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Are Success and Happiness Linked?

A friend once told me that life is what you make it. I laughed when she first said that, because sometimes, bad things just happen, and you can’t control it – perfect examples are the results of the recent economy. Many people lost their jobs, and if you are one of the lucky ones who weathered the storm of massive layoffs and are still employed, then you’re probably still dealing with issues like more stress, longer hours, and less pay. The affects of either of these situations can impact your happiness, both in your professional and personal life. 

But, did my friend have a point? Does your attitude and what you make out of a situation really impact the outcome? How does improving your happiness improve your situation?

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, a longtime happiness researcher and professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside, half of our happiness is determined by genetics, 10% comes from life circumstances, and about 40% of happiness is under our conscious control. Although you can’t control your genetic makeup regarding happiness, you can consciously control most of the factors beyond genetics and circumstances. That means, how you handle your attitude can directly impact how you look at situations and the outcomes of those circumstances.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” So, if you can make up your mind you’re going to be happy no matter what happens in your life, then the sky is the limit.

Experts maintain that happiness is a direct correlation to success, both in your personal and professional life. The happier you are, the more successful you can be! So try to enjoy the simple things in your life that make you feel happy. Volunteer at a local charity, listen to your favorite song in the morning before you start your day, or spend time with friends and family as often as you can. Whatever it is that brings a smile to your face, try to do that more often to see how happiness can transform your life and career.

Life really IS what you make it. So, after careful consideration, I came to realize that my friend has a point. Don’t look at the glass as half empty, look at it as half full. Don’t look at others’ lives to measure your success. Look at your own life, and count the blessings bestowed upon you. Don’t dwell on the negative, focus on the positives, and you will be well on your way to a better life.

What makes you happy? Leave us your comments in the comments section below.