Tag Archives: abraham lincoln

Take It From Abe: Advice From President Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He served from March 1861 until he was assassinated in April 1865, leaving behind a legacy that has stood the test of time.

Today, is President Lincoln’s birthday, and to help celebrate his memory, we’ve compiled some of his best advice. Take a look at the quotes below to discover what you can learn about your job search and career path from one of the United States’ most famous leaders.

Whatever you are

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”
When it comes to being successful, it doesn’t matter what field you want to work in, what school you want to attend, or what companies you want to be a part of. What matters is how you improve and motivate yourself to become better at everything you do. Take it from Abe and strive to be the best in your career or personal life.

Whatever you are (1)

“I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.”
Making mistakes is part of life. We all mess up from time to time. But, how you handle those mistakes and recover from them can impact your life both personally and professionally. Instead of dwelling on the past, try to move forward. If you lack a certain skill that caused you to make a mistake, improve that skill. If you accidentally hurt a relationship, mend it. If you don’t do well at an interview, learn from your mistakes so you can do better at your next one. As Lincoln advises, always move forward.

Whatever you are (2)

 “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
Procrastination affects a lot of people. Sometimes, it’s just easier to put things off than accomplish them right away. If you’re avoiding working on a certain project, updating your resume, cleaning up your social media accounts, refreshing your references, or brushing up on your interview skills, take some time to face your obstacles today instead of putting them off for another day. The more you accomplish now, the less stress you’ll have tomorrow.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Lessons From History’s Greatest Leaders

lessons_from_history's_greatest_teams_webAs the saying goes, “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” This idea suggests that it’s important to study history’s greatest leaders and the traits that made them successful so you can avoid mistakes and become a strong leader.

Throughout history, great leaders like Alexander the Great, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela have overcome challenges, built great teams, and inspired radical changes that benefited the world.

And, here’s the good news – you can learn their secrets.

Most great leaders share common traits that helped them lead vast armies, inspire new movements, and cultivate world-changing ideas. These leaders weren’t born with a magical leadership gene – they had to develop those important habits and learn new ways to succeed.

Here’s a look at five of history’s greatest leaders and what we can learn from them.

  1. Nelson Mandela: Sacrifice and Humility – Nelson Mandela is the epitome of humble sacrifice. He often taught forgiveness over revenge, and was committed to peace and justice, even after being imprisoned for 30 years in South Africa. He went on to become the first South African president elected in a democratic process. His lesson? Sometimes you must sacrifice comfort and stability to accomplish your goals.
  2. Rosa Parks: Bravery and Determination – Look no further than American civil rights warrior Rosa Parks to see bravery and determination at work. Parks is best known for refusing to give up her bus seat in Montgomery, AL. That one act of bravery and determination helped inspire the civil rights movement in America. Her lesson? Stand your ground and fight for causes and purposes that are important to you and your team.
  3. Sun Tzu: Observe and Adapt – Sun Tzu, who wrote “The Art of War” in 500 B.C. China, said that a leader must learn to adapt to any situation, and observation was the first step in adapting. He said war leaders should observe the enemy, terrain, wildlife, and soldiers in order to create the best plan of attack. What can we learn from him? Study your workplace, home, friends, competitors, and environment to create the best plan for success.
  4. Alexander the Great: Encourage and Support – Alexander the Great was one of history’s most famous warriors. His secret was to regularly encourage and single out soldiers for special attention for acts of bravery. He listened to the advice of his generals and common soldiers. He listened to and rewarded even those considered inconsequential. His lesson to us? Support, recognize, and encourage your team, and they will bend over backward to continue to succeed.
  5. Abraham Lincoln: Never Give Up – The great president Abraham Lincoln was defeated more than seven times before being elected as president. He could have given up, but he kept going and kept trying. He also faced ruthless opposition to many of the choices he made as president, but he never backed down from decisions he felt were right. His lesson? Never, ever stop trying. Failure is inevitable, but true leaders get back up and keep fighting for their passion and their dreams.

Do you have any personal heroes from history? What lessons did you learn from them? Share with us in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.