Tag Archives: SMART goals

Developing a 4-Year Plan This Leap Year

goal_setting_2020_webAt the beginning of the year, businesses are working on their strategic plans and refining their goals. They are evaluating both short- and long-term goals and where they want to be in the future. In the spirit of leap year 2016, it might be a good time for you to develop a four-year plan.

A Look at the 2020 Workplace
A leap year occurs every four years because an extra day is added to the calendar in February to keep it aligned with Earth’s revolutions around the sun. By the time we experience the next leap year in 2020, the opportunities for advancing your career are endless.

There is no better time than the present to start planning what you want to accomplish by 2020. And to help you with career choices, here’s an overview of what the employment landscape will look like by the next leap year. The workplace will be more mobile and flexible, with more than 7.6 million people working in on-demand jobs, according to a study by Intuit Inc. and Emergent Research.

An article from U.S. News and World Report indicates that fields more likely to flourish in 2020 range from data crunching to computer engineering to management and finance. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects an increase in employment by 14% during the 2010–2020 decade. By 2020, more than half a million new jobs are expected for registered nurses, retail salespersons, home health aides, and personal care aides. The BLS expects the fastest growth to be among healthcare, personal care, and community and social service occupations.

Although the World Economic Forum, through its report on “The Future of Jobs,” states that five million jobs will be replaced by robots in 2020, there is still great opportunity for honing one’s skills in technology and automation.

Questions to Get You Started on Goal Setting
Knowing where the jobs are is only part of developing a plan. You will need to establish goals to guide you if you want to be successful. However, if you don’t know where to start developing your goals, here are a few questions to consider asking yourself:

  • Where am I now in my career or education?
  • How well do I know my job?
  • Where do I want to be in four years?
  • How will I get there?

Developing S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Your 4-Year Plan
Now that you have an idea of where you want to be in four years, it’s time to develop specific goals to get you there. Numerous businesses use the concept of SMART Goals and encourage their employees to use them for personal development. These are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and possess a time-frame.

  • “S” means the goal is Specific. It should answer the question, “Where am I going and how will I know when I get there?” It qualifies or quantifies so that there is no room for misunderstanding.
  • “M” means that there is a quantifiable way of Measuring the goal. Some examples of measurement may include: time, percentage, quality, money, or quantity.
  • “A” means that the goal can be Accomplished and that you have control over the outcome.
  • “R” means that the goal is Relevant to the person creating the goals. It should be meaningful and relevant to your current growth and development.
  • “T” means that the goal is bound by Time. It determines when the goal will be completed and includes checkpoints or milestones along the way. In this case, the deadline for completion is February 2020.

Now that you are ready to start developing a four-year plan in honor of the leap year, we’d like to hear from you as to where you see yourself in the next four years in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

A Simple Goal-Setting Guide

Creating goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated, focused, and progressing throughout the year. As we approach the close of the year, goal-setting is a hot topic, especially in business. But you can set goals for yourself any time of year, for any reason. To get started, determine the areas you want to set goals in.

1) Select Goal Types.

Personal – As the most common type of goals, these  may focus on personal enrichment activities, health and fitness objectives, hobbies, spiritual enrichment, etc. Though the new year is a popular time to set these goals, creating short-to-mid-term , measurable personal goals may be more realistic and help you get the results you want. 

Job Search – Looking for a job? The job search can be a long and daunting process, so create weekly and monthly goals to keep yourself on track.

Work – Want to really enjoy your work? Create goals for yourself so you can enjoy the feeling of continual success as you accomplish your daily tasks.

Career – Want to move up in your career or even switch fields? Career goals can be mid-to long- term and help you advance in your profession.

Networking – Whether in social media or in person, creating networking goals can help you expand your network and deepening relationships with important contacts.

Education – Want to pursue a degree, vocational training, or apprenticeship? Educational goals are critical because they can help you make important decisions on coursework, programs, conferences and even career choices.

2) Create SMART Goals.

Once you’ve selected the areas you want to create goals for, use the SMART goals formula to set goals that will help you progress. This formula is a time-tested way to create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.

Specific – Make sure your goals are clear and well-defined. For example, instead of creating a health goal such as “work out more,” create a goal: “to exercise twice a week.” 

Measurable – How will you know if you’re accomplishing your goals? Make them measurable from the get-go! The goal “ to exercise twice a week” is something you can measure, as long as you can count to two! Let’s try a more complex goal, like an educational process. Instead of “to obtain a college diploma,” which is very vague, “complete 20 hours of coursework towards my bachelor’s degree this year,  is something you can check to ensure progress as time goes by.

Achievable – You don’t want to set your goals so high you can’t reach them. On the other hand, you don’t want to set them so low they don’t mean much. So, make sure you are taking into account personal, financial, and other factors. Make your goals something you can accomplish through diligent effort.

Relevant – This may seem like an odd component of a good goal, but especially when it comes to your work life, it’s important to have relevant goals. For example, if you want to become a manager, setting a goal to get a degree in philosophy might not be the best idea. So, make sure your goals are something relevant to you.

Time-based – Goals that have no deadline are little more than talk. That’s because without deadlines, you’ll find yourself procrastinating on your progress. Timelines are one of the most important parts of goal-setting, but it’s the thing most people leave out of the process. So, give your goals deadlines and stick to them!

3) Commit and Follow Through.

The final step in the goal-setting process is to write your goals down, share them with someone who can hold you accountable, and measure your progress. Also share your goal deadlines with a friend, colleague, family-member, or other trusted person. Have them follow up with you on your timeline to help keep you on track!

Are you setting goals for this month? Are you already planning goals for next year? Share your thoughts on goals in the comments section, and feel free to share a goal with us there, too!