Tag Archives: poll

Poll Results: Which of These Behaviors Have You Witnessed from an Interviewer?

Here’s what you had to say.

There’s plenty of online information on what interviewees shouldn’t do. Don’t talk about your personal life, don’t dress badly, don’t be late, etc.

But there’s not much out there on behaviors interviewers shouldn’t indulge in. That’s why we asked our Job Journey readers for bad behaviors they’ve seen from interviewers.

“Showing up late” and “lack of preparation” led the pack with 17% and 16% of the vote, respectively. “Answering a phone call” and “Oversharing” followed next, with 14% and 10% of the vote.


Which of These Behaviors Have You Witnessed During an Interview?

Interviewers tell us about disruptive behaviors all the time. People that don’t make eye contact, never stop talking, or show up late. But today we want to turn the tables and see what interviewers have done that you found less-than-stellar.

Whether they came in the door 20 minutes late, spent the entire time texting, or showed up completely unprepared, we want to hear about it. Let us know in our poll!


Question of the Month: What is Your Preferred Method of Interacting with a Company During Your Job Search?

Long before the internet was easily accessible, you’d have to visit a business or temp service to pick up a physical application to apply for a job. Then, you’d need to bring the application back (or, in some cases, mail it) to submit it.

Interviews were either in-person or over the phone. There wasn’t really a third option.


Question of the Month: Does Your Company Have a Workplace Chaplain?

Company cultures vary across the country. Some companies prefer professional dress codes while others embrace shorts and flipflops. One business might offer traditional Christmas bonuses while another chooses to give incremental raises throughout the year.

It’s these differences that make for a diverse and interesting economy, full of different companies, each one well-matched to a particular type of employee personality.


Poll: Which Interview Questions Do You Need Help With?

Interviews can be tough.

When you sit down with someone you’ve never met before, answering personal questions about your work history and experience can be awkward.

The key to acing an interview? Being prepared for those rough questions.

We want to write articles perfectly matched to your interview question concerns. So take our poll and let us know what questions you want help with! We’ll use your responses when creating content for 2019. (more…)

Poll: Do You Like Your Current Job?

Jobs are tough. We have to spend hours away from our friends and family doing something we might not love so that we can afford to pay our mortgages, utility bills, and many other things.

But for those who love their jobs? The paycheck becomes a bonus to the work instead of being the sole purpose of working.

We want to know how you feel about your current position. Whether you love it, hate it, or are indifferent about it. And, given those feelings, do you see yourself leaving anytime soon?

Let us know by voting in our poll!