Daily Archives: December 16, 2021

If You Feel Guilty for Wanting to Quit Your Job, Should You Still Quit?

Maybe the workload just isn’t something you expected, or you aren’t well-suited to your boss’s managerial style. Whatever the reason, you want to quit your job and start applying to new positions.

But you feel bad about it! Perhaps it’s a busy season and you don’t want to leave your boss or teammates swamped, or you’re worried quitting now will make it look like you’re trying to get revenge for something your boss did. If you haven’t been at the job very long, you might also be concerned what a short-term position would look like on your resume.

In a situation like this, is it better to wait to quit, or should you just rip off the Band-Aid now and be done with it? Here are some suggestions. (more…)