Daily Archives: January 3, 2020

Ace Your Interviews in 2020

Get that dream job this year with these top tips

Here at Job Journey, we want you to ace your interviews and get the job that’s perfect for you. That’s why we write blog after blog chock full of interview tips, job search hacks, and other great expert advice.

To get your interview skills revved up and running this year, we’re collecting a few of our top articles all in one place. Ready. Set. Go!


Job Spotlight: Mechanic

Fix up your career with a mechanic position!

Despite already having experience with several jobs, many working adults are unable to answer the age-old question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Our Job Spotlight monthly blog series is designed to help answer that question. In this series, we review all the basics of specific jobs, from pay and duties, to why people do the jobs they do.
