If You Don’t LinkedIn Now, You’ll Regret it Later

Linkedin_march2012_web“Let’s connect on LinkedIn” is a phrase often heard from speakers, leaders, and peers during networking events or work-related meetings. If you’ve never heard of LinkedIn or don’t see the point in having another online profile to update along with your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blog profiles, you could be missing out on an opportunity to connect and market yourself in a network of more than 150 million professionals and recruiters.

LinkedIn is a business-related networking site for professionals in more than 200 countries to connect with others, build relationships, and learn from each other. To get started, LinkedIn has a great tutorial for college grads and beginners. If you’re already on LinkedIn, here’s how you can make the most out of your profile so you don’t get left behind.

Give and Receive Recommendations

A profile that has multiple recommendations from co-workers can carry a lot of weight. If you still have strong connections from your previous employment, ask some of your former co-workers or managers with LinkedIn accounts to write you a quick recommendation. Recruiters searching for candidates online take special note when someone is highly recommended by their peers.  Don’t forget to write some recommendations to others you have worked with who you think have done an exceptional job.

It’s All About Who You Know

The biggest feature LinkedIn has to offer is giving you the ability to foster your professional networks and keep in touch with those who might help you find a job. It’s not a race to see how many connections you can get or to instantly connect with a decision maker you’ve never met before in hopes of getting a foot in the door. Connect with those you have already met in real life and nurture those relationships. Send a congratulatory note if they win an award, ask a question, or just comment on their update or share an interesting article. You never know when those contacts will think of you when opportunity comes.

If you really would like to connect with someone who is connected to someone in your network, LinkedIn offers a “Get Connected Through a Connection” link that will send a note to your contact asking to introduce you to the person of interest. If approved, you can send that person a note.

They’ve Got Questions, You’ve Got Answers

LinkedIn Answers is an interesting feature on the site for users to ask and answer questions on specific subject matters from personal finance to technology. Browse through the different sections and find a thread that matches your job skills and start answering questions. If your answers are chosen, it’ll be showcased on your profile and you’ll be listed as an expert. The more you answer, the higher you’ll be on the expert list. By demonstrating your expertise on LinkedIn you earn recognition that helps you build your credibility.

LinkedIn’s Special Uses

There are several features on LinkedIn that can help you in your job search. LinkedIn Jobs has thousands of job postings for several industries. Most of the time, you don’t have to upload a résumé or cover letter. You generally answer a few questions along with your profile. That’s why it’s important to have recommendations, a detailed work history, expertise, and a strong network to help you stand out.

You can also follow companies and receive updates on job openings, staff changes, and general news updates. If you’re interested in working for a specific organization, you can stay up to date with the latest details. There are also more than 500,000 groups for you to join. Look for professional societies and groups that are relevant in your industry and get involved. The more active you are, the better off you’ll be.

Relevant companies like Ebay, Microsoft, Netflix, and Target have used LinkedIn to recruit employees. More and more employers are sending recruiters to look for passive candidates. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to keep in touch with fellow workers and market yourself to find a job. Have you landed a job with LinkedIn? Share in the comments below.

Foolproof Conference Calls: 3 How To Tips

Conferencecall_Jan_2012_webIf you’ve ever been asked to set up a conference call, you know first hand the anxiety that comes with meetings conducted this way. So many things can go wrong, from the phone conferencing system, or web conferencing software not working to attendees not calling in on time. Conference calls are normally necessary when a question is complex, a decision is trying to be reached, or an idea is being pitched, which can all be stressful conversations in person, without the added challenges conference calls can bring. Here are a few tips to take control of the situation, help you plan for the call, and conduct a successful meeting. 

1. Plan in Advance

When it comes to setting up a conference call, don’t leave anything to chance. Before you set up the call make sure you understand what is expected. Some technical questions to ask are:

  • Will you need to be able to share a slideshow or your computer screen?
  • How many people will be on the line and will you need to be able to mute the lines?
  • Will the audio call and/or the visual presentation need to be recorded?
  • How long will the call take?

You’ll want to schedule the call like you would schedule a meeting, using your calendar software to make sure that everyone involved will be available. Resist the urge to send an email with the details, instead send a meeting request containing the conference call logistics to ensure that it will show up on the calendars of the attendees and not be lost in their email inboxes. Prior to sending the meeting request, confirm the phone number, access codes, and online presentation link so that all of the information is included in the initial meeting invite. Don’t make it difficult to find the log-in information by sending separate emails and meeting requests – communicate clearly in one message. Also, include an agenda or list of questions that will be addressed. Giving your attendees time to gather information they need prior to the call will help you achieve your objectives and have a better discussion on the call. Conference calls can be effective ways to clear up confusion and seek direction, as opposed to several email threads or discussion threads trying to seek a resolution, if people are prepared in advance for the conversation .

2. Rehearse

If several individuals on your team will be involved in a call to make a presentation to a client, make sure everyone knows in advance who will be taking the lead. As the initiator of the call, you are expected to start the discussion and ensure all necessary items are communicated and decided upon with the meeting time. Again, if several of you will be talking during the call its best to rehearse the presentation to make sure everything flows together and the transition among speakers is a smooth transition. It’s important to keep callers engaged and a smooth presentation is a good step in doing that. When a call seems disorganized and lacks an agenda attendees can start to tune out and focus on the work at their desk instead of engaging in the conversation.

3. Set Up in Advance

About 30 minutes prior to the call, confirm the phone number and access codes of the call and make sure that was the information sent in the meeting request. Check to make sure your conference call was set up for the right date, in the right time zone, and for a.m. or p.m. With some conference bridges, an error in one of those fields will block callers from dialing in. If you’re hosting the meeting in a conference room, make sure the web conferencing and phone conferencing lines are all in working order and turned on 15 minutes before the call begins. If you have to download any software for the call, make sure you’ve done that the day before the call on the machines you’ll be using. You’ll reduce the stress of your fellow participants if everything is flowing smoothly before the call even begins. Prior to the call beginning, make sure you know how to mute/unmute callers and how to record the presentation and/or audio portion. One last trick for success is to dial-in with the call participant information from your cell phone after you’ve activated the call to make sure everything is working correctly. Also, let a teammate that is not on the call know the log-in information so they can direct anyone who has misplaced the information how to join.

All of the time you’ve invested prior to the call will pay off in a successful call, saving you time in the long-run. And your participants will appreciate your respect for their time with your attention to detail in hosting a successful conference call.


By Rachel Rudisill