Tag Archives: pride

Pride Month and the Workplace

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.”—Barbara Gittings, LGBT activist

June is recognized as Pride Month. It’s a time to honor and highlight the history, challenges, and achievements of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community. More workplaces are incorporating Pride Month activities as part of their employee engagement strategy. (more…)

Celebrate Grandparents Day With Lessons From the Wise

grandparents_day_webIn the United States, National Grandparents Day is Sunday, Sept. 11. It’s a day designated to honor grandparents for their love and sacrifice. Grandparents are often associated with wisdom due to their years of experience and adventure. There have been countless wise leaders in the history of the world, and we want to share lessons from some of the most famous as we celebrate the wisdom of our elders.

Wisdom About Teamwork
Mother Teresa was a nun and missionary who founded the Missionaries of Charity, a worldwide religious congregation that runs hospices and homes for those in need. In 1979, she won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work. Mother Teresa lived to be 87 years old, and was admired by many for her charitable works. She once said:

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot, together we can do great things.”

Mother Teresa’s wise words are a reminder of the value of teamwork. While being your personal best is important, so is working well with those on your team. Most likely, there’s someone in your workplace who has a skill you don’t have. Likewise, you may know how to do something your co-workers do not. By working together and helping each other use your talents, you can create something you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Take the time to get to know your co-workers and find out what skills and talents they have so you can be better prepared to take on team projects.

Wisdom About Pride
Known for his spiritual wisdom and teachings, Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Gandhi became famous for his non-violent movements and lived to be 78 years old. Gandhi once said:

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

There is a great lesson to be taken from Gandhi’s words of wisdom. You have power over your emotions, and only you can decide how you let yourself feel. If a supervisor, customer, or co-worker says something that is hurtful, you can control how you let it affect you. While it’s true that some criticism can be constructive, not all of it is meant to help you grow. Decide for yourself what you will listen to, and remember that you are in control of your reactions.

Wisdom About Goals
Writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is often referred to as the most intelligent man in history. According to Business Insider, Albert Einstein himself is said to have called Goethe “the last man in the world to know everything.” When it comes to wisdom, there’s no doubt Goethe had it. He founded the science of human chemistry and developed one of the earliest known theories of evolution. His estimated IQ score ranged from 210 to 225, on a scale where genius intelligence is measured at 145. Goethe once said:

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Those wise words serve as a reminder that you can’t accomplish your goals if you don’t try first. Whatever your goal is—whether it’s to land your dream job, get an interview, or receive a promotion—it’s time to start on your path. There’s no better day than today to dust off your resume, submit an application for the job you want, or take on a new project. If you don’t start, you can’t reach the finish line.

What wise words do you live by? Share yours in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

How to Fall In Love With Your Job

love_your_job_feb2016_webValentine’s Day is right around the corner, and love is in the air. While you may love your family, friends, or pets, what about your job? Since you spend a majority of your life with your job, it’s important to love what you do.

Your attitude matters most when it comes to being happy with your role. Instead of asking how you can find a job that you’ll love, it may be time to shift your perspective by asking, “How can I love the job I have?”

So, what can you do to love your job?

1. Find pride and importance in what you do.
Take several minutes to really think about what you do. Do you feel you add an essential service? Are you proud of the finished product? Ask yourself how you fit into the success of the company and what would change if you weren’t there. Finding perspective on the role you play and remembering why you took the job in the first place may help in boosting your pride.

2. Stop thinking about money.
If money is your sole motivation for work, you may never be truly happy. Getting paid is only a small part of what you do. Work has to be fulfilling, as well as rewarding. If you aren’t getting as much pay as you like, focus on what you are accomplishing and who you help. Start finding ways to improve so that when you do ask for a raise, you’ll have a list of victories to show your boss.

3. Be thankful.
Even if you aren’t in the job of your dreams, you do have a job that pays. Find something every day to be thankful for, whether it’s the paycheck you receive, co-workers you encounter, a comfortable office chair, or the break room. Simple recognition of gratitude can completely change your perspective and allow you to enjoy your work.

4. Be engaged at work.
A recent Gallup poll reported that fewer than 27% of workers are truly engaged at work. Being engaged doesn’t necessarily mean you have the perfect job, but it does mean becoming involved no matter what the position. Recognize ways you can be creative or helpful so your work is not a source of unhappiness.

5. Make a change, even if it’s a small one.
Boredom can be a leading cause of job disengagement. Challenge yourself to take a single step toward changing your routine. Look for ways to be happier at work, then work to make it happen. Consider how you can continue your education or volunteer for new tasks around the office. The bonus is that your boss will notice your initiative.

6. Clean the clutter.
Clutter can be a mood killer. If you are overwhelmed with piles of paper, desk drawers that are crammed full, or an overflowing inbox, take the time to declutter your area. In fact, a recent report by OfficeMax found that office clutter undermines productivity and motivation.

How did you fall in love with your job? Do you have any tips to share? Let us know in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.
