Finishing The Year Strong

The year is quickly coming to an end, and you may be in a hurry to start anew with the beginning of 2009. But, right now you have an opportunity to finish strong, giving you a better chance for a smooth start next year. Here are three ways you can make the most out of your time before heading home for the holidays.

Prioritize your assignments. Figure out what projects are most important to complete now, which ones are simple and due soon, and which ones require more time or energy but are due later on. Make sure to write each deadline on a calendar, and then pencil in when you’ll actually work on each project. This will help you clearly see if you have enough time to complete all of your projects or if you need to ask for help to get them done on time.

Schedule a break. The end of the year can be hectic and sometimes stressful when you’re juggling holidays, shopping, parties, and vacations in addition to your workload. So, after you list all of your tasks on your calendar, look to see if you can squeeze in some time for yourself. Whether it’s setting a lunch date with an old friend, spending an afternoon at the park, or taking a day off to relax, plan some alone time to help you de-stress. This will help you refocus on your priorities at work and complete them on time when you return to the office.

Keep a positive attitude. Staying positive through the end of the year can help you focus on your tasks and get each job done well. A poor attitude will just make your tasks seem overwhelming, so try to stay upbeat. Even though times may be stressful as you’re trying to finish up your annual projects, keeping a positive attitude will help you – and your co-workers – enjoy the rest of the year. 

Before you know it, the end of the year will be here. So, use these three tips now to help you enjoy the last few weeks of the year while still getting your work done on time.

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