The Job Search

Poll Summary Results: Job Market Predictions for 2014

Poll_Results_Jan2014In a recent poll, we asked what your job market predictions for 2014 were. The results show a majority of people aren’t very optimistic about the job market in 2014, but others are remaining hopeful that things will look up.  Compared to the job market predictions of voters in 2013, there has been a slight positive change.

More than 36% of voters believe things will get worse before they get better, followed by 24% of people who are willing to take a risk and say they’re contemplating testing the waters to see what else is out there in the job market which is up 6% from 2013.

Coming in third, with 19% of the votes, are those believing they’ll see a promotion in their near future.
Another 13% of people moved from “staying put” to “testing job market water” in 2014 which is down 7% from last year. And 8% of the votes were for “other.”

The Up and Up
Regardless if you are optimistic and willing to take risks or if you’re not so hopeful about the job market in 2014, make each day count. You may not be able to predict your future, but you can work hard each day and help shape it.
For more insight on the job market or advice on your job search, check out these articles:
•    Use Networking Opportunities to Your Advantage
•    The Three Best Hard Skills to Have
•    Facebook and the Job Search
•    Job Search Success Simplified

Ditch the Title and Get the Job You Really Want

Guest_Post_Ditch_the-Title_and_Get_the_Job_You_Really_Want_Jan2014Appearances mean a lot to most of us, from the labels we wear and where we live to our job titles. It’s the social norm when meeting a new person to ask, “What do you do for a living?” And although some of us may not be completely conscious of it, we place a lot of stock in our answer. We grow up with the mantra “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but in all reality, we are all guilty of judging others, no matter how hard we try not to.

We are often judged by what we do when it comes to first impressions, and the bigger the title, the more respect we deserve in the eyes of others. It can be hard to give up a title like “lead manager,” “editor in chief,” or even “CEO,” for a job that makes you happier. But, I speak from experience when I say that sticking with a job because of it’s title is like paying $2,000 for a Puggle – when it comes down to it, it’s really just a mutt.

I learned this firsthand when after just a few weeks as an intern, I was promoted to the coveted editor position of one of San Diego’s largest travel and tourism websites. My boss chalked it up to my “can-do” attitude and ability to conquer any challenge. It came with a menial raise (barely noticeable) and a few new business cards, but none of that mattered because I was an editor. I didn’t know what I was doing or how I was going to tackle this task, all I knew was that I was given the title and it was time to fill the shoes. Over the next few months, I fumbled around learning the ins and outs of travel sites through trial and error and somehow ended up transforming the failing website into one that actually made a profit.

I was also taking full advantage of editor perks, flashing my business cards around town and reaping the benefits of it with free cruises, comped concerts and dinners, and a sudden flurry of social activities on my calendar. It was fun, exciting, and definitely felt good to meet a stranger and tell them what I did, but in reality, it wasn’t what I wanted. Sure the perks were great, but I was being worked to the bone, paid pennies, and constantly struggling to keep my head above water. I thought I’d run with it for a while, learn everything I could, and use it as a major stepping stone for my resume, but when it was time to move on, I had a hard time letting go of the title.

What’s in a title anyway?
Absolutely nothing. You can slap a big title on anything and make it sound better than it is. We get attached to titles and personas. Being called “editor” felt good and gave me some additional unearned respect among my peers, but really I was doing the same work everyone else was with a little more clout.

When I finally made the real decision to move on and job hunt, I quickly realized just how little that editor title was doing for me. Other companies had a starting salary that was higher than what I was making, better benefits, and a friendlier environment. I ditched the title and took a new job without the glitz and glam, but that made me a lot happier and put some money in my pocket. I may not be attending the biggest parties and rubbing elbows with the who’s who of San Diego any longer, but I have a job that makes me happy. I work for an awesome company and most importantly, I’m doing work that I’m proud of.

So, what can job seekers learn from this?
Basically, don’t jump at a job because it has a great title. Take a closer look at the jobs you are applying for and open your mind to the less high-profile positions, because they may be exactly what you’re looking for. Sure a big title can feel good, but just like any relationship, eventually the butterflies wear off and you’re left with what’s in front of you. Don’t let yourself be romanced by the title, choose your next professional position based upon the work, environment, and how much the employers respect their employees. There are many more important aspects to a job than what’s on your business card and if it means that much to you, you can always call yourself something fancy like a mobile sustenance facilitator instead of a pizza delivery guy – no one will know the difference.

About the Author
This article was written by Carli Leavitt. Carli currently handles outreach and public relations for a number of attorneys and is an SEO Consultant with Highrank Websites.

5 Resume Resolutions to Keep in 2014

5_Resume_Resolutions_Jan20142014 is here, and for many people, with a new year comes new resolutions. To achieve the goals you’ve set, make sure you have a clear plan for success. Start with small changes that can make a difference in the long run.
If one of your goals is to get a new job, explore a different career path, or get a promotion, this information is for you. Here are five resume resolutions to keep this year.

1.    Stay Up-To-Date
It’s important to keep your resume updated. Adding your current experience is much easier to do when you’re in a specific position than when you’re looking back and trying to remember. Also, you may forget important information if you don’t update your resume on a regular basis. If you’ve recently completed your annual review, consider moving some of your high points into achievements on your resume.

2.    Keep It customized
Since every company and job you’re applying for may be different, you need to tailor your resume for each specific job. For example, if you’re applying for an administrative job you’ll need to have a resume targeted toward that position.

3.    Have Relevant References
Make sure contact information for the people you have listed as your references is still accurate and up-to-date. When you look for references, be sure to select people who can speak to some aspect of your work abilities, character, leadership, work ethic, or knowledge.

4.    Easy To Read
If your resume is too “wordy” or not focused on the specific job you’re applying for, the person reading it may not think you’re qualified and may toss it out. Great resumes are easy to read and worded to target specific opportunities. Sharing numbers is another way to make your resume easy to read. For example, share how many words per minute you can type. By putting numbers in your resume the interviewer can define your capabilities easier.

5.    Always Proof Your Resume
After you’ve made changes to your resume, you should always check for grammar and spelling mistakes. Typos and other slip-ups are small mistakes that are very costly. After you’ve worked on your resume for a while it’s easy to miss little mess ups, so take a break and come back to it with a fresh set of eyes. You may be able to catch something you missed the first time.

What are some resolutions you’ve made this year to help further your job search? Share with us in the comments section below.

And what are the odds of you keeping those resolutions? Share with us in our poll.

Poll: What are the odds of you keeping your new year’s resolution?

According to Forbes, only 8% of people actually achieve their new year’s resolutions. So, don’t feel so bad about your 2013 resolutions that you didn’t achieve. 2014 is a new year and another chance to make those needed changes in your life. But don’t overextend your resolutions or you’ll end up right back where you are a year from now.
Your attitude can help or hurt you as you make your list of resolutions for 2014. So remember to stay positive. You’re more likely to achieve your resolutions that way!

What are the odds of you keeping your new year’s resolution?


Maximize Your Seasonal Job

Seasonal_Job_Dec2013Have you ever wondered if your seasonal job could potentially lead to a full-time opportunity?  If you take the right steps, there’s a great chance that it can. Throughout the holidays, managers pay close attention to holiday help. They look to see which temporary employees have the characteristics and skills of full-time and long-term employees. Many seasonal employees may plan to work for only a few weeks, but some people desire to keep their position long after Christmas. If you’re interested in staying on full-time or working at the same place again next year, here are a few ideas to keep in mind as your seasonal work wraps up.

Impress the Boss
If you desire to keep your seasonal job, it’s important to show your boss you mean business. In some sense, a seasonal job is like an extended interview. So if you want to become a full-time employee and work more than just during the holiday season, impress your boss with your actions and work ethic. It’s also okay to let your manager know about your wish to work full-time. Let them know how much you’re enjoying yourself. Managers like to know their employees are excited about coming to work every day. Tell your boss you would be able to help during other peak times and ask when they expect that to be so you can follow up.

Be Personable
Attitude matters. Employers appreciate employees who get along with customers and co-workers. Customer service is an important quality to have. With the high traffic and busyness of the holidays, people can be rude and lack manners, especially when they’re shopping through crowds and looking for last-minute gifts. To handle not-to-so nice people, it’s necessary for businesses to have employees who show great customer service and holiday cheer.

Stay Positive
Keep in mind, your manager may not be able to hire you full-time at the end of the season, but he or she will likely be willing to write a letter of recommendation, which can help you find employment at another company.Get the most out of your experience. Update your resume with your recent assignment; connect with your new contacts on LinkedIn. Let your manager know if you are looking for full-time work and if they can keep you in mind if they hear of anything. Follow up in a few months with an update on your current employment status.

Do you have tips on how to keep a holiday job?  Share with us in the comments section below.

Ted Talk– Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Have you ever heard the saying “actions speak louder than words?” Amy Cuddy, a social scientist and associate professor in the Negotiation, Organizations, and Markets unit at Harvard Business School, firmly believes that saying to be true. Cuddy‘s research on non-verbal body language reveals that we have the ability to change other people’s perceptions and our own body chemistry simply by changing our body positions.

In fact Amy has pinned the saying, “Our bodies change our minds, our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” Changing your body language can take time, but it is worth it. Amy believes as your posture and body language improves, your thoughts will soon change for the better as well. Our body language affects how others see us, but it can also change how we see ourselves.

Amy is well known for coining the term “power posing,” which means standing in a posture of confidence, even when you don’t feel very confident. This stance can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain and can potentially have an impact on your chances for success.

“Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it,” is a motto Amy lives by and it’s great advice for job seekers to live by as well. Whether you’re searching for a job or preparing for an interview, your body language can make or break you.

What are some mottos you live by? Share with us in the comments section below.



3 Ways to Get Noticed on LinkedIn

3_Ways_to_get_noticed_on_linkedin_Dec2013Are you a job seeker wondering what it takes to get noticed on social media and LinkedIn? You need to ask yourself, “How can I stand out from the crowd?” To answer this question and help you get off to a great start, here are three tips to remember.

Stand Out by Staying Up-to-Date
First and foremost, keep your experience and skills updated. It’s also important to have an up-to-date profile and picture. Whether you’re looking for a job or getting ready for an interview, a recruiter or possible future employee could be searching your name to find out more about you. If someone were to find an out of date or empty profile page, that could be a deal breaker. It’s important to have a profile to reference so people can gain information about you. Staying up to date is also beneficial for your job searching process because it gives you a better chance of being noticed by recruiters.

Stand Out by Customizing Your Profile
To attract the attention of recruiters, customize your profile to reflect the criteria recruiters are seeking. Recruiters often search LinkedIn to find people with skills and qualities they’re looking for in an employee. Use specifics in your profile to show quantifying examples of your work abilities.

While customizing your profile, be sure to fill in every section of your profile so your profile will be more attractive to a recruiter. Don’t leave a category blank or unfinished on your profile, because the more information, the better and take advantage of the opportunities LinkedIn gives you to share about yourself and don’t forget to share your professional experiences and awards.
You can see how easily searchable you are by the keywords that exist on your current profile. First, sign in to LinkedIn, click the drop down menu next to “sort by” and choose “keywords.” Then, search your desired keyword. As your online presence grows so will your ranking on LinkedIn.

Stand Out by Engaging with Others
Staying active on your profile will boost your visibility and allow others to see how active you are in your industry. Whether you’re speaking at an event or attending a seminar, post about it. Just remember LinkedIn is a professional social site, it’s not a place to share personal updates like Facebook or Twitter, so keep it work related.

It’s also a good idea to comment on news and updates your connections have posted.  Every time you update your profile, join a group, “like” a business, or post something, it shows in your connections newsfeeds and brings more visibility to your profile.

LinkedIn is a great tool to use when you are in the job market. Have you had any luck using LinkedIn? Share with us in the comments section below.