Tag Archives: expect

What to Expect From Your Mentorship

So, you have a mentor. Whether they’re a personal, business, or school mentor, you’re lucky to now be in a relationship that can help you grow and succeed in your professional and personal life. Like all relationships, both sides have responsibilities. It’s important to remember that the mentor doesn’t do all the work – you have to put in your own level of effort and time too. Your mentor takes an active role in guiding and helping you, but you also have to let them know about what you want to learn, your challenges, your hopes, and more. What To Expect From Your Mentor Let’s talk about what a mentor actually does. A mentor will: Offer encouragement and ongoing support Listen to things that are worrying you and give constructive, unbiased support Share stories and examples of their own failures and victories Provide honest feedback and suggestions Act as a sounding board for ideas and dreams Help with making decisions by offering alternative views based on experience Introduce you to …