Tag Archives: blues

4 Ways to Fight the Blues During Your Job Hunt

Interview1 Finding a job can be difficult, especially in today’s work environment with so many job seekers fighting for the limited number of openings. With job hunts lasting anywhere from six to 12 months or longer, it’s easy to get discouraged. But, it’s important to keep a positive attitude and not give up. In fact, since searching for a job is a full-time job in and of itself, here are four tips to help you stay motivated and fight the job hunting blues!

Get Organized
Amid sending out your résumés and cover letters, it’s important to keep track of your efforts so everything doesn’t start running together. Staying organized will help you stay effective and efficient on the job search. So, create a tracking system that includes the names of the companies you’ve contacted, who you talked to, when you talked with them, if you spoke over the phone, in-person, or through email, and what they said. Also, keep track of the results, such as if they said to call back in two months or if they requested a copy of your résumé. This not only helps you with your unemployment requirements, it will also ensure you don’t contact the same employer too often and provide a visual record of how hard you’re working.

Change Your Surroundings
It’s easy to get in a rut when you’re sitting at home scanning the classified ads or online job boards. When you get discouraged and tired, break out of the norm and change up your job search environment by going to a local bookstore or coffee shop to do your job hunting. Libraries are also good places to go, especially if you need a computer for searching job sites or emailing applications. As a bonus, these local meeting places often times have bulletin boards where employers post job openings.

Take a Break
Just like everyone needs to take a vacation now and then, you also need a break from your job search every once in awhile. Give yourself permission to rest. Maybe go outside and work in the yard or go to the park with your family or see a movie. You could also volunteer at a local charity, which is also a great way to build skills and experience. You’ll come back to the job hunt feeling refreshed, less stressed, and with a new outlook.

Ask for Help
Teamwork is an effective tool when you’re on the job hunt. The more people who know you’re looking for work, the more your chances increase of finding job openings. It’s also another way to build your personal referrals. Make sure everyone you have a conversation with knows you’re looking for a job – tell everyone. Also, staffing companies are another great way to multiply your efforts because recruiters help you locate a job that matches your skills and interest. You should never be charged, and you’ll gain access to companies and job openings that you might not have ever known about.

Today’s job hunt is a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s imperative that job seekers stay motivated and not give up. It’s easy to get discouraged, but if you get organized, change up your environment, give yourself a few breaks, and build a team around you, you’ll be well on the way to finding your next great job! So, try these four tips to keep your job search fresh and moving forward.