Daily Archives: March 8, 2013

Determining Your Own Success

determine own successMany people make their way through life going through the motions day in and day out. But, others seem to embrace the potential of each day and appear happier, more financially sound, and even more successful, whether they run their own restaurant or deliver the Sunday paper.

Success is simply gratification – knowing you accomplished something to be proud of. That’s why goals are a critical component of every success story. When you have goals in place, you’re more likely to push yourself harder, achieve more, and reach your definition of success. For one person, success may be graduating high school, for another it’s winning the Pulitzer Prize. No matter who you are, where you’ve come from, or where you’re headed, you can be successful, too! Start by asking yourself these three questions to develop your goals and define success for yourself.

What would make me feel successful?
To start setting your goals, you need to take a look at the big picture and figure out what you want to achieve in life. What career achievements would make you proud of yourself? Is it owning your own business, earning lots of money, or holding a steady job that will allow you to retire when you want? For this first question, go ahead and dream big. Jot down everything you think would give you gratification, and then ask yourself the next question.

How much do I want this?
Look at your list, and determine if the goals you wrote down are desirable and if you’re willing to put forth the time and energy to work toward them. If you don’t believe in your goals 100%, you’ll be less likely to focus your efforts on them, and possibly fall short of accomplishing your goals. But if you’re willing to work hard and strive for what you want, you’re likely to reach your goals and find your definition of success. Put the goals that you believe in the most at the top of your list and concentrate on those.

How am I going to reach my goals?
Now that you’re focused on achieving your goals, it’s time to plan your next steps. Take each goal individually and determine how you’re going to reach each one. Include short-term and long-term steps you need to take to get closer to your goal. Keep your list of goals and your plan available so you can look back at it any time you need direction or motivation. This will help you remain focused on your ultimate goals and help you decide what you need to do today to be successful.

You have the power to be successful, so start by taking the opportunity to sit down and answer these three questions. After determining what gives you gratification, writing down your goals, and figuring out how you’re going to reach them, you’ll be well on your way to a happy, fulfilled, and successful future.