2013 is Expected to Be a Year of Job Changes. Will You Join?

Look For a New JobInc. Magazine recently reported that 86% of employees plan to look for a new job in 2013. The article also depicts a workforce that has become dissatisfied and disgruntled because of how they’ve been treated during the recession.

For the past few years, employees have been sticking to jobs they didn’t enjoy in fear of the sluggish economy. But, 2012 showed promising growth, and 2013 is being viewed as optimistic for new job opportunities that fit with workers’ needs. The growing millennial generation is also seeking different benefits and perks to their jobs that older generations haven’t requested before.

For those looking for a job or interested in switching careers, 2013 may become an interesting year. What do you think? Sound off in the comments section below if you agree or disagree with the article.


The Job Search Can Build Self-Esteem

Self Exteem Job SearchThe job search is commonly associated with stress and fear. When it seems like the rejection letters pile up as months go on, even the most confident of job seekers can feel their confidence drain. I can remember that feeling of defeat during my job search when I received more rejection letters than bills.

Author Virginia Sullivan shares a different story on the Huffington Post. She explains a personal journey of how unemployment and searching for a job built her self-esteem and made her a better person. Check out the link below to read how she found light at the end of the tunnel. Do you agree with her? How would your journey differ? Let us know in the comment section below.



Infographic: Job Interviewing 101

I’ve had my fair share of awkward interviews. From interviewing in a magazine editor’s office while her pet mastiff sniffed and growled at me, to a real estate interview where the only thing said was, “So, Jared, tell me how creative you are.” I’ve seen it all.

That’s why this infrographic by Interview Success Formula can be a useful guide to identifying the different personality types of interviewers and how you can connect with them. Take a look at the infographic and let me know if there are any other interviewer types they should include. Sound off in the comments section below.
Job Interviewing 101

Spring Clean Your Job Search

Spring Clean Job SearchSpring is here! The longer nights and frosty weather are making way for blooming flowers and sunshine. Many people take advantage of the beautiful weather to clean their house from top to bottom. Spring cleaning has been a staple in regions that have very strong winters and has become synonymous with general heavy cleaning or organizing.

Just like the weather, maybe your job search had been put on ice or frozen during the winter months. Now is as good a time as ever to warm up and revitalize your efforts. As the spring flowers blossom to begin anew, you can take advantage of this time to put some new life back into your job search.

While the spring weather might be a bit colder than the famous groundhog predicted, here are some ways you can spring clean your job search to help keep you focused and improve your chances of getting hired.

Brush Up on Your Reading
There is a wealth of information out there. Not just in the job market, but in your industry as well. To be a desirable candidate, job seekers must be on top of the latest issues and trends in their market. That’s why it’s important to take time out of your day for reading and learning.

Trade journals, blogs, and industry news sites are excellent and often-overlooked resources that can help you stay informed and can differentiate you from the herd of job seekers.

Dust Off Old Contacts
We’ve all been there before. The weather is getting warmer, so you start reaching back for your summer clothes, but find outfits you forgot you even had. It’s easy to be like that in the professional realm when eager job seekers network with as many people as possible. Some people probably have more business cards than pennies, which means it’s time to reorganize your network.

Go through your contacts and decide if you should catch up or discard them. It’s a great opportunity to focus your message and communication skills by catching up with a few selected connections you haven’t seen in a while. The job market changes quickly and you never know what new opportunities these contacts have learned about since the last time you talked.

Out With The Old, In With The New
Make a list of the skills or experiences that you feel are weakest, have the most desire to strengthen, or would like to learn. Research what programs your community centers, tech schools, and colleges offer that can help you learn something new and break out of your shell. Doing this will demonstrate to potential employers that you’re being proactive instead of sending out resumes from a computer all day. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet others who you can add to your job search network.

Get Insight From The Maids
Sometimes, cleaning up your job search can’t be done on your own. Having outside help can give you a new way of looking at something or some helpful knowledge to break away from your normal routine.

A mentor can be very beneficial by giving you critiques and access to job openings. Their insight can help you make needed improvements to get a job quicker and meet leaders in your industry.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you’re not familiar with. Connect with others outside of your network at networking events, industry related organizations, and online forums to gain more referrals and leads.

Another great resource to spring clean your job search would be a staffing company. Most offer free job search resources and can help you with practicing interview skills and resume building.

Scrub Down Your Resume
When was the last time you updated your resume? We all get busy and now might be a good time to add any extra experience, certifications, or skills that you’ve gained in the past year.

It can also be a good time to trim up and cut out unnecessary information on your resume so employers will see the most relevant material first, which will make them more likely to pass on your resume.

Sweep Your Social Networks
More and more employers are being influenced by content on job seekers’ social media profiles when it comes to hiring decisions. In fact, employers are also taking a more active recruiting roll on social networks as well. That’s all the more reason to connect with employers through their Facebook or Twitter profile. Build relationships now to find out about potential job postings and stay fresh on recruiting managers’ minds.

It’s also important to update your LinkedIn profile. You never know when a recruiter will see it, and you want the best professional profile possible. You can also stay on top of online job postings by setting up Google Alerts on job boards and employers’ career pages that will email new openings to your inbox.

Spring is a time of change, and if you do some simple cleaning to your job search, you can make some big changes with a new career. What are some ways you’ve spring cleaned your job search? Let us know in the comments section below.

Do You Believe in Job Security? Take Our Poll!

Job Seeking and Career Advice PollThe average worker today stays at a job for 4.4 years, according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics. With younger generations averaging even shorter employment periods, it can make the phrase “Every job is temporary,” seem like a fact.

While the economy is improving and more employees are planning to look for a new job in 2013, we wondered if today’s job seekers and new professionals believe that job security even exists. Let your voice be heard in our poll below.

Feel Appreciated at Work

Appreciation at WorkDid you know that the first Friday in March was National Employee Appreciation Day? There may be several people with employers who took the special holiday to focus on employee appreciation. But, there are probably just as many, if not more, who never even knew the day existed.

The workplace can feel like a thankless place at times with shortening deadlines and increasing stress levels. So, what do you do the other 364 days of the year when it’s not Employee Appreciation Day? Here are some things you can do to feel a little more gratitude from co-workers and managers at a hectic workplace.

Appreciate Others
Many times, our interactions with other people can be boiled down to the famous line from the Beatles song “The End” that says, “And in the end, the love you take
is equal to the love you make.”

Basically, if you want to feel appreciated, try showing gratitude and giving out compliments to others. It might feel weird and out of place, but if you can influence your work culture with positive words, the appreciation will come back to you. Besides, doesn’t it feel good to make others feel good, too?

Take a Compliment
While complimenting and encouraging others is a great start to creating an environment of appreciation, you’re going to need to leave a little bit of modesty at the door. That means, you’ll need to be able to accept the compliments as much as you give them.

If you shrug off or deflect honest gratitude toward yourself, you could be discouraging others from showing their appreciation. If you just reply with “Just doing my job” or “It was nothing” you’re not giving co-workers or managers a reason to repeat the same gestures.

Toot Your Own Horn
If you want to talk to your manager about their lack of appreciation for your work, you might not get the results you are looking for with a negative attitude of, “I don’t feel appreciated for what I do.” Instead, create a positive environment by finding ways of making your boss aware of your accomplishments. Find clever ways of promoting yourself that aren’t blatantly directed toward yourself.

Focus on your accomplishments that have directly benefited your employer. What did you do to bring in more customers or clients? Did you do something that positively affected the company’s bottom line?

Respect the Routine
Sometimes you feel like there aren’t opportunities to demonstrate your good works when doing your job is business as usual. There might not be a negative standard to compare your greatness to. You don’t have to reinvent your place or role in the grand scheme of work, but little things like maintaining a positive attitude can quickly gain the attention of your co-workers and managers. They will know when you gave your workday 100% and will begin to wonder what your secret is.

Just because your employer may have skipped out on Employee Appreciation Day doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reward yourself. If you follow these guidelines, you can take pride in knowing that a job done well doesn’t go unnoticed.

Give Your Career a Boost With These Certifications

career boosting certificationsWhile you should always try to have specific examples of how you’ve been able to demonstrate and utilize your skills, sometimes it takes a certificate or recommendation from a credible organization to get the attention of a decision maker or hiring manager.

There are several industries and jobs that may not require a college degree, but do need a form of accreditation or certification. There are also certifications that, while not mandatory, can greatly improve your chances of getting a job, promotion, raise, or new responsibilities. Here are some in-demand certificate programs to consider that can help open doors in your career or job search.

Foreign Languages
If you work in a retail or customer service environment, having the ability to speak more than one language can make you a valuable asset to current or potential employers. It can be difficult to prove on your own, so having a certification in a language can be a significant boost. Contact your local community college, university, or distance learning center for relatively inexpensive programs in foreign languages that may result in a certificate, but not a degree.

Computer Support
Many large companies have their own IT department or specialists, but software is always changing and it can be beneficial for you to keep up with those trends through training like Microsoft’s learning and certification programs. IT workers could benefit from these programs.

Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
A great alternative to spending several years and lots of money getting a college degree in the medical industry, consider looking into a critical clinical medical assistant (CCMA) program that is offered by technical or vocational schools. A CCMA offers training in clinical and laboratory procedures, and administrative training that could help give you a boost in the medical industry.

Project Management Certification
If you have much experience in project management, earning a project management professional certification (PMP) is almost required. But if you are looking to move into management, earning a PMP from organizations like the Project Management Institute can not only get you ready, but also demonstrate to your manager that you are working toward management.

Sales! Sales! Sales!
It’s difficult to find college degrees specializing in sales, but there are several worthwhile certifications that can help you prepare and grow as a salesman. Since there are different fields and industries in sales, talk to a mentor or network with sales professionals to find out which industry-specific certification program you should consider if you’re new to the field, the National Association of Sales Professionals offers a general certification that can give you a starting point.

You don’t have to rely on yourself to gain extra knowledge and experience to stay on top of your industry and boost your career. There are several options that are cheaper and less time consuming than earning college degrees. What are some accreditations or certifications you have earned that helped your career?