Tag Archives: developing your strengths

3 Tips to Finding Your True Strengths in the Workplace

Everyone is born with special talents, skills, and gifts that they exercise throughout their lifetime. Whether it’s personal growth or growth within your job position, there are ways you can improve your skills. In your career, it’s important to find your strengths and build on your skills. Learning new skills and tools help you develop yourself or even help make your job easier. Follow this three-step process to improve yourself in the workplace.

Discover your strengths. You have lots of different skills and abilities that help make you who you are as an employee and as a person. Your strengths will help you stand out at work. But, in order to put your strengths to good use, you have to know what they are. So, take the initiative to find resources that can help you identify your assets and skills. Books like Strengths Finder 2.0 are great for identifying your strengths and learning how you can build on them. Talking to your employer, co-workers, and friends is another great way to get perspective on the things you excel in. Building your skills and strengths is important to your future. So find ways to learn about your today.

Develop your skills. When you’ve figured out what you’re good at, continue to cultivate those skills. But, don’t just stop at the skills you’ve already established. It’s not only important to develop the ones you have, it’s also important to constantly seek new ones. After finding your strengths, identify your weaknesses, and find out how you can improve and overcome them. If you want to develop a particular skill, don’t wait for someone else to lead the way. Instead, look for resources on your own. Want to develop your skills even more? Find ways to use your strengths outside of work like in organizations and at networking events or association meetings. And, don’t forget volunteer opportunities in non-profit organizations. Developing your strengths at work and in your community can improve your resume and impress your boss.

Put your strengths to good use. Building your skills and strengths is important to your future. Once you’ve identified your greatest strengths, find how you can use them. What role do you play in the group – facilitator or follower? Do you enjoy tackling problems? Once you know what your skills are, start utilizing them throughout the day. Ask your employer for projects you can tackle or for leadership opportunities in the work place. Participating in team building activities can help you develop your talents. Using your strengths during meetings and on projects will help you reach your potential. The more you use your skills, the more expertise you’ll have.

There are many things you can do to develop your skills and grow your strengths. For example, setting a goal to read a business book each month is a great start. You will be amazed at how successful you can be when you have a lot of knowledge, not to mention how helpful you will be to your business, company, and your boss. Staying in tune to what’s going on in your field is also a great way to get new ideas so be sure to stay up-to-date updated on industry news online. Check out blogs and newsletters, and focus on things you’re interested in. In addition, be sure to attend webinars and conferences where you can learn effective tools you can use at work.

Discovering skills and strengths will not only make you better at your executing tasks, but it’s also a fun and exciting way to figure out things you didn’t know about yoursel!