Tag Archives: career

How to Knock ‘em Dead With Your Business Card

Businesscard_march2012_webMany people see business cards as a tool used by executives and business owners who want you to remember their company when you need to do business with them. But, truth be told, business cards are also great way to promote your personal brand by having others remember you when they learn of job openings.

Business cards can be a useful addition to your arsenal of job-seeking tools helping get your information to the right people no matter where you are. They are great for networking and help you appear more prepared and professional when talking to others in your field. But, where do you start? What should be included on the card? With these easy steps, you’ll be able to make and use a polished, professional-looking business card that will help you wow whoever you give it to.

Chose the Content and Tagline

Your contact information is one of the most important things to put on the card. Generally, the easiest way to contact a person is through their phone number and email address. Try to keep it to the number and email, but if there is a method you use more often, use your best judgment before including them. Try avoiding addresses, job experience, or multiple phone lines.

Consider including links to your relevant, work-related social media profiles like Twitter or LinkedIn. If you have a website or blog about your work or the industry you work in, consider including those as well. To help you be more memorable, try including a tag line under your name, like a quote or slogan that describes you or your work, an image, or a logo.

Choose the Design

The layout, colors, and overall design of your card should reflect your personality, work, and overall image. If you want the loudest, most colorful, or most unique business card anyone has ever seen, you should have the demeanor to match.  Business cards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Play around with the options and use your best judgment to find a look that stands out, but isn’t distracting. Paper choice is also important. If the card stock is too thin, it cheapens your image. There are a variety of textures, finishes, and weights in paper.

Budget is also something to consider. The more complicated or colorful your card is, the more expensive it is to print. If you have the money to spend or have connections, you can work with a graphic designer to create a customized look for your card. If that isn’t an option, there are a variety of online printers for custom cards like VistaPrint, Moo, or 99 Designs that range in price and customizability.

Choose the Time

Business cards are most useful at networking events or career fairs. When attending these functions, always bring more than you think you’ll need. Also, carry them around wherever you go. You never know what could happen, and you’ll need to have one ready at all times. Nothing can hurt your image more than handing someone a beat up business card. Consider getting a special holder to keep them from getting bent or smudged in your wallet or purse. And, make sure cards aren’t bunched in your purse or stuck in a notebook so that finding one isn’t a search and rescue mission.

Use your best judgment when giving people your card. Practice good etiquette and don’t bombard every person you meet with your card. Let it come up in natural conversation or wait until the end and give them one if you feel like they can be a viable contact.

Handing out business cards can greatly increase your chances of getting your name out and help others remember you longer, just by what’s printed on a small piece of paper. How have business cards influenced you? Share with us some of your favorite business card ideas in the comments below.

If You Don’t Follow Up Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

Pest_march2012_webWhen it comes to following up after interviews, there is a fine line between being persistent and being annoying. Most people know the basics like sending a thank-you note and calling to check on the hiring process, but here are three new tips to stand out, in a good way, with your interview follow up.

1.  Ensure appropriate follow up.

This part of the application process begins during your interview. Be ready to take notes during the interview and ask specific questions about who is involved in the hiring process, what the steps are in obtaining a position, and the timeline looks. Make sure your follow up is in alignment with their process. Also, if during the interview you’re asked to take some additional steps in the application process, like taking a personality test, completing a drug-screening, or providing work samples, make sure you write down when you’re expected to do that by and how you are to touch base once that is completed. Often an interviewer will ask for more information on part of your work history or for you to provide a list of references. And sometimes, you’ll be asked to complete a task as part of the interview process. Your ability to complete the tasks as requested is also part of your interview, so take it as seriously as the face-to-face interview. Not following up as instructed could make the interviewer question your interest in the position and your ability to follow through.

 2.  Always add value when you follow up.

Instead of just sending a thank you note, include a highlight of what interested you most about the position and what you found exciting about the company. Share a thought of how you saw yourself working in the role. For example, if it’s a job in engineering, share specifics on design and technology developments you recently read about that you think would be applicable. Another way to provide value is to invite the interviewer to join you for an upcoming networking or industry trade event. If you’re active in a professional association, include something like, “I hope to see you next month at the downtown Society of Human Resource Management meeting. I’m excited to hear from the guest speaker on leadership traits and time management styles.” It’s always good to reinforce your personal professional development plan and encourage further networking.

  3. Network for the long term.

No doubt in your job search you’ll go on several interviews before the right job opportunity comes along. Think of the interview process as a way to build your network for two reasons. First, while you may not get the job you applied for, other openings may come up in the future that drive the company to return to their pool of already-interviewed candidates. Second, the person you interview with may move on to another opportunity and you could find yourself working with them somewhere else or interviewing with them again. A few ways to make connections with individuals you interview with include sending a LinkedIn connection request, keeping a personal file of names and contact information of everyone you’ve interviewed with, and following up with contacts after you’ve found a job. Once you’ve landed a new job, it is appropriate to send out an email or LinkedIn message letting people you interviewed with know where you’ve accepted a position and what your new role is. Be sure and thank them again for the time they spent with you. Additionally, if you hear that a company you interviewed with celebrates a milestone or receives an award, especially specific to your industry, make sure to reach out again to congratulate them.

Getting the interview is your opportunity to connect and shine, and following up after the interview is your opportunity to show your diligence and communication skills. In your career development, always be thinking of ways you can add value to other professionals, create a larger network, and develop your professional reputation.

What are some unique ways you’ve followed up after an interview?



By Rachel Rudisill

Safety Squeeze – Identify and Avoid Pinch Points

Pinchpoint_march2012_webWith St. Patrick’s Day around the corner, most people will be sporting their favorite green attire to avoid getting pinched on March 17. To most of us, a pinch isn’t taken very seriously. We remember pinching the cute girl or boy growing up in school, getting our cheeks pinched by our relatives who came from out of town, or getting a “pinch to grow an inch” during a birthday celebration.

But, for many of those working today, getting pinched can become very serious injuries called pinch-points. A pinch-point is when a person or part of a person’s body is caught between moving parts of a machine, between the moving and stationary parts of a machine, or between material and any part of the machine. With these easy guides, you can know what a pinch-point is and how to keep them from happening.

You’re a Mean One, Mr. Pinch

Pinch-points can be as small as a pair of pliers slipping and pinching a hand causing a blood blister, to being crushed against a wall by a truck that was backing up. This hazard can happen at any time at the workplace.

A pinch-point injury on the job can be seriously disabling, even causing amputation or death. A serious pinch point injury can put a heavy emotional and financial burden on you or your family. If there is a place where equipment is transmitting energy, there is a potential pinch-point danger with that equipment.

There’s No Easy Way Out

Often pinch-point injuries are the result of improperly trained workers who don’t realize the dangers of machinery, or take shortcuts to get the work done more quickly. Work can be stressful with deadlines and training new people, but it’s important to keep in mind the safety rules and mechanisms that were put in place to keep you safe. Ignoring those procedures can put you at risk and cause more work for everyone else.

Never perform a task without proper training. It’s not uncommon for managers to place workers in front of a machine without proper training and expect them to perform their job, but it is up to the worker, for the sake of their health and life, to not work on equipment that they haven’t been properly trained for. The consequences could be serious.

Keep Your Guard Up

Pinch-point conditions are also one of the most difficult hazards to guard against. Improperly guarded punch presses, oscillating or reciprocating parts, heavy steel doors, heavy covers, and belt conveyors can inflict serious injuries.

Many pinch-point injuries occur when a ma­chine is stopped temporarily for service or cleaning, so it’s extremely important to follow necessary procedures for lockout and tagout (LOTO). Workers can follow guard policies for when the machine is running, but when it’s stopped and the guard is removed, if the equip­ment is not de-energized, a worker is not safe.

A little thought will bring to mind the many pinch points in your workplace. Take some time to review your work station and those around you to see if there could be potential pinch-point dangers. You could spare an injury, even your own.

5 Qualities That Make Hiring Managers Say “WOW!”

Wow_march2012_webWhen you go in for an interview, what will set you apart from your competition? Odds are, the other hopefuls interviewing for the position have as much, if not more, experience than you. How can you impress recruiters and prove to them that you are the right person for the job?

They want to see if you’re the right fit for the company. They’re looking between the lines of your résumé for what you have beyond your work experience. To really make a good impression, you should project certain qualities that will make you a more desirable candidate. What qualities are they, you ask? Well, here are five of them that can make a recruiter or interviewer say “Wow!”


There are countless books, websites, and seminars about the best kinds of answers to interview questions. Job seekers are asked these questions to see if they have the ability to answer them competently. But, they’re also looking for something more. Many hiring managers want to see passion for their company, the position, and the industry. They want to know why candidates are truly excited about the opportunity, rather than viewing it as just another job interview. The truly passionate candidates are not only likely to excel in their role, but will also remain involved in their responsibilities and motivate those around them.


Being professional is something that is hard to teach. It’s a mixture of motivation, presence, and hard and soft skills. To be professional, you have to project an image that you are actively listening to what recruiters are saying and take interest in the job.


You can really stand out among your competition when you do your homework. If you can demonstrate your interest in an employer and the issues they’re facing while showcasing your research skills, you can leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. Take the time to research and get to know the recruiter and interviewer, and you’ll find a quicker connection and develop a stronger rapport.


Confidence is a key component in every aspect of your job search. When networking or interviewing, it’s important to exhibit knowledge, modesty, openness, gratitude, and skilled verbal and written communication. Recruiters should be able to see that you can take tasks, jobs, or projects given to you and run with them. Prove that you are proactive and can handle the job requirements through your handshake, body posture, and communication skills.

Providing Humor

The hiring process can be a long and often trying process. Recruiters and hiring managers listen to the same pre-prepared answers from candidate after candidate. A job seeker with professionalism and a sense of humor lightens the atmosphere, but be careful if now you decide to use humor when talking to hiring managers. If humor isn’t a part of your everyday personality, think twice before taking it too far in an interview. If it doesn’t come naturally, there’s a bigger chance that it can backfire. You don’t have to crack jokes, but you can bring a light-hearted and happy attitude that can brighten the mood when talking to recruiters.

There are a lot of different things employers look for in a new hire. On top of work history, job experience, and specific skill sets, there are other traits that can help propel job candidates above the large number of job seekers vying for the same job. If you excel at any one of these five qualities, use it to your advantage. It could make the difference between silence and a call back. What are some ways you have shown one of the five traits when interviewing with an employer?

Don’t Forget the Beach The Value of Vacations

Vacation_feb2012_webWe are vacation deprived. It’s true. According to the 2011 Vacation Deprivation Study by Expedia, Americans earn less and take less than half the vacation time that Europeans do and still leave an average of three unused vacation days every year.

Using vacation time seems to be a lost privilege among North American workers when in fact, it should be seen as a vital part, not only for your well-being, but also for your career. Vacations are essential to help you relax and balance the multiple demands in your life.

Reboot and Recharge

Workers who take regular time off from work are less likely to experience burnout. We all feel the stress and weight of our workload, and a vacation can seem like one of the worst things you could do for your company and co-workers. Most U.S. workers still take work with them on vacation in one form or another.  Never the less, you could be causing more problems in the long run by not taking time off.

A vacation free from work can help you refresh your mind and gain a new perspective on work-related situations. If you make the most and enjoy your vacation, you can be surprised at what you’ll discover about your projects when you step away from the circumstances. You’ll also be able to come back with more vigor and passion when you spend a few days away from it all.

Health and Happiness

Taking vacations can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that after three days of vacation, their subjects’ physical complaints and quality of sleep and mood had improved. The improvements were still present five weeks after they returned from work.

Spending time with loved ones can also help keep relationships strong. Strengthening those bonds will ensure you have help support during stressful times. And having close family and friends will help you enjoy the good times even more.

You may be new to a job, or just be a few years into one, and lack the funds or vacation time to spend. However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money and go out of the country, sunbathe at the beach, ski down the highest mountains, or relax at the fanciest lodges. There are several places you can go and get the same benefits on a tank of gas and a fixed budget.

Become a Mean, Green Working Machine

Vacations are also known to improve job performance. If you experience burnout, you’ll start to slack on your job duties and put more pressure on your co-workers and managers to pick up your slack. A lack of vacation time can be like a lack of sleep. Less sleep can affect your ability to think clearly, act decisively, process information, and react quickly. Having too few personal days can have the same affect at work. The same NCBI study suggest the physical benefits that come from vacation can lead to increased quality of work on the job.

It can be easy to think that since you’re new to a job or have only been with an employer for a few years that you need to keep working to impress your managers and stay on their good side. But the dangers of holding off on vacation time can not only damage yourself, but also your employer. What are some of your best vacation ideas and how did they make you feel?

Trying to Find a Job When You’re Shy or Introverted

Introvert_feb2012_webLast month, I posted a blog about networking for the shy and introverted. It seemed to strike a chord with several readers, and I’ve received many requests for further information and advice on different aspects of the job search for the shy or introverted job seeker.

Luckily for us introverts and shy people, those who aren’t afraid to or find energy in  getting themselves in the spotlight tend to create their own clutter and static out of their own messages. That’s when we use our greatest strengths: our patience and brains. Here are some ways you can use your shyness or introversion as an advantage when looking for a job.

Blame Is Not a Game

First things first; don’t blame yourself. If you are introverted, you are normal. There is nothing wrong with you, so don’t use it as a crutch. For many people, it’s easy to say, “I won’t go there today. My energy level is a little low and I just don’t think I can make it the whole time.” It’s time to stop blaming your condition and use it to your advantage.

For those who are shy, it’s much easier to blame any social shortcomings on their shyness. Like any skill, finding jobs and following up after sending a résumé will get better over time. It’ll be difficult, but you won’t succeed at all if you keep telling yourself, “I can’t. I’m too shy.”

Have a Plan, Stan

Introverts generally have acute attention to detail. Those details can help you make a more efficient job search. Go the extra mile and find the hiring manager at a prospective employer and do some research on this person before calling the employer at random. You will become a strong, valid, and desirable candidate when you appear prepared and interested, just by using your strengths.

It’s important for shy job seekers to be prepared. Being ready can give you the boost you need to go out on a limb when finding a job. This means breaking out of your comfort zone and asking others for input. Shy people tend to be more self-critical than others, so having second or third opinions can give you an idea of what really works and a boost of moral support.

Write With Might

A friend once told me, “Writing is something for shy people who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while telling it.” Those who are introverted are often good writers. This is where the power of social media can play to our strengths. 

Try starting your own blog about your industry. You can get your thoughts and opinions out if you are a better writer than speaker, and you can use it to connect with other industry-related bloggers who can help you with your career.

You can also engage with specific people who can help you find a job instead of building a large personal brand following. Find someone who works for an employer you are interested in and start a conversation.

Some of the most influential people in history have been introverted and dealt with shyness every day, like Steve Martin, Albert Einstein, Julia Roberts. Even Thomas Jefferson, was said to have only spoken publicly during his presidency at his inauguration and while delivering legislative proposals. Don’t let the grandeur and flare of extroverts get you down. What issues of introversion and shyness have you dealt with and used it as a strength?

Associate Spotlight: Jimmy Maher

When most people think of staffing agencies, they think of strictly temporary work. The truth is many people have found life-long careers thanks to companies like Express. More and more workers are enjoying the flexibility in their schedule from working with staffing agencies. Employers are also relying more on staffing agencies to fill their open positions before hiring full-time for openings.

Our most recent associate spotlight showcases one of those individuals who finds pride in working with Express as a career for many years. Associates like the ones we showcase are a testament to how work ethic and positive attitude can go a long way in your profession, even in the roughest of economic conditions.

Jimmy Maher

Jimmy Maher started working for the Greensboro, NC Express office in 1992 as a lawn and building maintenance technician.  During his time with Express, Jimmy worked with five different clients.  Throughout Jimmy’s nearly 20-year career with Express, he worked for a single client for 14 years.  In that time, Jimmy’s commitment and enthusiasm were apparent because he didn’t own a car and had to take the bus to work from one side of town to the other. 

Over the years, Jimmy was given many raises due to his integrity and dependability.  When he celebrated his ten year anniversary with Express, he was given a cash bonus for his loyalty to Express, its clients, and his job. 

“Jimmy is a man who believes in hard work, doing the right thing, and being responsible.  He was a shining example to others on the job,” said Hope Daniel, Front Office Coordinator of the Greensboro Express office.   

When Jimmy decided to retire, the client did not want him to leave. They knew they would be losing a cherished employee.  The client wanted him so badly, Jimmy decided to extend his retirement date three times and keep working to aid the client.  He is now happily retired and settling down after a fulfilled career. 

We are very grateful for having Jimmy as a part of the Express family for so many years.  The Greensboro office will miss him, and everyone at Express wishes him the very best in his retirement and future achievements.

When looking for a job, don’t discount what staffing agencies like Express can provide. You may find a long, fulfilling career like Jimmy did through the experience and opportunities that can come from working with Express. If you’re interested, check it out.