Unlock Your Inner Memorization Abilities

Nelson Dellis was your average guy. He never had the best memory and frequently experienced trouble remembering names, places, and other information that was quickly presented to him. Does this sound like you at times? Perhaps you go to a networking event, trade show, or meeting and get so bombarded with names, faces, ideas, and other facts that it feels like data is going in one ear and out the other.

Nelson’s grandmother suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and eventually passed away in 2009. At that point, he became concerned for his future and took it upon himself to strengthen his mind. He started to research and discovered stories of people with average memory training their minds to do amazing things. Nelson became inspired to learn these techniques to see how far he could push his mind.

In March of 2012, Nelson’s hard work and determination helped him win the USA Memory Championship – for the second consecutive year.  He even set the new U.S. record for speed number memory.

The key to the story is that you don’t have to become a national champion to improve your memory at work or on the job search. Being able to retain information, especially facts given to you rapidly with little time to process the information, is a valuable skill to have in the workplace or job market. You can appear more competent and intelligent when you can quickly adapt to any terms, slang, or jargon being thrown around that you aren’t familiar with.

Improving your memory can also give you a boost of confidence when networking or interviewing because you won’t be focused on remembering the details, but enjoying the conversation and connection with others instead. You can also be better engaged with those you talk to because you’ll be better able to remember comments and information given to you, and then mention them in a later interview or conversation. This will help those talking to you know you are really paying attention and care about them.

Nelson summed up the benefits of improving memory when he said, “…names and faces. I’m very good at remembering just lists of things that I have to do. It’s very useful. And when I go out into, say, a meeting, an interview, or a social setting, I know that you can give me information and I can spew it back to you, if need be. And that’s a really comforting feeling and allows me to be a little more confident.”

What are some techniques you have used to help better remember names or other types of information? Sound off in the comments section below.


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