Tag Archives: question

Answering the Interview Question: What’s Your Most Impressive Accomplishment?

How Do You Choose?

This question differs from “tell me about yourself” in that the interviewer expects a specific, targeted response related to one specific project.

Interviewers ask this question for two reasons: they want a better picture of your abilities, and they want to learn about you personally by seeing what you think is your biggest accomplishment.

But it can be difficult to choose just one accomplishment, especially if you haven’t prepared a response ahead of time. Here’s how to make sure you’re ready for this question.


Poll: How Do You Give Back?

MOV_POLL-ICONIf you lead a busy life with a packed schedule and never-ending to-do lists, finding time to volunteer may be the last thing on your mind. Yet, the benefits of volunteering are numerous! While the biggest value of giving back is the impact on your community, it can also aid in your job search. When you volunteer, you gain new skills to add to your resume, find networking opportunities, and become a more attractive candidate to employers.

Because there are multiple ways to give back in the community, we want to know what you’re doing to make an impact and be involved.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

How to Answer the Question “What’s Your Greatest Weakness”

question_greatest_weakness_webAt some point during an interview, chances are the interviewer will ask you one of the most intimidating questions of the process – “What’s your greatest weakness?”

While this question is difficult to answer and may seem like an odd thing to ask a stranger, it can reveal a lot about you. The interviewer asks it not only because they are interested in how you handle a tough question, but also because they’re trying to figure out if you’ll be a good or bad fit for the open position.

Knowing what interviewers are looking for will help you face your interview fears and showcase yourself as the perfect job candidate. Take a look at these dos and don’ts before you head to your next interview.


  • Try to turn a negative into a positive. This is an old trick interviewers will see right through. Avoid answers like, “I work too hard,” “I’m a perfectionist,” or “I care too much.”
  • Be brutally honest. While honesty is encouraged and expected in an interview, there are certain answers you should avoid – even if they’re true. This is not the time to reveal that you have trouble getting to work on time or that you aren’t a team player.
  • Avoid the answer. This question can be intimidating, but you should try to answer it to the best of your ability. Everyone has at least one weakness, so saying that you can’t think of one is not the way to go.
  • Make a joke. Now’s not the time to be funny. If you answer this question with a joke – like “I can’t avoid eating chocolate” – it may make the interviewer think you aren’t taking the interview seriously.


  • Be aware of the job requirements. Don’t pick a weakness that sets you up as a poor candidate for the job. For example, if you’re interviewing to be an office assistant, don’t say that you’re bad at organization or dislike answering the phones.
  • Be real. It’s easy to pick a weakness that doesn’t actually affect you, but it’s better to be honest with your answer. Don’t pick your worst weakness, necessarily, but there’s bound to be a weakness that is interview-appropriate and honest.
  • Reveal a weakness that is somewhat minor. It’s best to state a weakness that can be viewed as fixable. If you’re a poor public speaker or are not familiar with all of today’s computer programs, those are fixable and trainable weaknesses to have. Don’t forget to add that you have a desire – and a plan – to fix it.
  • Be brief. There’s no point in going on and on about your weakness. Be concise, and avoid sounding negative or defensive.

As with any interview question, remember to practice your answers beforehand. Anticipating what an interviewer may ask and preparing your responses can help you feel less anxious about your interview and present yourself in the most positive way possible.

How do you answer this interview question? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Poll: How Would You Prepare for a Highly Skilled Job?

MOV_POLL-ICONLately, there has been a lot of talk about the skills gap, or the lack of qualified workers to fill highly skilled jobs. According to ExploreHealthCareers.org, “well-trained and highly skilled workers will be best positioned to secure high wage jobs.” Those jobs require higher education or experience, and ExploreHealthCareers.org predicts that the fastest growth in jobs will come from occupations that require an associate’s degree or vocational education.

Employers look for a number of qualities in their highly-skilled workforce, including communication, mathematics, professionalism, teamwork, and basic fundamental skills. To become the right candidate for these jobs, job seekers may need to explore higher education or training to sharpen their skills.

Since highly skilled workers are in demand, we want to know how you would prepare for a highly skilled job.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

The Results Are In: How do you give back?

poll_results_how_do_you_give_back_webGiving back can be a great feeling, help you network, and make you more employable. Being a volunteer can set you apart from other job candidates and give you an entirely new set of skills. Because of this, we asked Movin’ On Up readers how they gave back to the community through charitable citizenship.

What the Survey Revealed
The survey revealed that nearly 42% of readers give back by volunteering their time and talents. The rest of the respondents give back in the following ways:

  • Donating food, clothes, or other needed items to organizations  30%
  • Donating funds to charitable organizations                                    9%
  • Donating blood                                                                               2%
  • Other                                                                                            17%

Although the majority of respondents spend time volunteering, a third donate tangible items to organizations in need, nearly 10% of respondents pull out their wallet to give funds to various charities, and 2% donate blood.

A number of respondents selected the “Other” option and provided their own responses to the poll. Of the 17% who selected “Other,” responses included:

  • All of the above
  • Walk-a-thons
  • Wild land search and rescue
  • Volunteering at the local hospices

Keep Giving Back
The results of the poll indicate that people give back in a variety of ways. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that people most often volunteered with religious (33%), education or youth-service related (25%), and social or community organizations (14%). This leads us to ask, what are your favorite ways and places to volunteer? Let us know in the comments section below!

 Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Poll: How Do You Give Back?

MOV_POLL-ICONWhether you’re volunteering at a local food pantry or donating clothes to a shelter, giving back is a great feeling. And it can help you in your job search too. Adding volunteer experience to your resume can help separate you from the crowd of people applying to the same jobs. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to make connections and network, and you can learn new skills that enhance your resume. A report by the Corporation for National and Community Service recently found that “volunteering was associated with 27% higher odds of employment.”

Aside from making you more employable, giving back is also a wonderful way to be a part of your community. So, we want to know how you give back through charitable citizenship.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Poll: How Soon After Graduation Did You Get a Job?

MOV_POLL-ICONWhich is more important: education or experience? It’s an age-old question that has been researched and debated for decades, but one that doesn’t necessarily have a clear-cut answer. While the results from Glassdoor’s recent 2014 Employment Confidence Survey suggest that 82% of U.S. college graduates who were employed on a full or part time basis believed that their level of education has been an asset to their careers, 72% believe that specialized training outside of a traditional college degree is more valuable when it comes to the workplace.

Last year, we asked Movin’ On Up readers how their education has affected their career path. While the results of this poll were illuminating in the education vs. experience debate, we want to know how quickly recent graduates are being added to the workforce. To help determine how long a graduate typically spends looking for a job after going through the higher education process, we want to know how soon after graduation you landed a job. Let us know by voting in our poll!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.