At Work

4 Reasons to Work in Skilled Trades

When you’re thinking about a career change, or a job to take on after high school, which types of jobs do you think of first? If most of your work ideas revolve around an office, you probably aren’t thinking about skilled trades jobs.

When you’re thinking about a career change, or a job to take on after high school, which types of jobs do you think of first? If most of your work ideas revolve around an office, you probably aren’t thinking about skilled trades jobs.

So, what is a skilled trade? At the most basic level, a skilled trade is any job that requires a specialized skill, usually obtained through a technical school, college, or on-the-job training through an apprenticeship or internship. (more…)

Pride Month and the Workplace

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.”—Barbara Gittings, LGBT activist

June is recognized as Pride Month. It’s a time to honor and highlight the history, challenges, and achievements of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community. More workplaces are incorporating Pride Month activities as part of their employee engagement strategy. (more…)

INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Items to Put on Your Resume When Making the Job Switch

Looking for a new job opportunity? It’s never easy to leave a job or industry that you have been in for a long time. However, making the switch can be worthwhile. One of the first things you’ll want to do is make sure your resume is transferrable and up to date with your most recent career achievements.

TopResume offers seven strategies for preparing for a career change by updating your resume for job search success. (more…)

Mental Health Awareness at Work

Despite a hot jobs market, mass layoffs in certain industries, resignations, burnout, and inflation are causing employees to examine their personal mental health.

The way we think can determine the way we function. Advocating for your mental health and wellness at work is important. When you’re stressed at work, it can be hard to concentrate on the task at hand. So, help relax your mind with these tips: (more…)

VIDEO: Workplace Ergonomics

April is a month of several health holidays, and we want to continue the month with a video focused on your workplace posture. Good posture is incredibly important to avoid long-term damage to your body.

Sitting at a desk for hours on end can result in musculoskeletal disorders. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, musculoskeletal disorders account for 31% of the total cases for all workers’ injuries.

Watch this video below to learn how to situate your workstation to maximize your posture.

When it comes to protecting your posture, simply being aware of what good posture looks like is be incredibly helpful. Try to do a “body check-in” every hour or so to make sure everything is aligned.

4 Tips for Working With an Unempathetic Boss

Have you ever dealt with an unempathetic leader at work? It can be difficult to work with a manager who doesn’t understand their employees. They may be less than willing to allow employees time to spend with their families or understand how a death in the family or sick relative might affect employee work performance. This can result in a tense work atmosphere. However, there are a few things you can do to cope. (more…)