The Fundamental Office Tasks No One Teaches You

FundamentalOfficeTasks In an office environment, everyone is responsible for accomplishing specific tasks that generally require training. But, knowing how to accomplish basic tasks in the workplace that everyone is responsible for is important and will help you get your job done more efficiently. However, employers don’t always spend a lot of time training new employees on the processes and procedures for common office tasks. No matter your position at your job, learning basic office chores like making copies and filing documents is essential to your work. Basic office responsibilities may seem simple, but every company differs in the way they answer the phone to the way they distribute office mail. If you’re already in the workforce or soon will be, the following are basic information you should know about general office tasks.

Electronics. Almost every office uses various types of electronics. Whether it’s a photocopier, fax machine, or printer, be sure to find out how to use the equipment in your office. Learn how to add paper and fix basic paper jams. If your office uses one, know the code required for your photocopier or fax machine. Have a supervisor or co-worker teach you how to use the office equipment to help you avoid lost productivity and the frustration you feel when you can’t make the quick copy you need. Since administrative assistants perform tasks like these on a daily basis, they can be a great resource when you have questions about equipment in your office.

Timecards. Timecards are used in most office environments, and it’s very important to know how to fill them out correctly. So, when you start a new job, make sure you learn the right way to complete your timecard. Find out the deadline to submit timecards and who to submit them to. If your office submits timecards online, make sure you add the website to your list of favorites and keep the correct login information on file.

Filing systems. Filing systems are methods of storing and organizing files and their data in an office. Every business and employee has different methods and systems for filing information. While you may be allowed to organize your files to your preference, other documents in your office like legal papers and contracts should be filed according to company standards. Some businesses use job jackets, hanging file folders, notebooks, specific computer programs, or a combination of filing systems to file important documents, so make sure you follow your company’s system when filing information digitally and in print.

E-mail and meeting management tools. Computer software like Microsoft Outlook a very useful tool to help you manage your e-mail and meeting appointments. If you’re not familiar with your team’s e-mail management system, check out the software's free tutorials to learn the ends and outs for the program. You could even learn a few tricks like flagging e-mails or scheduling tasks to utilize this tool to its full potential. But, whatever software you use to manage your e-mail, if you don’t purge your e-mail inbox on a regular basis, it can get clustered fast. Be sure to keep your inbox clean and perform regular maintenance. Also, follow the company’s policies on using company e-mail and other electronic communication devices.

Office phones. As simple as using a phone may be, office phones may have a lot of buttons that can be a little tricky at times. Get a list of the different codes and extensions for co-workers so you can reference them when needed. Also, make sure you know how to transfer a call, place a call on hold, and join conference calls. Find out how to program your voicemail. Learn the phone protocol for leaving the office at lunch or for a meeting. Be sure you know the proper phone etiquette your office requires when answering a call.

The mail system. Since you may occasionally have to send out mail, make sure you’re aware of your team’s mailing procedures for regular business mail, shipping services like FedEx and UPS, and inter-office mail. Some businesses assign individuals to pick up and deliver mail from department inboxes. Or, you may have to take items to be shipped directly to the mail room. Find out where the mail room is located and where you can get supplies like shipping boxes, business and inter-office envelopes, and shipping tape so you don’t waste time looking for them when you need to get something in the mail fast.

Ordering office supplies. Most offices have a policy for ordering supplies, so find out how to request the supplies you need and when they submit orders so you don’t have to do without your much needed Post-it notes or white out. Some companies only provide certain items so make sure you ask what supplies you’ll be able to access. Also, make sure you know who’s responsible for ordering.

Remember, all offices differ in one way or another and the best time to ask questions about basic tasks is when you’re still new to the job. Don’t sit back in your chair waiting for someone to teach you how to make copies, take the initiative and learn how to make them now. Then, you’ll be ready to tackle whatever projects come your way.

What’s the Worst that Can Happen? Saying No to Projects

EntryLevelLifeButton_C You agreed to lead staff meeting this morning. It’s your day to go on a lunch run for everyone. You have a conference call with a client right after lunch. You have three back-to-back meetings from 2:30 to 4 p.m. You agreed to help distribute the office mail. And, to top it all off, you’re working the weekend shift to help out a co-worker who’s sick. Just the thought of all you have to do is overwhelming. It’s not a bad thing to want to be a “super employee,” but when you try to take on everything by yourself, you quickly start to feel like you have too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.  If this sounds familiar, you could be overcommitted at work.

Juggling tasks and demands is a big part of any job in any workplace, and the art of time management is an important skill to have as an employee. But, when you get bombarded with projects, how many times do you agree to do something else when you’re already maxed for time? To effectively manage your workday, you have to learn the art of saying one little word: “no.” Although “no” can be a scary word to say, it’s much worse to over promise and under deliver. The art of saying “no” is all about how you approach it and how you say it. Here are some tips on how to make your “no” effective when you can’t say “yes” to everything.

Track your project workload. Always know what projects you’re working on, when they’re due, and how much time you’re spending on them. This keeps you aware of what projects you have already said yes to and whether or not you can take on anything else. If your boss wants to assign you four new projects with an immediate deadline by maintaining a project list you can show him whether or not that can be accomplished with your current workload. If it’s not, ask if you can work out a new project deadline so you can have the necessary time to make the project the best it can be, rather than doing something quickly and filled with errors.

Know your job priorities. What key tasks are you responsible for in your current job? In your job description, what goals were outlined for your career? Those goals and projects are usually your main focus. But, you will have times where you do need to help out a co-worker with some of their tasks or take on a special project that has nothing to do with your job. It’s never OK to use the excuse of “that’s not part of my job.” A team does have to give and take, but if special projects are taking over your work schedule and you’re not able to complete your core tasks, something needs to give. For instance, if a manager asks you to pick up their dry cleaning, it might be time to have a chat with your boss about what projects you can gracefully decline. If someone other than your manager asks you to take on a project, tell them, “thank you, but I will have to check with my manager before I know whether or not I can do this project.” If you don't know what the priorities are for your job, check out the Tough Conversations podcast series to learn how to approach your manager.  

Maintain your ethics. In the workplace, not everything you do is going to get you ahead of the game. Never under any circumstances should you do anything that compromises your integrity. For example, if a co-worker asks you to lie to your manager to cover up a mistake she made, that definitely justifies saying “no.” Sometimes saying “no” may make you the unpopular person, but it’s better than jeopardizing your values and losing your job. Don’t let individuals bully you into saying “yes” to something that’s against company policy or makes you feel uncomfortable. If someone asks you to do something questionable or illegal, tell them “no” and explain that you feel uncomfortable with that. If you continue to be asked to perform that task, contact your HR department.

Keep things relevant. Obviously if you don’t know how to do something, don’t just agree to take it on. If you find yourself in the situation of not knowing how to complete a project because you don’t have the skills, let your manager know your concerns. It’s better to decline the project rather than try to take it on and hurt your career in the process. Most managers and co-workers would be appreciative and understanding of what you can and cannot do. Instead, they should look at that as a learning process for you under the guidance of someone more experienced. In the event that this happens to you, explain that you would like to take on the project, but do not have the necessary skills to complete it. You could also let them know you’re interested in learning how to do that particular job, but you would feel comfortable with some training or supervision first. 

“No” doesn’t have to be a bad word, as long as you can logically show why that is the best answer in a situation. Just keep in mind that as you continue to grow and develop in your profession, you will be expected to take on more duties. As your schedule gets busier and your projects increase, be sure you’re in control of your projects and your workday so they don’t control you. Follow these basic tips to empower you to say “no” when necessary.

Tough Conversations with Your Boss: Surviving the Uncomfortable

You agonize over it. You try to prepare for it. You put it off. And then you worry some more. Having conversations with your boss about sensitive subjects like admitting a mistake or requesting a raise is sometimes uncomfortable. And, gearing up for a difficult conversation can be a little bit like preparing for battle. It’s hard to know what you’ll face.

See Dwight Schrute’s action packed effort to get ready to ask for a raise on The Office.

But, tough conversations are an inevitable part of the workplace. At one time or another, you will probably be faced with an awkward conversation with a supervisor or co-worker. By choosing to address your concerns – instead of ignoring them – with your manager, you could open the door for big progress in your career, like improvements in your relationship with your boss, broken processes, your attitude, and even your paycheck. Plus, how you handle a difficult conversation with your boss now can be a great learning experience for future conversations you could have as a leader or supervisor in the future.

To help you effectively handle a tough conversation with your boss, Express is excited to share a free podcast training series on difficult workplace conversations. So, before your next uncomfortable conversation with your supervisor, gear up with these tips and advice to make discussions a little bit easier.

Clarifying Priorities
When your workload is overwhelming and your task list seems endless, things can quickly get out of hand. Having a clear understanding of your work priorities and deadlines is important. When you need direction on your responsibilities, have a conversation with your boss to keep things from falling through the cracks. Knowing exactly what’s expected of you will allow you to do your job as efficiently as possible. When you meet with your manager, be specific and honest about your concerns. Together, come up with a solution that works for you both. Check out this podcast for tips and advice on having a tough conversation about priorities with your boss.

Admitting a Mistake
Admitting that you’ve made a mistake can be one of the most difficult conversations to have. It’s always hard to swallow your pride and tell someone you messed up. But, instigating a conversation about a mistake you made is far better than being confronted about it later. If you’ve made an error that could affect your company or co-workers, don’t try to hide it. Be proactive and take responsibility. Be honest with your supervisor no matter how difficult it may feel and admit your mistake. The longer you put it off the bigger the issue could become. Together you can come up with a solution to help prevent a future mistake from occurring. Listen to this podcast for the right way to admit a mistake at work.

Requesting a Raise
Asking for a pay raise can be uncomfortable no matter the economic environment. But, if you feel your diligent work merits a pay raise, don’t be afraid to talk to your supervisor about it. Most employers want to retain top talent and understand that having competitive wages is necessary to keep their employees. Before you talk with your boss, be sure you’re prepared to explain the reasons why you feel you deserve a raise and be able to give evidence to support it. If you want a pay raise, listen to this podcast before you meet with your boss.

Difficult conversations don’t have to feel like a battle. You can make your tough conversations with your boss easier by following the advice of the Tough Conversations podcast series. For more information on having difficult discussions with your supervisor or leader, visit

Please note, the video clips herein and their sponsors do not necessarily represent the views of Express and are used for educational purposes only.

Getting to Know the C Suite – Advice for Dealing with Upper Management and Executives

EntryLevelLifeButton_E When you think of working with upper management or executives in your company, does it make you feel slightly nervous or make your heart start to beat fast because they hold so much power over your career? When you get into the work world, there will be times when you have to interact with executives on projects. So, make the most of the opportunities to impress your company’s management with these tips.

Be respectful of executives and their time.
When it’s time for you to meet with the vice president of marketing or the director of operations, be sure you are prepared for the meeting. People who work in upper level positions have a lot to focus on and a lot of meetings to attend. So, don’t waste their time. If the leader requests the meeting, ask in advance about what you need to bring. Be sure to research your topic of discussion, identify key talking points, and prepare a PowerPoint, Excel spreadsheet, graph, or document for the meeting as needed. Prepare questions you need answers to. Make it a point to be over prepared and have more knowledge about the meeting than you plan to use. And, always thank them for their time at the beginning and end of each meeting.

Reserve time on their schedule.
As mentioned above, managers and executives are busy. Be sure to reserve the appropriate amount of time on their calendar for your meeting with them. You may need to coordinate with an administrative assistant. If so, be sure to go through the right channels to book the correct time and space needed to meet. You can’t just walk into an executive’s office whenever you want to meet. To get their full attention and ensure uninterrupted time, be sure they receive and accept a meeting request. You may also want to follow-up with their assistant on the day of the meeting to make sure they are on schedule. Be flexible with your time when dealing with executives because something might happen prior to your meeting that requires you to reschedule with them for a later time.

Know how to address them. 
Do you address executives formally as Mr., Mrs., or Miss, or do you call them by their first name? This is something that may differ across the board depending on your company’s culture. At times, you might have an executive who is really personable and likes to joke around with everyone. But, if you address them informally, it could be offensive to them. You might have a Generation X manager who is more laid back and wouldn’t ever dream of anyone addressing them with a formal title. To be on the safe side, always address executives formally on the first meeting. From there, they can let you know a little more about their personality and specifically how to approach them in the future. After your meeting with them, if you’re still not sure how to address them, follow the lead of those around you, and when in doubt, be more formal. 

Always be honest and act with integrity.
When you’re in a meeting with upper management or executives, always be honest about what you know and don’t know. If, for example, someone unexpectedly asks you to report on the specifics of a project or how much something will cost and you don’t know the answer, don’t try to make something up to look good. Be up front and honest and let them know you don’t have the answer for them, but that you will research it and get back to them quickly. In most cases, they will respect you for your candor. Either way, it’s better to be honest than to fudge the truth and get found out later. 

Know your next plan of action when you leave the meeting.
Before the meeting is over, make sure you are aware of the next steps you need to take to complete a project. Know your key action items and any upcoming deadlines. If you are not clear about something, ask for clarification before the meeting is over. If you have any questions, be sure to ask. Sometimes you might be fearful of asking an executive a question because you’re afraid of what they will think of you. But, by speaking up and asking thoughtful questions, you’re letting them know you want to do a good job.

It’s important to realize that although those in upper management and executive positions hold some significant power within the company, they are still people too. There’s no reason to get worried about interacting with them. If you do get the opportunity, it is a sign that your employer trusts you and respects your work, and it’s an opportunity to learn from the very best in your organization.

Saving Contacts for a Rainy Day?

Have you ever felt awkward calling someone you haven’t spoken to in months? The task can be especially daunting if you have to ask for a favor. Just the thought of it can cause your stomach to flutter with butterflies, your palms to sweat, and a large lump to grow in your throat. So you put off making the phone call or hope for the answering machine to pick it up. If you dislike the “sorry it’s been so long” phone call, the best way to avoid this is to maintain the quality relationships you’ve built with individuals in your industry. Instead of storing business cards in your wallet to gather dust while you save them for a rainy day, put them to good use and strengthen your business connections right away.

Networking is a very important tool for being successful in the professional world. Whether you’re looking for a job or trying to land a contract, making connections with people in your field can help open doors. Career fairs, networking seminars, conferences, or even volunteering at a local charity are all great places to network, but what you do after making those connections is what really counts. Maximize your networking relationships with these tips.

Connect with social networking: After you meet a new contact, find out if that professional has an account on a social networking site like LinkedIn or Twitter. If they do, make a connection with them. Following a contact on Twitter, for instance, is a great way for you to continue building a relationship with them, and vice versa. If they have a blog, leave comments and contribute to the conversation. And, remember that although you want them to know who you are, you don’t want them to think you are a creeper or a stalker, so leave comments or messages in moderation and always be professional.

Send e-mails or make phone calls: A good time to make a phone call or send an e-mail to a new contact is after you run into a person that can help enhance the success of your career. Either call or send an e-mail a day after meeting them, letting them know you enjoyed getting to speak with them. Also, inform them of your current status in the industry. If you are unemployed, they may refer you to a company looking to hire someone with your qualifications.

Send greeting cards: Greeting cards are a thoughtful way to stay in touch with someone. Depending on the relationship you have with the person, sending appropriate greeting cards can be a considerate gesture your contacts won’t forget. Send birthday cards, notes, or congratulations cards when you notice they’ve received an award or their company has an achievement. Also, keep in mind that hand-written cards will probably be more appreciated and memorable, since they’re not as common as e-mails. Most people communicate via e-mail because it’s more convenient. So hand-written notes help you stand out from the crowd and keep you top of mind. Always send a thank-you note whenever your contact helps you. Though a thank-you note may be short, the thought goes a long way!

Share industry articles: Sending industry articles or interesting materials you find that your contact could benefit from is also a thoughtful way of being helpful and staying in touch. You’re providing them with relevant information that shows you’re well informed about what’s going on in their industry.

Be a connector: Even as you look for influential contacts who can help you succeed, you should also be influential in helping your contacts to network. Find out how you can assist those you’re networking with and who you know that would benefit them. Introduce your contacts to other people you know to help make great connections, too.

Don’t become the awkward person who only calls when they need a favor. This can make you appear selfish and often leads to one-way relationships with your contacts. Ensure that both you and everyone you are networking with benefit from the relationships you share. You may be surprised how much of a difference you can make in the lives of those you help, not to mention the help you will get in return.

Is Your Morning Routine Hurting Your Career?

My mornings often begin the same way. Timed to Rossini’s William Tell Overture No. 3, I slowly wake to the sun peeking through the window. I sleepily blink my eyes several times to adjust to the light. I yawn. I stretch. I waste at least three minutes contemplating going back to sleep for five more minutes, when I wisely decide to consult my clock. And to my shock and surprise, I discover I’m late! Again! Everything after that is a frantic blur. Rushed and stressed, I get ready in a fury. I inevitably have to hunt for my keys, and at least one misbehaving, runaway shoe.

After a frenzied search, keys triumphantly in hand and matching shoes on feet (You’ll never escape me badly behaving shoe! Never!), I’m out the door. There isn’t time for breakfast, coffee, or even time to pack the healthy lunch I had planned. Exhausted from my morning routine, groggy from a lack of caffeine, and grumpy from hunger, I start my day off on the wrong foot. Everything’s harder after that. It’s difficult to get started. It’s difficult to focus. I feel behind and rushed for the entire day. And on the days I find myself running behind, I can’t help but ask myself, are my bad morning habits hindering my career? Could I be more and do more if I started the day differently?

Maybe your morning routine isn’t plagued by wandering shoes or misplaced keys. Instead, maybe you struggle to get the kids to school or daycare before you head to work. Maybe you have to fight the morning traffic, the weather, or your dog that refuses to go outside, to get to the office on time. Whatever your morning routine, if you’re not energized and ready for the day to start, it may be time for a change.

If you find yourself struggling to get to work on time, break bad habits and create new routines to help make your morning run smoother. Set your alarm to go off a few minutes earlier. If that doesn’t help, try moving it away from the bed to keep from hitting the ever-dangerous snooze button. Pack your – and the kids’ – lunch the night before. Lay the kids clothes out before bedtime. Try to get to bed earlier with a schedule you can stick to. In the morning, open your curtains or blinds first thing to let the light in. Buy a coffeemaker you can program so it’s piping hot and fresh when you wake up.
How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. So, find ways to start your day off on the right foot to keep your career on the track to success. I know that my shoes and I are going to.

Dreaded Friend Requests: Who You Don’t Want to Befriend Online

EntryLevelLifeButton_D With the growing popularity of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, it’s not uncommon for friends to send you a friend request or follow your tweets. It’s OK to have be friends with your co-workers, but allowing co-workers to see your online social networking sites should be approached with caution – especially when dealing with Facebook, because it began as a site mostly for social purposes. Some employees don’t have a problem with co-workers being able to see their personal information or pictures posted on sites like Facebook. Others, however, want to keep clear separations between their professional and personal life.

Regardless of what you decide when it comes to your co-workers and social media sites, here are a few examples of who you should not befriend online.

Name: The Prying Boss
About Me: I have the power to hire and fire you. I may be in charge, but I like to snoop into the lives of my employees too much for comfort.
Interests: Checking your social media sites when making a hiring decision, I also like to read updates and make inappropriate comments about your weekend extracurricular activities.
Reason not to befriend: They’re a snoop. Plus, they’re your boss. Do you really want him or her to have access to information about your personal life?

Name: The Office Flirt
About Me: I’m single and ready to mingle. I enjoy long walks on the beach, cooking, and am looking for someone from work – or anywhere – to share my life with. I may have been told that my actions make others feel uncomfortable, but I still do them anyway.

Interests: I enjoy leaving suggestive comments on co-workers Facebook walls and digging up dirt on people’s dating history. How you doin’?
Reason not to befriend: They probably want to know if your status is “single” or “in a relationship.” To just be on the safe side, deny their friend request or add it to a completely limited profile that restricts access to personal details.

Name: The Office Gossip
About Me: I have never met a stranger. I can talk to anyone, and am just a people person. I am a wealth of knowledge about the workplace, and always find a way to get in on everyone’s conversations to find out all the latest news about what’s happening and what’s about to happen.

Interests: Snooping, prying, spreading rumors, creating rumors, and being in the know.

Reason not to befriend: That status and new picture you posted on Facebook could become the topic of discussion at every water cooler across the office.

Name: The Office Spy
About Me: I’m not a gossip, but I like to know things for my personal benefit and power. I am described as being like the wind – I’m everywhere at all times. I like to think of myself as the private eye of the company.
Interests: Stockpiling information resources for a rainy day when I might need them.

Reason not to befriend: None of your information would be safe. Every small detail about you could be uncovered and put into a database, only to show back up at a later day and time when you’re least expecting it.

Because of these types of people, it's important to know what your social media sites reveal about you. If you do get a friend request from one of these characters, the best way to handle the situation is to address it politely. Let them know you appreciate the gesture, but prefer to decline their request.