Tag Archives: relax

How to Start Making Use of Your Extra Hour

extra_hour_webThe end of Daylight Savings Time in America means night falls quicker and the sun rises earlier, which gives you an extra hour each day – but not for long. Before you fall into the routine of your past schedule, make use of that extra hour with these tips to help boost your career or job search.

Even though you may have a regular schedule now that the time change has passed, there are still some extra steps you can take to make a difference in your job search or career.

1. Catch up on sleep

Sure, this sounds counter-productive, but using that extra hour to catch up on ZZZs will make you more successful. Why?

According to The Sleep Foundation, many Americans show up to work drowsy and say they turn in sub-par work performances on a regular basis. A Sleep in America® poll found that 29% of people admitted to sleeping or feeling sleepy at work in the previous month, and 12% were late to work in the last month because of sleepiness.

Get your sleep, and you’ll get better results.

2. Tackle a to-do list

If your to-do list is covered in dust, it’s time to get to work. Put in extra effort to complete little chores like freshening up your resume or sending out requests for references without having to make time in your regular schedule.

3. Begin reading a helpful book

Career-enhancement books or articles on job seeking contain useful and valuable information. Sadly, many job-seekers are too busy looking for work to sit and read. Take an extra hour to find articles or books that are inspiring, creative, educational, helpful, and engaging.

4. Start an exercise program

Counteract the grogginess that comes the end of Daylight Savings Time with a brisk walk in the fall air or by hopping on that bike that’s been sitting in the garage. Regular exercise helps with your career and motivation as well.

According to new research, workers who participated in some form of physical activity experienced significantly lower instances of depression and burnout at work.

5. Pamper yourself

Take the extra hour and use it to treat yourself to light meditation, yoga, a pedicure, a massage, or whatever helps you relax. Stress from work or job hunting can take its toll, so finding time to indulge in your hobbies or relaxation may be just what you need.

6. Organize your workspace

Whether you work at an office or from home, time to arrange and organize your desk or workspace is time well spent. Messy homes and work areas not only give a bad impression to co-workers and clients, they also add to daily stress by leaving you feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

7. Sign up to volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to add spark to your resume in between jobs and add to your skills. Volunteering also shows recruiters that you are a “do-er,” not someone who waits around for opportunities. Contact your local charity to find opportunities to help others while also helping your career.

How do you plan to use your extra hour? Do you have some ideas that we’ve missed? Share your advice in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

De-Stress Before Your Job Interview

de-stress_before_interview_webJob interviews can be a little nerve racking. Will the interviewer like me? What if I say something that sounds stupid? What if I don’t know how to answer a question?

To help you gain your interview confidence, take a deep breath and follow these seven tips for conquering your fears and de-stress before your job interview.

1. Get your portfolio together.
Don’t scramble to put this together the night before. No one knows your work better than you, so be your biggest advocate on interview day and have a stellar portfolio. While getting your portfolio ready, showcase your best projects. And, be sure to include plenty of copies of your resume in case someone unexpected joins the interview. On your resume, make sure it’s easily laid out for readability, organized, shows your training/education background, and lists your job history. Also, include a list of references for extra bonus points.

2. Prepare for interview questions.
Expect to be asked questions like:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why should I hire you?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What can you bring to the team?
  • Do you have any questions about the job?

These are typical questions interviewers use to learn more about you. A few days before your interview, practice answering these questions and watch yourself in the mirror so you can see your facial expressions or ask a friend to listen and give you feedback.

3. Do your research on the company and the position.
Not only will you need to be prepared to answer questions about yourself, but you should also be able to speak about the company and the position you’re seeking. What do you know about them? What do they do? Find out when they were founded, how many locations they have (if more than one), and some interesting facts about the organization.

Also, be able to share about the skills you can bring to the job. What are some specific duties you’re interested in? How do your skills match the job? Also, come up with questions you have about the job. How do you see this position growing with this company? What skills does the perfect candidate have? Questions like these will show that you’re taking initiative in learning all you can about the position.

4. Drive by the interview location the day before.
A big stressor for interviewees is the location of the interview. If you can, do a test run the day before. Get a feel for the traffic and identify just how much time you need to get there. And remember, you will want to arrive at your interview at least 15 minutes early, so factor that into your drive time.

5. Plan your outfit.
What are you going to wear for your interview? The key is to always wear professional in attire on your interview day. Get your outfit prepared the evening before your interview and make sure it is clean and wrinkle-free. Also, include your accessories such as shoes, a tie, or jewelry. Having your clothes ready to go will save you time on the big day.

6. Get a good night’s rest.
Go to bed early the night before your interview. Allow yourself to get enough rest so you wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to face the day. Don’t stay up late trying to prepare, and be sure to set your alarm!

7. Stay calm on interview day.
After you’ve checked in for your interview, use your last few minutes to take some deep breaths, remember what your goal is, and remind yourself that you can do this. Remember to think positive.

Do you have any additional tips for de-stressing before an interview? Share them here!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Will You Take a Summer Vacation? Take Our Poll

Summer Vacation at WorkWe mentioned back in March that most Americans are vacation deprived. With summer quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to plan and prep for a getaway. So, we were wondering if any of you will be taking some time off in the near future.  Let us know in the poll below, and tell us where you plan on going in the comments section.