Monthly Archives: August 2009

Job Loss & Income Level Top Recession Career Impacts, Readers Say

According to our latest poll, job loss is the leading impact the recession has had on the careers of our readers, with 31% selecting this factor, followed by 22% selecting lower income level. In addition, 12% of readers said that fewer job prospects have been a factor in their career during this recession. 

Interestingly, 11% of our readers responded that their career had not been affected by the recession, the next most popular selection in the poll.

The non-scientific poll, which ran during the month of August, received 506 responses and asked “How has the recession impacted your career?” Respondents were asked to select one of 10 factors for which has had the biggest affect on their whole career story.

Other career impact factors ranked as follows: fewer advancement opportunities (6%), working more hours (5%), career change (3%), less work/life balance, (2%), more career opportunities (1%), and postponed education (1%).

Have you been impacted by job loss, lowered income, or fewer job opportunities? Share your stories and comments with us by clicking on the “comments” link below.

For  more information about overcoming career challenges during this recession, check out the following resources:

3 Tips for Interviewing with a Staffing Company

When you interview with a prospective employer, you’re taught to put your best foot forward and present your best side. But what about when you go to a staffing company for help finding a job? Are you supposed to treat it like a real interview?

Interviewing with a staffing company is just like interviewing with any other potential employer. You must be prepared, professional, and informative.

Be Prepared. Before you go to an interview at a staffing agency, make sure your résumé and references are in order. If you’re looking for a job in a particular industry, make sure your résumé reflects that. Also, confirm that your contact information for your references, including phone numbers, job titles, and companies, are correct so your interviewer can quickly check references with your previous employers. You will make it easier for the staffing consultant to find you a job if you’re prepared for the interview with up-to-date and accurate information. 

Be Professional. Even though you aren’t interviewing to work at the staffing company, you still want to act and dress appropriately. Staffing consultants make their recommendations to hiring companies based on your résumé, demeanor, and experience. So, make sure to wear your best interview attire and act professional.

Be Informative. The one slight difference between interviewing with a staffing agency and interviewing with a potential employer is the kind of information you tell the interviewer. During an interview at a staffing agency, it is OK to talk about the kinds of jobs you are and are not interested in and what types of employers you might like to work for. You can speak a little more freely in a staffing interview, but remember, you still need to be professional. Too much information about your personal business, past employers, or mistakes in the past can be a bad thing and could even decrease your chances of finding a satisfying career.

Interviewing at a staffing company can be a great way to find a job, but you have to treat it like any other job opportunity. Being prepared, professional, and informative is essential in getting the most out of your staffing company interview experience. 

Have a question? Share it in the comments section.

Start Your Workday Right: 7 Silent Tips to Get You Focused

Worday Morning StrongWhether you’re spending your time in an office, on a
construction site, or hitting the pavement looking for work, how you start the
day will set the tone for what you do, and how you handle situations that

That’s why it’s important to take a few minutes
at the start of each day to focus and prepare yourself for what’s ahead.
So, use these seven tips to find focus in the silence of the morning, before
the hubbub of work pulls your attention away.

1. Listen – Turn on your favorite song, or find another
sound you find soothing. Before you begin talking and engaging with the world,
listen to it.

2. Meditate – Before work, chances are your mind is
running over all the tasks, meetings, and projects you need to tackle. It can
be difficult to focus in the morning when your thoughts are all over the place.
So, take a few moments, perhaps on your commute to the office, to pray, think,
or meditate on the things to come. Clear your mind of all the distractions,
worries, and expectations you have, and find a place of calm where you can
settle for a few moments before you get into the activity of the day.

3. Stretch – Taking just a few minutes to stretch before
you start to work is a great way to prepare your body for the day ahead.
Whether you’re active or sitting at a desk, you need a chance to warm up
your muscles and energize your mind. There are many quick and easy stretches
you can do, so take just a few minutes and stretch.

4. Breathe – Simply closing your eyes, relaxing your
neck, shoulders, and face, and taking a few deep breaths is a great way to
clear your mind so you can focus.

5. Smile – It may sound silly, but research shows that
simply smiling can enhance your mood. So smile every morning, and remind
yourself of all the good things the day holds. Smiling in the morning will
energize your face and help you feel happier and keep you smiling you
throughout the day. If you need a little smile inspiration, check out the
Happiness Project, a photo group that’s collecting pictures of a million
unique smiles.


6. Play – Perhaps you have a child or pet you can spend a
few moments of quality time with before you head to work. Or, find a brain
teaser or puzzle you can work on before heading out the door. Get your mind
engaged in a fun activity early in the morning, and wake up your brain.
Don’t wait for your workday to finish before you find time to enjoy life.
Awake your creativity by finding ways to play before you start the daily grind.

7. Plan – Set one goal for yourself daily. A goal you can
reasonably accomplish. Choose the most important contribution you can make at
this moment in time. Of course, you’ll probably accomplish more than that
one thing, but set your focus early by knowing your top priority. This will help
you cut through the clutter and noise of the workday and set you up for
success. Because when you accomplish your day’s goal, you can celebrate
and enjoy the satisfaction of that accomplishment.

Before you start work, be intentional about taking some time
to find your focus. Spend a few minutes engaging your mind and your body so you
can get the most out of the potential in each day. You’ll find yourself
ready to take on the challenge of the day with energy, focus, and purpose.

Do you have a favorite part of your morning routine that
helps you get ready for the workday? Share your ideas and tips in the comments

12 Tips to Update Your Cash Savings Plan and Gain Peace of Mind

In these current economic times, it seems that everyone is looking for new ways to make a little extra money and save what they already have. Does this sound like you? Having money in the bank for an emergency is important, but having money stashed away in case of a layoff is equally important.

With bills to pay and things you want to buy, saving might be something you tend to push to the back burner. Or maybe you don’t know where to start when it comes to saving and you just feel overwhelmed. But, there is good news! Saving doesn’t have to be difficult or a burden. To help you develop or re-develop your own savings plan, here are 12 easy tips you can start using today to help build your emergency fund and feel good about your finances.

  1. Rent or borrow movies from friends instead of going out to the movies.
  2. Cook at home and take your lunch to work rather than eating out.
  3. Limit yourself to only going to the mall once a month.
  4. Limit how many purchases you make with your credit cards.
  5. Give yourself a “pocket money” limit. Put your cash and loose change in an envelope and use it only for items you want but don’t really need. When that money is gone, you will have to wait until next month’s budget to make additional purchases.
  6. Make shopping lists and stick to them.
  7. Wait 30 days before making a big dollar purchase to think it over and make sure you really need the item.
  8. Go to the library to check out books, DVDs, and CDs.
  9. Make gifts for others on birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
  10. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when you leave a room to help lower your electricity bill.
  11. Carpool to work.
  12. Cancel expensive gym memberships if you aren’t going frequently.

These are just a few examples of ways you can cut spending costs. You should also open up a savings account at your bank and deposit the money you’re saving in there. With your money in the bank, it will gain interest each month, helping you save more in a shorter amount of time. 

Developing and sticking to a savings plan may take a little time, but it is something that you can definitely do. Start using these tips today and see how much money you can save in one month. Happy saving!

What do you think? Let us know some other tips that we can add to this savings list. We look forward to hearing from you.

Seeker or Sleeper: What’s Your Job Search Style

Have you ever thought about the differences between superstars and slouches? We usually think about separating the high achievers from the low performers on the job, but it pertains to job seekers as well.

The three indicators discussed in The Key Differences between Superstars and Slouches can also relate to the different styles of people searching for jobs.

First, people who find jobs understand that finding a job is a full-time position. They devote an 8-hour workday to the process. They wake up in the morning, get ready for the day, and start their job search bright and early. They filter through employment opportunities, compiling a list of prospective employers to submit their résumés to. They don’t allow past failures or a sluggish economy to get in the way of finding a job.

Second, successful job seekers usually are relentless in their job search process. They pound the pavement looking for employment opportunities wherever they can find them. They don’t limit their job search to certain hours of the day. After they submit applications and résumés, they follow up with phone calls to ensure that potential employers have received all necessary documents and request a time for an interview. They don’t wait around with fingers crossed.

Third, job getters are the ones who don’t make excuses for the lack of employment opportunities. They understand the obstacles that stand in their way. Whether it’s a down economy, a competitive job market, or a lack of qualifications inhibiting their job search success, they reevaluate the situation and determine solutions.

The job search process may take longer than would have a year ago, but there are still jobs available. The difference is the job seeker. Successful job seekers process these three key elements, and the sleepers, well um, they sleep. So, don’t give up and fall into a job search slumber.

Check out your local Express office today for help in the job search process.

21 Negative Thoughts that Can Stop You in Your Tracks

Do you ever think about how words impact your day? The simplest comments from co-workers and colleagues can help you have a good or bad day, depending on what was said. But, what about the words you use? Have you ever thought about how your own thoughts and words can change the course of your day and the day of others?

The power of positive thinking and speaking can impact your mood and improve productivity at work. The same holds true for negative thoughts and words and their harmful effects on your everyday outlook. Check out these 21 negative terms that can hinder your productivity, motivation, and even your success.

1. I can’t.
2. This stinks.
3. That’s stupid.
4. I can’t believe they did that.
5. I’m horrible at this.
6. No one cares.
7. This isn’t my problem.
8. Is it five o’clock yet?
9. I never…
10. That’s not my project.
11. I don’t care.
12. It didn’t work last time.
13. It doesn’t matter.
14. Why do I have to do this?
15. My job sucks.
16. This is too hard.
17. I don’t like this.
18. I don’t want to do this.
19. Who came up with this idea?
20. It will never work.
21. No one will help me.

What you say to others, and especially yourself, can either empower or unplug your progress. In order to stay happy, productive, and keep moving in a positive direction, replace your negative words with positive ones. You will be amazed the difference made on your outlook, life, relationships, and career.

Recession Checkup: How’s Your Career?

Well over a year into one of the steepest recessions in decades, reports say things are beginning to look up for the economy. But, as the economy struggled, so did the workforce with rising unemployment rates, rocking the world of work from the inside out. Everyone has a different career story, and situations impact people differently, depending on personal motivations and financial situations. So, we want to know what this recession has meant to your career. Has it been a time of struggle or of success?

Your career may have been affected by several factors, but which has had the greatest influence on you – not just on your current job or financial situation, but on your whole career story? Let us know by voting in our online poll, and share your recession career stories in the comments below.