Keep in Shape While Working from Home

Stay home and stay fit

Working from home means more freedom. You can listen to your music on full blast, finish a project from bed, and answer a phone call from your front yard if you want.

But that freedom also means unparalleled access to your fridge and any tasty snacks you may have lying around.

Wondering how you can balance your work-from-home life with fitness? We’ve got you covered.

Stick to a Routine

The number one way to maintain productivity while working from home? Have a set routine. The same thing applies to keeping the pounds from piling on. If your job allows for breaks, use that time to go for a quick walk around the block. Build exercise into your schedule. You can also wake up 30 minutes earlier to go for a jog, or hit the yoga mat right when you log off from work for the day. Consistency is key!

Snack Smart

When we’re bored, we eat. And when you’re working at home, that means frequent trips to the fridge or snack drawer. Prepping healthy snacks beforehand ensures you don’t end up staring at the fridge for five minutes and choosing the most delicious, and yet potentially unhealthy, item over and over again.

Keep Track of Calories

While you don’t have to keep track of your calories forever (it works for some folks as part of their fitness regime but can be detrimental to others when it leads to deprivation), getting a better idea of your daily calorie intake can let you know if you’re overdoing it. When you’re working from home with a ready supply of snacks, little bites can really add up. MyFitnessPal is a great free app to keep track of calories.

Move Around!

Even though you might be sitting on a comfy couch instead of a decidedly uncomfy office chair, that doesn’t mean you should spend all day in it! Taking a few minutes to stretch your legs every hour or so can both keep you fit and prevent debilitating circulation and back problems.

At the end of the (work-from-home) day, staying fit is as easy as building exercise into your schedule and sticking to it. If you make fitness and healthy eating a priority, you’ll be amazed at the results.

Do you have any work-from-home fitness tips? Let us know in the comments section below!

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