Tag Archives: career advice

INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Items to Put on Your Resume When Making the Job Switch

Looking for a new job opportunity? It’s never easy to leave a job or industry that you have been in for a long time. However, making the switch can be worthwhile. One of the first things you’ll want to do is make sure your resume is transferrable and up to date with your most recent career achievements.

TopResume offers seven strategies for preparing for a career change by updating your resume for job search success. (more…)

Do’s and Don’ts of Helping Your Adult Child or Grandchild Get a Job

It’s graduation season, and at Express Employment Professionals, we hear from plenty of adults looking to find their child or grandchild a job.

We understand. Your child or grandchild worked extremely hard to obtain their diploma or degree. It can be difficult to enter the job market after high school or college, and the more people who assist your son, daughter, or grandchild in their job search, the better.

However, there are right and not-so-right ways to help these aspiring employees find a job. Let’s dig in. (more…)

4 Tips for Working With an Unempathetic Boss

Have you ever dealt with an unempathetic leader at work? It can be difficult to work with a manager who doesn’t understand their employees. They may be less than willing to allow employees time to spend with their families or understand how a death in the family or sick relative might affect employee work performance. This can result in a tense work atmosphere. However, there are a few things you can do to cope. (more…)

Infographic: How to Ask Great Questions at Work

We shared an infographic with you in March that broke down the five scenarios for asking for a raise. This month, we have another “how to” for you. Many of us have career-related questions that we need answered.

Questions arise on the job. The key to asking great questions is to make them clear and effective so that they can be properly answered.

NetCredit provides several ways to get your great questions answered at work. Check out the infographic below for a list of work situations and the types of questions you can ask to get the most helpful response. (more…)

3 Proactive Steps to Take After a Layoff

No one wants to experience a layoff, but recent layoff announcements from well-known companies have sparked concern among workers who are unsure whether their jobs are also in jeopardy or not. If you were recently laid off or know someone who has, it can be a confidence killer, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are three proactive steps to keep your career on track and remain diligent for the next opportunity. (more…)