Tag Archives: cool

Be the Captain of Cool

Captn_OF_Cool_April2014We all have stress in our lives. Stress with relationships, finances, and work. According to the American Institute of Stress, job stress is far and away the major stress for American adults. 46% report that their workload causes stress while only 28% report relationship issues as a main source of stress.

Workplace-related stress has escalated progressively over the past few years and is the number one cause of stress for adults. The third annual Work Stress survey conducted by Harris Interactive found that 83% of Americans are stressed out by at least one thing about their jobs. A 10% increase over the previous study.

In order to grow in your career, it’s important to face and deal with stress the right way. Stress is inevitable and having an effective coping strategy could make a positive difference the next time you’re faced with stress.

Top Performers Know How to Manage Stress
Remaining calm under pressure has a direct link to performance according to Forbes magazine. Talentsmart study found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress. Those top performers have well-planned strategies to use in stressful circumstances. Having a plan to help you “keep cool” under stress can lower your stress level regardless of what’s going on around you.

Why Managing Your Stress is Important to Productivity
Managing stress helps you stay focused on the task at hand, keeping you on track to meet deadlines and achieve goals.

New studies show that moderate stress can actually lead to cell growth in the brain’s learning center i.e. it can actually help you learn. To achieve this benefit from stress, it’s important to keep your stress levels manageable.

How You Can Manage Your Stress

Stay Positive. There are lots of ways to help manage stress from listening to music, to taking a break now and then, but one of the biggest ways you can control your stress levels is by finding things to be positive about. In a study from the University of California, people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for example experienced improved moods and energy. And that can have a big impact on reducing your stress hormone levels. Staying positive also means staying positive about stress.

Change Your Perception of Stress.
Instead of fearing stress, let it motivate you. The feelings that come with stress are often part of your body’s flight of fight response. Try to change your perception that stress is a bad thing and instead use it to push you forward. In one study where participants were asked to view videos that contained messages that stress could be helpful, had a better work performance than those that watched videos about stress being harmful.

As you continue to grow and develop in your career, you’ll take on more responsibilities, and as we all know, that can mean more stress too. So it’s important to learn how to manage that stress now to be successful in the future.

Did You Know?
Prolonged stress can cause serious physical harm. And can result in an increased risk of heart disease, depression, obesity, and decrease your cognitive performance.

There are many things that can cause stress at work, but there are just as many ways you can counter that stress. Maybe your desk is messy and that causes a trigger for stress. Perhaps scheduling your tasks or “to-do” list is causing stress. Whatever the culprit, there is a good chance your physical environment is affecting your stress level. Take time to organize your work space and schedule and see if that helps relieve some stress.

What are some successful ways you handle stress? Let us know in the comments section below. We’d also like to know what your biggest triggers of stress are at your workplace, so let your voice be heard by voting in our poll.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

3 Weapons to Beat the Heat at Work

Beat the heat  and stay cool at workIt’s hot outside! In fact, last year was the second hottest in recorded U.S. history and the hottest in 75 years, and this year isn’t much cooler. In some parts of the country, May temperatures reached triple digits. Even the NBA champions are associated with the rising temperatures.

While the summertime is mostly associated with having fun in the sun, for many people working outside this time of year can be very dangerous. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, there were more than 15,000 reports of heat-related illnesses at work between 2003 and 2009 with nearly 300 of those resulting in death. Don’t let the sun sabotage your ability to work. Here are three things you can do to keep yourself healthy during the summer months.

Get Some Cool Fuel
One of the most important things to remember when working long hours in the heat is to remain hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids will not only keep you from getting heat stroke, cramps, or exhaustion, but it will also help prevent workplace injuries. Try freezing large refillable bottles of water overnight and taking them to work the next morning. They will stay cold all day and keep you hydrated when you need it the most.

You should also be wary of drinks with a high concentration of sugar, alcohol, or caffeine.  Those types of drink will not keep you hydrated as long, and in some cases they will increase the rate of dehydration. Also, try avoiding eating foods high in protein, like meat, that increase metabolic heat production, which increases water loss.

Mind Your Medicine
Some medicines have negative reactions with extreme heat or sunlight. Make sure you’re aware of what medicines you take and the warnings that come with them. If you’re taking medication, check with your doctor for any that have negative side effects when you’re working in the heat. Discuss safer alternatives or other strategies for avoiding negative effects. You should also talk to your doctor about your working conditions whenever receiving medicine.

Get a Shield for the Sun
You may think that because of the heat, you should wear summer clothing like shorts and tank tops, but that isn’t the case. When your skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation for extended periods of time it can cause a painful sunburn which can contribute to skin cancer risks. Try wearing long sleeve, loose-fitting clothing and a hat with a brim to shield you from harmful rays. Wear lightly-colored or white clothing when working in the heat because lighter colors reflect light better and don’t get as hot as easily. If you have to work outside with exposed skin, remember to regularly apply sunscreen.

Working in the heat all day can be dangerous if you don’t take care of yourself. If you’re interested in learning more about how to identify and avoid heat-related illnesses, you can check out the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s resource page on beating the heat. What are some tricks you’ve developed to help beat the heat this summer?

Professional Lessons from the Barnyard

Some days, the hustle and bustle of cube life doesn’t seem all that different from a barnyard full of animals. The gossip group around the water cooler sounds like a henhouse full of clucking chickens. Your cube-mate’s laugh breaks your concentration like the hee-haw of a mule. And, the papers stacking up around your desk make you feel like a tired work horse. But, despite the negative attributes your daily routine may share with a brood of barnyard animals, if you look closely, there are also positive characteristics you can learn from all creatures – great and small – to improve your work environment and career.

Not sure where to start looking? Follow theses examples to be a whole different kind of employee that companies need to lead the pack.

Be loyal like a dog. Learn an old trick from man’s best friend and be a loyal and dependable employee to your company, your supervisor, and your team. Employers know that loyalty can be a hard thing to come by, so they value trustworthy employees with devotion. By being loyal, you will stand out as top dog. You can prove your loyalty by keeping confidential information confidential, ignoring and avoiding harmful office gossip, and being a dependable employee everyone can count on.

Every dog has its day. So, choose to be reliable and faithful in your daily tasks, actions, and attitude and your loyalty will be rewarded with the affection and respect of your employer and your entire team.

Keep cool like a pig. Pigs don’t have functional sweat glands, so when things get hot, they have to cool themselves down with water or mud before they overheat. Losing your cool at work can be a career killer. So, it’s important to always maintain your composure in the office. When you’re faced with stressful situations, don’t sweat it. Instead, take a deep breath and take everything in stride, because reacting inappropriately or unprofessionally will only add fuel to an already hot fire.

Since rolling around in a mud hole is not an option, if you’re having trouble staying calm under pressure at work, take a break, find someone outside of work to talk to, or listen to music to improve your serenity and keep your cool.

Rule the roost like a rooster. No matter what your title or job position, you can be a team leader who motivates your co-workers to succeed. Start every day by rousing your colleagues with a positive and energetic attitude and outlook that is contagious. Be sure to crow loudly about your co-workers’ accomplishments and triumphs with sincere praise and celebration. Protect them from the sly predator of negativity by carefully guarding your own outlook and approach to life, work, and your company.

So, next time work gets a little crazy and messy like a pig sty, keep your cool, be a loyal and dependable employee who motivates your team, and you will be the needle in the workplace haystack.