Tag Archives: working from home

Dealing with a Difficult Boss Remotely

Micromanaging from a distance isn’t fun.

Working from home has its benefits. You don’t have to commute to work, you can wear whatever you want, and you might have a bit more leeway in setting your own schedule.

However, there are definite disadvantages as well. And one of those is working for a difficult boss. Some managers might be great at managing their team in the workplace, but terrible at communicating remotely. Others may be less-than-stellar managers in general and managing remotely just makes their controlling tendencies even more evident.

Regardless of what type of remote boss you’re working for, we wanted to provide a few ways to make interactions easier.


Working at Home with Kids During the Pandemic

Although some schools have opened their doors this year despite the pandemic, many are choosing to open virtually. This means many parents are working at home alongside their children.

And kids are great! We all love our children. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to work while they are at home. Helping the kids with their school work, while trying to do your work as well can be a major distraction. Here are some tips to successfully work with your kids at home during COVID-19.


Keep in Shape While Working from Home

Stay home and stay fit

Working from home means more freedom. You can listen to your music on full blast, finish a project from bed, and answer a phone call from your front yard if you want.

But that freedom also means unparalleled access to your fridge and any tasty snacks you may have lying around.

Wondering how you can balance your work-from-home life with fitness? We’ve got you covered.
