Job Interviews

What to Do When an Entry-Level Job Requires Two to Three Years of Experience

Should You Still Apply?

You worked hard in college, and now you’re looking for a great job. But everything you apply for lists two to three years of “real world” experience.

This is a problem grads across the nation are dealing with. Some companies ask for a four-year degree and three years of experience for an entry-level, which can seem impossible. However, if you dig into your college accomplishments, you can find exactly what they’re looking for. Here are a few things to focus on in your resume.


Answering the Interview Question: Do You Like to Take Charge of Projects and Situations?

Is this a trick question?

This is one of those questions interviewers ask that can really stump job applicants if they aren’t prepared.

It can seem like there has to be a right answer, that you have to choose taking charge or receiving direction. However, there’s plenty of room for personalized answers that relate to you specifically.

Not sure how to start crafting your reply? We’ve got you covered.


Answering the Interview Question: Why Do You Want to Work at Our Company?

Prepare your reasons.

When companies are hiring, they aren’t just looking for the most skilled applicants. While skill is important, interviewers are also looking for culture fit. Folks that mesh with the rest of the employees and stay with the company long-term.

That’s the main reason interviewers ask applicants why they want to work at the company. Your answer should combine a discussion of your skills with your personality and how you fit in with the company in general.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind.


Poll Results: Which of These Behaviors Have You Witnessed from an Interviewer?

Here’s what you had to say.

There’s plenty of online information on what interviewees shouldn’t do. Don’t talk about your personal life, don’t dress badly, don’t be late, etc.

But there’s not much out there on behaviors interviewers shouldn’t indulge in. That’s why we asked our Job Journey readers for bad behaviors they’ve seen from interviewers.

“Showing up late” and “lack of preparation” led the pack with 17% and 16% of the vote, respectively. “Answering a phone call” and “Oversharing” followed next, with 14% and 10% of the vote.


How Should You Dress for an Interview?

There is such a thing as too professional.

You get the call to interview and you’re excited to make a great impression. Once you’ve revamped your resume and done plenty of research, it’s time to choose an outfit.

That’s when you realize your interviewer never specified a dress code! Should you go in wearing a suit? Or maybe business casual would be a better fit. What about jeans and a nice t-shirt? So many options!

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Follow these tips and you’ll avoid any fashion faux pas.


Answering the Interview Question: How Would Your Co-Workers Describe You in Three Words?

The interview is flowing nicely, you’ve aced your answers, and the future looks bright. Until this question pops up: “What three words would your co-workers use to describe you?”

You haven’t thought about it before, so you stumble. You’ve been thinking from your own perspective this whole time, so switching gears to someone else’s point of view is tough.

Avoiding this awkward interview situation is simple: just prepare beforehand. Not sure how? We’ve got you covered.
