helpful when it comes to landing higher-paying jobs.

We want to know if you’re one of LinkedIn’s 250 million members. Let us know by voting in our poll.


  1. Pingback: Poll: Do You Have a LinkedIn Account? | Express Pros Manchester

  2. Sherry U

    LinkedIn is essential for business people, leaders and lay persons alike. There is a wealth of information available at your fingertips, and growing one’s network should be top of mind for anyone who works in a profession of any kind.

  3. Brett B

    with three degrees (BS, MSTech, MBA) I am looking to move from my work at Eastern Illinois University because they are supporting lower education for non-academic fields, I.e. my degrees and experience are worthless (and have been told so), while people with associate degrees get promoted to upper management except when a more advanced degree is needed, and then they help them complete it.
    I am seriously looking for a new position, but need greater income.

  4. Carl V

    Yes, I do have a LinkedIn Account and I use it to store most of the positions I have held over the last 20 years and to network with future business clients who are interested in using my skills and services to improve their bottom line. My background is in Information Technology, Database Management and Marketing/Sales with 2 bachelor degrees in both fields from separate Universities.

  5. Dale A

    Linked-In linked me to Bristol Bay Who’s Who that is a scam renamed from the scandalous Madison Who’s Who that charges $1000 and keeps coming back for more without really doing anything. There is no book. Don’t take my word for it, though, I got a full refund (“tomorrow”?) by reporting to Wells Fargo that it was a suspect site. If you wait longer you may not get any money back.

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