Tag Archives: email address

3 Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Hired

Doyoucounteroffer Recruiters and employers have seen their fair share of résumés in the last few years due to a highly competitive job market. So, do you feel like you’re working 8 to 5 trying to land an interview?

Employers are taking numerous factors into consideration when considering job applicants. Let’s take time to focus on three small ways you can improve your chances of getting a job.

Update your contact information. Do you have your most recent contact information listed on your résumé? Yes, it’s a small detail, but without the correct information, it can wreak havoc on your job search. It’s frustrating for a potential employer to try to reach you when the number you gave them doesn’t work. They won’t be able to contact you. So, be sure to include a working phone number on your résumé or job application because a call about a job offer is one that you definitely don’t want to miss.

Give an appropriate email address. You might not think that a potential employer will pass you over for a job because of your email address, but they might. A manager wants to know that you’re professional, and an e-mail address like partyharty@emailaddress.com may not present you in the best light. Ere on the side of caution and choose a safe email address that includes your name – for example, first name.last name@emailaddress.com. 
Share your relevant skills. In order to decide if you would be a good fit for a job, a hiring manager needs to know about your work experience. What are your skills and areas of expertise? Employers don’t want to just receive an email from you with your name and a brief paragraph outlining how you’re interested in the job. They want to know what you can bring to their business, so be sure to include your skills that are relevant to the job opening.

It’s important to keep in mind that employers are looking through job applications with a fine tooth comb. Be sure that your information passes the test and gets you through the company’s doors and into the interview seat. Knowing that even the smallest of details are being considered will help you be better prepared with your career search.