Tag Archives: tie

How To Tie a Simple Knot

windsor_knotLooking professional both in interviews and on the job is an important element of your professional life. To help add a professional look to your wardrobe, we want to share easy how-to instructions for wearing common tie knots.

Recently, we shared instructions for completing the Windsor knotKelvin knot, and bow tie. This month, check out how to tie a Simple knot below.


Step One: Start with the wide end of the tie on your right side and the narrow end on your left.


Step Two: Cross the wide end over the narrow end.


Step Three: Bring the wide end under the narrow end.


Step Four: Cross the wide end over the narrow end again.


Step Five: Bring the wide end through the loop you’ve created.


Step Six: Pull the wide end through.


Step Seven: Making sure the wide end is on top, begin to straighten out the tie.


Step Eight: Before you head out the door, check out your new tie in the mirror and make sure it’s ready to go!

Were you able to conquer the Simple knot? Share these how-to instructions with friends or on social media by sending them this article or by using the image below. Keep watching Movin’ On Up for more tie tricks!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.



How to Tie a Bow Tie

windsor_knotLooking professional both in interviews and on the job is an important element of your professional life. To help add a professional look to your wardrobe, we want to share easy how-to instructions for wearing common tie knots.

Recently, we shared instructions for completing the Windsor knot and Kelvin knot. This month, check out how to tie a bow-tie knot below.


Step One: Before you start, make sure that one end of the bow tie is longer than the other by a few inches.


Step Two: Cross the longer end of the tie over the shorter end.


Steps Three Through Five: Bring the longer end of the tie underneath the shorter end.




Step Six: Lay the long end flat again.


Step Seven: Place the long end over your shoulder.


Step Eight: Fold the shorter end of the tie horizontally.


Step Nine: Place the longer end of the tie over the shorter end.


Step 10: Pull the longer end down.


Step 11: Fold the longer end of the tie horizontally and begin to bring it underneath the shorter end.


Steps 12 Through 14: Insert the longer end of the bow tie through the loop at the back of the shorter end.




Step 15: Pull on both ends to secure the knot.


Step 16: Check out your bow tie in the mirror. If it looks good, you’re ready for your interview or workplace!

Were you able to conquer the bow-tie knot? Share these how-to instructions with friends or on social media by sending them this article or by using the image below. Keep watching Movin’ On Up for more tie tricks!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

How To Tie a Windsor Knot

windsor_knotLooking professional both in interviews and on the job is an important element of your career life. To help you add a professional look to your wardrobe, we want to share easy how-to instructions for wearing common tie knots. In the first of our series, check out how to tie the Windsor knot below.




Step One: Start with the wide end of your necktie on the right. The wide end should extend a few inches below the narrow end.


Step Two: Cross the wide end over the narrow end.



Steps Three and Four: Bring the wide end through the loop created between your collar and tie.


Step Five: Pull the wide end back down.


Step Six: Pull the wide end underneath the narrow end. Pull to the right.


Step Seven: Then bring the wide end back to the left.


Step Eight: Pull the wide end through the loop again.


Step Nine: Pull the wide end all the way up through the loop.


Step 10: Then, pull the wide end down through the knot in the front of the tie.


Step 11: Using both hands, tighten the knot.


Step 12: Carefully draw the knot up closer to your collar.


Step 13: Give the finished product a look over before you head out the door.

Were you able to conquer the Windsor knot? Share these how-to instructions with friends or on social media by sending them this article or by using the image below. And, keep watching Movin’ On Up for more tie tricks!


Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Instant Makeover: Look More Professional In Minutes

professional_in_an_instant_webLooking your best in job interviews is an essential part of showing potential employers that you’re professional and serious about the opportunity. The same goes for maintaining a level of professionalism and success in the workplace. And, doing so doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, there are a number of things you can do right now to make your professional image look even more professional. Here are nine tips for an instant professional make-over.

Embrace the power of a neck tie
Gentlemen, if you’re heading to a job interview, don’t forget to throw on a nice tie. Wearing a tie instantly shows professionalism and lets the interviewer know you’re taking this opportunity seriously. If you aren’t sure how to tie a tie, don’t worry! Check out these how-to tips and you’ll be an expert in no time.

Polish your shoes
It’s amazing how a freshly-polished pair of nice shoes can pull together an interview outfit. Though it’s a step often missed, polishing your shoes is an important part of looking professional in interviews or at work. If you don’t have the extra time or money to have your shoes shined professionally, invest in some inexpensive polish and get to work yourself. GQ has some tips for do-it-yourself shoe polishing to help you step up your interview game.

Make sure you’re well-groomed
It may seem obvious, but it’s important to look your best during interviews or while on the job. This includes your overall personal hygiene, too. You can dress well, prepare for the interview, and speak professionally, but neglecting personal hygiene can instantly ruin the image you want to project. If you have an interview scheduled, make sure you’re ready by showering, fixing your hair, and maintaining a clean-shaven appearance.

Dress to impress
Whether at work or in a job interview, the way you dress says a lot about you. If you’re going to an interview, what you wear can make or break your chances of landing the job. Before you head out of the house, make sure you’re dressed in clean, unwrinkled clothes. Take your interview outfit to the dry cleaners a few days before if you need to, and be sure to use a lint roller if you have animals that shed in your home. To help you understand what to wear to an interview, research the company’s culture before you arrive.

Invest in comfortable shoes
With any job, chances are you’ll spend a good deal of time on your feet. So, invest in a pair of comfortable, work-appropriate shoes to get you through the day. If your shoes are old, worn, and damaged, you could not only be hurting your image, but also your feet and posture.

Practice your speech
Speaking in front of others can be nerve-racking, which may lead you to use words like “um,” or “uh” far more frequently than interviewers would like to hear. To help you eliminate such words and gain better control over your speech, try speaking into a recording device and playing it back. When you listen to the recording, take notes on your natural speaking habits and try to adjust. Do this as much as you need to until you’ve gained better control and confidence over your speech.

Be positive, respectful, and reliable
Being professional isn’t just about how you look or speak. The way you behave can also play a big role in how you appear to interviewers, managers, or co-workers. Especially in interviews, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude and be respectful. Be courteous to everyone you meet during an interview, from the person at the front desk to the interviewer. And, focus on being reliable from the start. Show up on time and perform any job-related interview assignments requested of you afterwards. At work, showing up on time, working diligently, and completing projects with accuracy and efficiency can help boost your professional image instantly.

Stay organized
If you have a workspace at your job, it’s important to keep it neat. Professionalism doesn’t look like a messy, disorganized desk, but rather a tidy, clean space conducive to learning and working. When you clean your desk, don’t forget about your computer. Keeping your desktop clean and organized can show a level of professionalism that is sometimes overlooked.

Make your private life private again
Social media is beneficial for many reasons, including helping you in your job search. But, your online presence can also cost you the interview or the job. It’s important to keep your social media profiles clean and professional in case an interviewer, manager, or co-worker finds them. To take greater control of your personal life, be sure to adjust your social media privacy settings and maintain a professional look on all of your accounts. Need help? Check out these tips for detoxing your social media.

How do you make sure you look as professional as possible on the job or in interviews? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.