Tag Archives: workplace

Struggling to Find Inspiration to Make it Through Your Workday? 4 Places to Look

If you find yourself in the same work environment day after day, year after year, you might start to feel drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. You may even become apathetic, causing your creativity to drop. Then, your work might begin to suffer. Suddenly, just getting through the workday can be challenging. If you’re one of many workers struggling to find motivation to get through your workday, discover your inspiration and revive your passion through one of these four avenues.


Sometimes, simply changing your environment can give you a new perspective on your job. If you’re able to take your work with you, ask your supervisor if you can work outside for a short time, work in a different area of the building, or possibly even work from home for a day. Work not portable? Use your lunch break to get outside, take a walk, and enjoy the different scenery.


Do you know someone who always makes you laugh, makes you feel better about your situation, or shares words of encouragement? Check in with those friends, family members, and co-workers when you need a pick-me-up during the workday. Consider writing down some of their encouraging words on note cards and posting them in your workspace to view throughout the day. Want to hear someone else’s view on the world? Talk to a child you know. They’ll be sure to make you laugh and appreciate the smaller things in life.


Whether your favorite type of art comes in the form of photography, paintings, music, poetry, or novels, surrounding yourself with the art of your choice can provide new inspiration to help you reach your goals at work and at home. Not sure where to look? Hang a print of some art that brings you joy. Inspiration is sure to follow when you are surrounded by things you love.


Sometimes, inspiration comes from dreaming of what may come. So, don’t be afraid to dream big and look toward the future to find your inspiration. Whether you’re motivated by striving for the VP’s chair or simply want to earn a raise to buy the car you’ve been eyeing, dreaming can supply the power you need to make it through the workday.

You’ve probably experienced at least a day here or there when you’ve struggled to stay on task at work, making your day seem endless. But, if you concentrate on what brings you motivation, you’ll soon be right back where you need to be – inspired to get the job done and done well.

Mandatory Days Off Without Pay – Vacation or Layoff?

Current economic conditions are affecting everyone and forcing some companies to make tough decisions regarding their employees. While a number of companies have had no choice but to lay off their staff or make drastic budget cuts in recent months, other companies have explored unique options to retain their employees while still trying to keep their businesses alive.

Some companies have begun instituting furloughs. According to Wikipedia, a furlough is a temporary leave of absence from employment, whether voluntary or involuntary. Other businesses have resorted to mandatory furloughs, requiring employees to take off a certain number of days per month or year – without pay – to avoid laying off their employees.

If your company chose to institute mandatory unpaid furlough days, would you be grateful that you still had a job and take the opportunity to do something for yourself during your time off? Or would you be frustrated that you were forced to take unpaid vacation days? Let us know by voting in our poll below.

What Are Your Burning Workplace Questions?

questionsHave you ever had a question you’re dying to ask about your job but you aren’t sure who – or how – to ask?

We’re starting a new feature here at the Express Job Blog where you can post questions for our experts to answer.

Your questions can be anonymous, or you can provide your name. To ask a question, just leave it in a comment on this post, or add them to our new “Your Questions” page, and our team will select a few questions each month – and interview experts to get the answers you’re looking for.

We’ll share answers to your questions as we receive them.

So, start asking away! Oh, and here are a few guidelines to keep in mind. We’re looking forward to hearing from you