5 Ways to Show Appreciation for Your Boss

appreciate_boss_webBeing the boss can be tough. You have to keep up with everything, assign work, and evaluate employees. But, supervisors are still human and want to feel appreciated.

So, when was the last time you and your co-workers showed appreciation to your boss? Since showing appreciation is important, here are five ways to give thanks to your boss this holiday season.

Offer the Gift of Time
Taking the time to listen and talk with your boss is a simple way to show appreciation. Offer to take on a few tasks to help lessen your supervisor’s workload. Your boss gets overwhelmed just like you do, so showing appreciation with the gift of time is invaluable.

Open Up
Next time you have an appropriate chance, ask your boss something that doesn’t have to do with work. Ask their opinion about a news story or advice on vacation plans. Ask about their family or just simply ask how they are doing. Giving your boss the opportunity to talk about what he or she is passionate about can create a bond that also shows you are genuinely interested in your boss as a person.

Respect Your Boss
One of the easiest and most important ways to appreciate your boss is to simply show him or her respect. Respect can be shown by working hard on projects, being at work on time, volunteering new ideas, supporting your boss’ decisions, and listening attentively.

Stay Positive
Being a positive influence in the office means more than you think. Try to be helpful, cheerful, and willing to take on new tasks or projects. Enthusiastically asking for ways you can help out more at the office also shows a sunny disposition, and chances are your boss will appreciate your positive attitude.

Give Thanks
Many people have forgotten the simple gift of saying “thank you.” For instance, if your supervisor gives you a new project, thank him or her for the opportunity. If you get approval on an idea, be quick to show your gratitude. For big projects or requests, a handwritten thank-you note is a nice touch as well.

Everyone likes to be appreciated, and showing gratitude can go a long way. Start a culture of appreciation in your office, and more than likely, you’ll start to see appreciation come your way as well.

How do you express your appreciation for your co-workers or boss? Share your best tips with us in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


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