Success Tips for Getting Through the First 90 Days at Work

You rocked your interview and landed the job! Now what? The first 90 days of work are important for any new employee because you are able to shape important first impressions, build relationships, and establish a rhythm for your new role.

Here are some quick tips to help you successfully navigate those first 90 days.

  1.  Get to work on time. Punctuality is a good habit to have on the job. Leave your home early enough with traffic time added to your work commute. Be sure to arrive to work 10-15 minutes prior to your start time.
  2.  Do your homework. Take the time to learn all you can about the company, its products, and services. Skim through the bios of the company’s executive staff. Be sure to also follow your company’s social media channels for the latest updates and announcements.
  3.  Set up one-on-one meetings with key people with whom you will interact. Remember names. Find out which departments you will need to work with. Take initiative by sending a follow up email to the co-workers you meet and thank them for taking time out of their day.
  4.  Say yes. Be willing to take on opportunities that present themselves, as long as you feel comfortable doing so. This is a great way to show initiative and get involved.
  5.  Build relationships. Ask your co-workers to grab a cup of coffee or go to lunch with you and get to know them better. Doing this helps builds connections. Be sure to ask questions about their job duties to gain a better perspective on how the department works. This will help you know how to approach them about future projects or tasks.
  6.  Deliver on deadlines. If you promise to complete a task by a specific time and date, be sure to keep your promise. No one likes a bunch of excuses.
  7.  Work hard. Stay focused on the task at hand and avoid distractions.
  8.  Learn office politics but resist involvement. Stay away from internal politics and turf battles. Learn the inner workings of the organization without having to choose sides. Getting involved is a no-win situation.
  9.  Understand your role. Get a clear understanding of your job responsibilities from your direct supervisor. Taking advice from co-workers can be helpful, but confirm your specific job duties with your supervisor.
  10.  Have confidence. The skills that you have acquired in your professional life landed you the job; now learn your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your new job.


If you recently started a new job, let us know in the comments section below how you got through your first 90 days.


  1. Pingback: Quick Tips for Getting Through the First 90 Days at Work | Express Pros Manchester

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