Tag Archives: manager

Spring Clean Your Reference List

Spring_Clean_Reference_List_Feb2014Have you been using the same references for years? If so, what better time than now to spring clean your reference list? Cleaning up your reference list is just as important as updating your resume. Here are some tips to keep in mind when reviewing your reference list.

Maintain a Good Relationship with Your References
When is the last time you talked to your references?  If you’ve listed supervisors you’ve worked for in the past, do you know if they’re still employed at the same company? Touch base with your references and let them know they’re still on your list. If your supervisor is no longer employed with your previous employer, consider deleting him or her off your reference list. Although you should look for senior-level co-workers or leaders, you don’t have to strictly include supervisors in your reference list. Find a co-worker or manager who knows your work ethics and will give you praise.

Always Ask
Don’t forget to ask your references if it’s okay that you continue to use them as a reference. Each time you apply for a job and use references, make sure you give them a heads up and time to prepare. Not only is it polite, it’s practical. Your potential employer could be calling them and they may not pick up if it’s a number they don’t recognize.

Choose Your References Wisely
Your references should be professional colleagues. While family and friends would be great spokespersons to tell of your success and accomplishments, you need to use professionals as references who can speak of your work experience. Having a variety of colleagues that know you from different perspectives will give a diverse and positive statement to your future employer.

Coach Your References
It would be a shame to have worked so hard job searching and getting your resume together only to find out that you didn’t land the job because of a bad reference. Coaching your references will help avoid this. Write an email to your references or give them a phone call reminding them of your job search. Let them know about the job you’re applying for and give them the description so they can be ready to tell about your qualities and skills that fit that specific job. Give them a copy of your current resume so they can speak to your abilities.

What’s been your experience in asking for references? Have you ever had a reference that was the deciding factor in whether you were hired or not? Let us know in the comments section below.

Complain About a Co-Worker Without Being a Tattletale

Don't Be An Office TattletaleEverybody has that one person in mind. It feels like there’s almost always that one employee who never comes to work on time, eats their smelly food at their desk , or tends to make offhanded remarks while at work. While you should always strive to build strong working relationships with your fellow co-workers, sometimes those workplace relationships can’t grow without resolving the inevitable conflicts that arise when working with other people.

While complaining at every turn may not be the best way for you to resolve the situation, there are several things you can do to ease the tension without gaining the reputation of being the workplace crier. Here are some ways you can let your co-worker know how annoying they are without getting them in trouble or you looking like a squealer.

Make it Better Before it Gets Worse
More often than not, problems or issues that are ignored and unaddressed can build up until they explode into a less than professional situation for you. It’s far better to address the difficult person while maintaining some objectivity and emotional control. Take the time to understand why you feel this way and how your co-worker’s behavior can affect productivity.

If you don’t handle it on your own and go straight to management with your issues, it can tarnish your image of being promotable. Managers will wonder why you’re not able to resolve the issue, which will make them wonder if you have the ability and understanding to lead and make difficult decisions for the company.

Go Mano-a-Mano
One of the easiest ways to resolve an issue with a co-worker is to be a friend. After all, you are trying to look out for your employer and your co-worker’s best interest. Pull your co-worker aside and mention that they’re breaking a rule. If a colleague is using foul language in the workplace, tell them that their manager is bound to hear it at some point. This kind of method helps you communicate a minor complaint without putting the spotlight on yourself.

Sometimes you have to be direct, but with a pleasant and agreeable attitude when talking to your co-worker. Try discussing how their actions make you feel.  If a co-worker keeps coming in late, explain why you have to put off your lunch breaks to cover for them. Unfortunately, some difficult people just don’t care. During the discussion, try to reach an agreement about positive and supportive actions going forward. Then, make sure to follow up with the co-worker to see if any progress has been made.

When in Doubt, Reach Out
If you’ve done all you can on your own, it might be time to call for some help. Consider rallying other employees who might also have an issue with the annoying co-worker. But be careful with this approach.  Other employees might not have put the same tact and effort into their confrontation with the co-worker. Sometimes, a group approach can make your manager think that the impact of the behavior is wider and deeper than originally determined. Be careful with this approach, however. Know what works with your boss.

If you have to go to a manager, try going to the co-workers direct supervisor so the situation won’t escalate too far. If you do go to upper management, make sure your complaints are valid and it is a serious enough offense that disciplinary action should be taken. When talking to the manager, make sure you include a good amount of praise for the co-worker. Explain how you tried to work things out, but it didn’t get anywhere.

Make it Productive
Before talking to management about the situation, figure out if there are any flaws or areas of improvement in your employer’s policy and procedures. Maybe better training or scheduling is needed to avoid situations. Focusing on the root of the problem and offering ideas to fix the situation can make a great impression on your boss and is more effective than complaining. It turns you from a whiner into a problem solver. No boss on the planet is going to be upset when you go to them with a solution.

Sometimes it can be difficult to address conflicts in the workplace, but they don’t have to be as dreadful if you keep a positive attitude and put the focus on improving the situation and not on your complaints. What are some ways you have dealt with annoying co-workers? Let us know in the comments below.

The Boss That Binds: Building Trust With Your Manager

Trustwithboss_Jan2012_webThere are many reasons you could start working with a new boss. You’ve started a new job, and you’re ready to serve your new supervisor. Or maybe a few years into your job, the management shifts and you have to start working for a new team leader. Whatever the reason, there may be a situation where you want to start building trust with a manager.

Unfortunately, trust isn’t earned overnight. Building trust is like growing a flower. It takes time and attention to grow properly, and needs to have strong roots to keep it from toppling over. If just starting out, it can be difficult to find a place to start or know what to do. Take a deep breath and take a look at these three helpful hints to build trust with your boss.

Under Promise and Over Deliver

Too often, new employees are very eager to impress their supervisors by taking on extra responsibilities and tasks in a shorter amount of time. While it does showcase your enthusiasm and drive, you could also set yourself up for failure. If you want your boss to see your strengths and talents in the long run, make obtainable goals for yourself and aim to accomplish more.

When you strive to finish your projects early, you have the opportunity to let your manager review your final product. This way, your boss will see that you are taking an active interest in your manager’s opinions and have the ambition to create better work quality.

Be Open, Honest, and Ready

Your boss may have different managing styles; some are more hands-on while others are more inclined to delegate and expect occasional updates. No matter how your boss works, you should try to match their style. Set up a schedule of updates for your active supervisor. If you have a more hands-off manager, have your accomplishments, plans, and ideas ready for when your boss wants an update. If you’re not sure, try a scheduled 30-minute meeting with your supervisor every week or every other week to make sure you are up to date with each other.

It’s also important to explain challenges or mistakes you’ve made. Mistakes happen and a good manager will understand and work with you to get the job done.  That kind of honesty can go a long way in building trust with your boss because you will be known for being honest when asking for feedback and opinions.

Go Beyond the Shift

Take some time to learn more about your boss on a casual basis. Learning more about your manager as a person can help develop a stronger rapport, which can help strengthen communication. By getting to know a manager on a more personal level, trust is built by connecting with their points of interest. Try going out to lunch a few times to get a glimpse of how your boss is outside of work and find out more about them. When the personal connection and trust has been built, ask for feedback during informal meetings. Developing relationships can create more trust with the relationship.

Building trust with your supervisor doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does take time and patience. Trust isn’t something that can be automatically granted. You have to earn it. If you follow these simple tips on how to build that trust, it can happen naturally, and you can become a better employee at the same time. What are some stories of how you and your boss have built trust?

Five Tips to Make Your Boss Adore You

Bossadore_April2011_web In today’s economy, great careers can be tough to come by – and sometimes even more difficult to keep. Once you’ve landed your dream job it is imperative you continue to impress your employers with work ethic and ability. And these 5 tips  are a terrific place to start!

Be a great listener.
Being an active listener is a trait that for some comes naturally, while others must work to learn it. Hearing directions from your employer is quite different than intentionally listening to what your boss has to say. Company leaders don’t always have a lot of time so be sure to soak up all the direction and information you can. Take notes during meetings so you won’t have to ask the same questions repeatedly. Star or mark specific tasks you’ve been assigned. When your manager presents in team or project meetings listen for ways you may be able to help.

Apply the things you learn.
After learning a new technique or principle, apply it as soon as possible. Whether your boss informs you of something simple or more meaningful, put their direction to use as quickly as possible. By incorporating your boss’ instructions and advice in your tactics, you’ll demonstrate a willingness to learn and accept feedback.

Take the initiative.
If you notice something that can be improved upon in your office, say so. Employers will respect the fact that you are working to better your work environment and showing interest in what’s happening around you. Look for opportunities to suggest ideas that will positively impact your company as a whole, and potentially your career as well.

Focus on the task at hand.
Remember, time spent in the office is not your personal time. While there, your time belong’s to your co-workers, employer, and clients. It’s key you dedicate your time to work rather than distractions.  Spending time on projects rather than talking on the phone with your friend will not only improve your work experience, but also the opinion others hold of you.

To be reliable, practice following up on projects, meeting deadlines, and applying what you’ve learned on a daily basis.  Combining these characteristics with great work will exemplify your dedication to your field. Keep in mind, the more consistent your behavior is in the office, the more responsibilities you will gain.

Gaining and retaining a career you love is no easy feat, but it is possible. Applying specific and beneficial traits to your daily work schedule can make the employee your boss adores.

Before the Job Hop: First, Face Yourself (If You Dare)

Of late, the news is focused on low employee job satisfaction. The lagging economy and resulting layoffs have fueled that focus.

While job satisfaction appears to be at an all time low, the number is at a stand still. In 2008, best selling author Patrick Lencioni who wrote The Three Signs of a Miserable Job referenced a Gallup poll revealing that 75% of employees hated their jobs and 35% had checked out. Some of the most common reasons employees leave their jobs are:

  • Personality conflicts with their supervisor/co-workers
  • Salary and/or benefits package
  • No advancement opportunities
  • Lack of two-way communication between management and employees

Of course, due to pressures from the recession, many of these situations are likely to be more extreme than before. But, though 80% of people would consider job hopping, it’s highly unlikely that 80% of employees in the U.S. will actually change jobs this year.

So, if you’re feeling some dissatisfaction at work, it’s important to ask yourself what you’re going to do about it. Are you going to check out and stay on the clock, tanking your professionalism and reputation where you are? Are you going to look around for other opportunities (that may or may not be better than your current position)? Or, are you going to do something to create happiness in your current position?

While extreme life circumstances such as health issues or diagnoses of clinical depression affect happiness levels, your job situation may not be as extreme as it feels. If you’re unhappy in your job, perhaps a change in perspective could help change your outlook on your current job situation. 

Author and speaker John Maxwell suggests that job satisfaction is largely based on your ability to lead yourself. In his book The 360 Degree Leader he devotes nine chapters to Lead-Up Principles. Within these chapters, he helps the reader discover ways to gain the respect of their boss and peers. When you feel respected, your job satisfaction will increase. If you want to be respected and valued for your contribution, often that is gained through the actions you take to achieve that level of respect.

A few of Maxwell’s principles include:

  • Be willing to do what others won’t.
  • Be prepared every time you take your leader’s time.
  • Know when to push and when to back off.
  • Become a go-to player.
  • Be better tomorrow than you were today.

Whatever you choose to do with your career in this recession, make sure you take time to consider the bigger picture first. And, if you do choose to leave, make sure you’re not just running away from something but you’re running towards a better opportunity.

by Jennifer Anderson, Guest Blogger
Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Express Employment Professionals