Tag Archives: networking

The What-Not-to-Dos of Job Interviewing

EntryLevelLifeButton_A So, let’s say that you’ve created your résumé and reference list, you’ve been networking, and you’ve finally landed a job interview. Congrats to you!  Now, it’s time for you to meet with a potential employer and tell them why you’re amazing and why they should hire you.

Making a good first impression is important – you never get a second chance at it. A first impression is made within a matter of seconds, so a potential employer will begin making assumptions about job candidates from the moment they step foot in the door.

Because of that, you need to be sending the right message at all times. To help you make the most of your interview, keep in mind this list of what NOT to do during an interview.

Don’t arrive late. The employer is taking time out of his day to sit down and meet with you. It’s vital that you honor that time – it’s a sign of respect. An employer doesn’t want to hear that you got stuck in traffic or that you couldn’t find your favorite dress shoes. If he sets a time for you to be there, make sure you’re there. It’s a good idea to arrive about 15 minutes early.

Don’t dress to un-impress. You might live in jeans every day of your life, but don’t wear them to a job interview. Put some thought into your wardrobe and dress to impress your interviewer. Showing up to an interview looking like you just rolled out of bed will probably not score you any bonus points.

Don’t talk on your phone. When you get to the lobby of the employer’s office, turn off your phone. This way it won’t accidentally ring during your interview, and you won’t feel compelled to constantly check it to see if you’ve missed any calls. And even though you might have some time to spare while waiting to meet with the employer, it’s not a good idea to call your best friend and discuss your plans for the evening. You are being evaluated from the moment you arrive.

Don’t chew gum. Your goal during an interview is to come across as polished and professional. Spit your gum out before you get to the interview site.

Don’t appear bored. During an interview, a potential employer wants to know your thoughts and wants to find out what you know. Don’t just answer with “yes” or “no” responses. Elaborate on your answers, and demonstrate that you’re interested and knowledgeable about the company and its industry.
Don’t get too comfortable. The interviewer’s office is not your house, so don’t act like it. Don’t slouch in your chair or kick your feet up. These actions give the impression that you’re disrespectful or that you already think you’ve got the job. Instead, sit up straight on the edge of your chair and be interested in the conversation.

Don’t talk negatively about the past. An employer doesn’t want to hear why you didn’t get along with an intern supervisor or hear you disrespect anyone you’ve worked with. Talking negatively about others will quickly lower your credibility and likeability.

Don’t provide TMI. Too much information about yourself is a no-no. For example, it’s OK to share basic info about yourself in how you respond to questions, but don’t go into drastic detail revealing everything about your personal life. Also, don’t talk about your financial situation, what health problems you have, or other sensitive topics. Be friendly and conversational, but don’t go overboard with the info.

Don’t lie. An employer can easily find out if you’re lying during an interview by checking your references. If you’re asked if you know how to do a certain task and you don’t, tell the truth. It’s better to be honest about your skills, because you don’t want to promise you can do something and then not be able to deliver if you’re hired.

Don’t have an all-about-me attitude. Yes, an interview is focused on you and what skills you can bring to their company, but an employer also likes to know why you’re interested in his business. Tell the interviewer some interesting facts you know about the company. Ask questions about how the job you’re interviewing for brings value to their business. Coming to the interview prepared shows you’re interested in the job and have done your homework to prepare for the interview.

With your résumé in hand, a list of references, a smile, and these tips, you’re ready for your next interview. Keep these tips in mind, because knowing what not to do will allow you to stay focused on making a great first impression.

Want to read about some more interview do’s and don’ts?
4 Job Interview Musts
3 Tips for Interviewing with a Staffing Company
Responding to the Top 7 Interview Questions
Standing Out in the Interview: What Your Hobbies Could Say About You

Also, check out this Careerbuilder Article for some funny examples of interviews gone wrong.

What Has Your Network Done For You Lately?

EntryLevelLifeButton_C When you’re looking for a job, the importance of networking cannot be emphasized enough. Having a network of contacts is vital to ensuring your job hunt success. Yes, it’s imperative to study hard while you’re in school and do well within your field of study, but the old saying holds true: It’s not what you know, it’s about who you know that counts.

Who you know could bring about some new life-changing possibilities for you – and a job opportunity could be one. That’s why you need to make sure you’re meeting as many people as possible and focusing on building quality relationships with them. And, you always need to continue building your contact base – even after you’ve been working for 30 years. Social networking is great, and it’s definitely a must, but doing a little networking in person also never hurts. So, what are some basic tips to ensure your networking works for you?

Meet in person. Regardless of what type of networking you do, there’s still no substitute for meeting a person face-to-face and shaking hands. A direct meeting helps leave more of a lasting impression of who you are.

Start going to professional meetings. There are many professional organizations within your field of interest. Usually, they have regular meetings once a month and charge a small fee to attendees. But, it’s often worth the investment! This is a great place for you to meet several people at once and gain some new knowledge, since many of these meetings bring in guest presenters to broaden your skills. If you are unsure what professional meetings are available in your city, contact your local chamber of commerce to find out which organizations can benefit you.

Be prepared at all times. To ensure you put your best foot forward and present a great first impression, always have business cards and your résumé on hand with all of your contact information. In addition, have an elevator speech prepared. Be able to identify your skills and the type of job you’re looking for. Also, don’t avoid bragging about yourself a little. This is your chance to tell why you’d be a great employee. The goal is to show your networking contact how polished and confident you are – but just be sure to not come across as too confident because that can make you look arrogant.

Follow-up with contacts. Your networking’s not over just because the networking event ended. You have to continue building relationships with the professionals you meet. Send a quick e-mail or mail a note after the meeting to let key contacts know how glad you were to meet them. This will give potential employers a chance to respond back to you, helping open the door for more communication down the road.

Online networking. Be sure to have an online presence when it comes to networking. Create profiles on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and add the professional contacts you know. Networking is most effective when you combine both face-to-face and online options. After you meet someone in person, send them a friend request on Facebook, add them as a connection on LinkedIn, or follow them on Twitter.  Just, be aware of what your social networks reveal about you and make sure you project the same impression online that you do in person.

Networking is a great way to get your foot in the door when you’re looking for work. Building a broad range of connections is a good idea – but just remember to build relationships with those contacts! Doing so takes time, but the end result is well worth the effort because the top way that people find a job is through a referral. So, get started today!

From Good Employee to Great Boss – 9 Tips to Get You Promoted

You’ve been called a great employee. You show up to work on time every day, you complete your work by the deadline, and you never, ever complain. Shouldn’t this be enough to get you to the next level?

In the minds of some employees, the answer would be “yes!” But, in the real world, if you’re showing up to work on time, finishing projects efficiently, and you have a pleasant attitude, then you’re just doing your job!

It takes going above and beyond to get to the next level. So, check out these nine steps to get promoted.

Work where there is opportunity to grow. You can’t move up quickly if there is nowhere to go. So, before you accept a job offer, make sure you find out if there are advancement opportunities. If you already have a job, talk to your supervisor about creating a career path that will lead you in the right direction.

Be the best you can be. After you have accepted a position with an employer, don’t immediately bombard your supervisor with questions about being promoted. Serve your time, pay your dues, and be the best employee you can be. Coming in on time and staying until 5 p.m. does not make you an overachiever. So, ask your co-workers if they need help with any of their projects once yours are completed. Offer assistance when your manager’s load gets too heavy. Show that you are a team player, and be flexible with your work schedule.

Speak up. Don’t be afraid to take ownership on projects you’ve completed or to present your ideas and solutions. You don’t want to have a “look at me” attitude, but it’s OK to keep your boss informed of the projects you’re working on and the ideas you have. This shows initiative and demonstrates you have the abilities, skills, and drive you need to get ahead.

Network with co-workers. Networking doesn’t stop simply because you have a job. Make it a point to meet as many people as you can in your company. Don’t limit yourself just to the people in your department. Many companies offer career paths in multiple areas and departments. And, “who you know” can be important at work when it comes to decisions involving promotions.

Schedule meetings with your boss. Once you have put some time in at your job, consider scheduling some one-on-one times with your supervisor. Take this opportunity to proactively discuss how you are doing in your current position and possible career paths for your future. This is your chance to build a relationship with your boss, address your desire for a promotion, and find out what you need to do to make it happen.

Continue learning. Whenever there is an opportunity to learn a new skill, regardless of whether it’s included in your current tasks or assignments, sign up and attend a conference, webinar, or night class that could benefit you and your team. Continue to build to your skills repertoire. This will build your value to you as an employee and show your employer that you’re willing to put in the extra effort to be the best at your job.

Volunteer for new projects. If your boss asks for volunteers to work on a new task, raise your hand. But, make sure you have time to complete the assignment on top of your normal deadlines first. You don’t want to over promise and then under deliver. If you have time to complete the task, offer to work on as many extra projects as you can. This is a great way to broaden your skills.

Search for a mentor. It’s always a wise decision to search out people who you would like to emulate in your career and ask them to be your mentor. But, before you approach the subject of a mentorship, make sure you’ve established a relationship with your prospect. This is beneficial to you and your prospective guru. It gives you both an opportunity to find out if you’re compatible and allows you to determine whether or not you’re asking the right person to advise you.

Find other employment. If you’ve exhausted all the steps above, growing your skills, expressing interest in advancement and becoming an indispensable member of the team but still have not received a promotion, then it might be time for you to look for other employment opportunities. But, before you jump ship, make sure you’re not just being impatient. After all, timing is everything! If you still feel it’s time to move on, make sure you have another job lined up before you go.

Climbing the career ladder can be difficult at times. There are bumps and snags along the way, but if you follow these nine steps and keep a positive attitude in the process, you could just find your way into the corner office sooner than you think.

Full-time Job Versus Internship

Full-Time vs InternshipSummer’s fast approaching, and for some, that means college graduation and summer break is right around the corner. With a new-found freedom from school, homework, and classes, what would you do with your free time? Your answer should be to get a J-O-B. And, right now is the time to start looking.

Every new grad wants to land a full-time job with a great starting salary and benefits right out of school, but what if you can’t find a job right away in this economy? Don’t worry. If you’re striking out, consider applying for internships, even if you’ve already had one. They are a great way to get your foot in a company’s door, especially today.

Internships are a good option for companies trying to identify candidates who will be a good fit with their culture. An internship also allows you to take a look at the company to make sure it’s someplace you could see yourself working long term. In addition, some companies offer interns a stipend or a small amount of pay. That can help cover transportation costs to and from work, money for eating out, and some professional clothes. Do a good job as an intern and you could end up getting offered a full-time job when your internship comes to an end.

So, what do you need to start doing today in preparation for finding a job? Here are some key tips to follow.

Get your résumé together. Include info about your degree and experience. List all the activities you’ve helped with in school, in the community, etc. Since you don’t have a ton of professional job experience yet, this helps show employers the skills you do have. Be sure to tailor your résumé to the job you’re applying for. You really want to make your résumé stand out from the crowd.

Start networking. Now is a great time to start networking with professionals in your field of interest. By attending networking meetings, you can easily find out who’s hiring or who needs an intern. And, be sure to have your résumé with you when networking so you can give it to the contacts you make. Also in combination to your networking in person, don’t forget about networking on social media sites too.

Look the part. It’s time to ditch your favorite jeans with the holes in the knees, flip flops, and T-shirts for some professional attire to get people to take notice of you. This shows others you are serious about finding a job.

Be positive. Interviews and networking events can be nerve wracking, but don’t forget to smile when you introduce yourself. When people ask how you’re doing, give them a big smile and tell them you’re great. They’ll be interested to know why and learn more about you. Here are some additional tips to make sure your nonverbal communication sends the right message.

These tips can help you as you begin your job hunt. As part of My Entry-Level Life, we’ll be going into detail each week on a different topic to help you make a transition from where you currently are to your entry level job. Tune in next week as we talk more about how to build your résumé.

Share your thoughts about this series with us here. We want to know how you’re approaching the job hunt for your entry-level position.

Who’s Hiring, Who Isn’t, and How to Get the Job

While some industries continue to see sharp declines in job losses, other industries have remained strong during the recession, and some have even started to bounce back.

According to a recent report released by Beyond.com, Inc., a network of online communities for niche careers, healthcare and information technology are two industries that continue to add jobs at a steady pace. Their third quarter Career Trend Report for 2009 also indicated that sales, sales management, manufacturing, and production industries experienced slight increases in job gains in the third quarter of 2009, while professional services including accounting, finance, engineering, and architecture are experiencing declines in job loss.

For those looking for employment opportunities or looking to change careers, it’s important to market yourself, tailor your résumé to reflect the industry and the job you’re applying for, and research the company before the interview. There are several ways to make sure your résumé is top of mind when decision makers are sifting through piles of applicants.

  1. Identify your transferable skills. It’s important that you look at your skills and evaluate how to translate them on your résumé to reflect the job you’re applying for.
  2. Market your transferable skills in your job search. Once you have identified your transferable skills, tailor your résumé for each specific job.
  3. Network in industry-specific arenas. A key element to finding a job is who you know. By integrating yourself with key players in the industry, you’ll increase your chances of landing an interview or even a job offer. 
  4. Research a potential employer. You don’t want to miss out on the job because you didn’t know anything about the company. Research will also help you when you’re preparing a tailored résumé.

Knowing what industries are hiring is important when looking for a job or making a career change. Once you have an idea of what areas are expanding, tailoring your résumé and making the right decisions on how you prepare can influence the hiring manager’s decision on whether or not you get the job.

Who’s Spying on You Online?

With online networking websites continuing to grow at rapid speeds, doesn’t it sometimes seem that you have more friends/connections online than you know in real life? There’s that coworker you met very briefly at the companywide meeting. Another random person you met at the baseball game who has a LinkedIn account and works in your industry. Your sister’s best friend, her boyfriend, and his cousin. That guy who used to sit alone in your American History class in high school. This list goes on and on. Your online network could grow to hundreds of thousands of people, but would this allow for effective networking and relationship building?

Building a large network of connections is a good thing, and yes, that’s the purpose of most social media tools. But, it’s important to remember to be conscious of what information you do and do not post on your profile when using social media sites. Some sites, such as Facebook, are more heavily focused on socializing and staying connected to your friends. But did you know that many employers are hopping on the social media bandwagon too?

You never know who will see what you post online. It always seems there is someone who knows someone who knows you.To help you with your social media, here are a few basic rules to follow.

Learn about privacy settings. The first rule for using any social media site is to know what the privacy settings are. You might want to set your profile so that it can only be viewed by your friends. This way, once you have approved someone to be a friend, only then can they have access to your information and pictures. If they’re not a friend, they can’t access any information from you. This gives you some control over who sees your profile and who doesn’t.

After-hour pictures. Yes, everyone has a personal life outside of work, and what you do in your free time is your choice. But, realize that if you post party pictures, a co-worker or someone who interviewed you for a job might be able to see those photos. Another thing to keep in mind is that your friends can post things on your profile. On some sites like Facebook, friends can tag photos of you, so just make sure to do check-ups on your site to see what others might have posted about you.  Remember that your networking profiles are a reflection of you, so use your best judgment when it comes to the featured content.

Spell check. Even if you are not a journalist or in a communication-related field, make sure you don’t have a lot of misspelled words on your profiles. Typos and misspellings could communicate a careless attitude or sloppiness – two things you don’t want to convey in the professional world.

Social media can be a great tool for staying connected, learning new industry tips, and showing that you are up-to-speed on current trends. In the digital age, personal and professional can overlap. So, use these tips to make sure you maintain a balanced online image. It’s always a good idea to put your best foot forward by always being professional, even in your personal life. To learn more, view our guide on social media for business leaders.

Using Twitter to Help Your Job Search

In this day and time, there are many online social networking sites you can use to aid in your job search. And no matter which social media site you prefer, when used to it’s full potential, finding a job can be just a few connections, tweets, or friend requests away.

One particular social networking site that has gained popularity not only among individuals over the past year, but with employers as well, is Twitter. With job boards becoming overcrowded with job ads, employers have flocked to Twitter to list job openings. It’s not only more economical for businesses, but it also allows prospective employers to target social-media savvy job seekers.

If you’re looking for a competitive edge in the job market, try these tips in utilizing Twitter to help in your job search.

Create a professional profile. To get started, first create a professional profile on your Twitter account that lists your experience and expertise. Experts suggest putting a job pitch in your Twitter bio to help attract prospective employers. You can also link to a professional blog or profile on another networking site for more exposure, such as your personal LinkedIn account.

Post tweets. Before you connect with anyone, make sure you have something intriguing to say. Don’t tweet about what you ate for breakfast – instead, tweet about the industry you’re trying to land a job in, an idea that invites interest, or share a link to an intriguing article of substance. Once you have some substantial tweets on your account, you’re ready to connect with business leaders and other Twitter followers in your industry. 

Connect with recruiters and businesses. Once your Twitter account is created and you have tweets posted, start connecting with prospective employers and recruiters. This will help give you a heads up on potential job openings as well as an inside look into company chatter. And, don’t stop with hiring managers and recruiters. Connect with employees of companies you’re interested in. Also, connect with professionals from your industry and metro area so you are expanding your offline network to your online presence. This will give you even more networking opportunities and a leg up if a job does arise because you will know more people on the inside.

Educate yourself on Twitter applications. Twitter is not a difficult tool to learn, but there are several applications you can use to assist you in your job search. Check out these 15 Twitter applications that will help you get the most value out of your Twitter account and increase your chances of job search success.

The growing popularity of Twitter and the benefits offered are luring more than just social-media minded individuals. This site is attracting job seekers, employers looking for prospective employees, recruiters, and industry leaders. This social media site allows job seekers to meet in an informal setting and interact one-on-one with recruiters and hiring managers without an awkward feeling of trying to connect with professionals, like on other social media networking sites. So, try these tips when setting up your Twitter account to help in your job search.

For more job search, career, and workplace advice, follow Express on Twitter today.