Get Connected: Boost Your Career and Your Mental Health

May is mental health month, and this year’s focus is helping people become less isolated and more connected to improve their state of mind. Having people you can count on and confide in is important not only in your personal life, but in your professional life as well.

Research shows that employees who have friends at work are happier and more creative. On top of that, the studies reveal that employees with friends at work are safer, seven-times more engaged in their work and get more work done faster.  That’s why it makes sense for employers to be supportive of workplace friendships.

If you’re in a management position, you can encourage your employees to bond by allowing them some time each day for small talk and interaction. Encourage camaraderie by occasionally sponsoring fun activities such as a pizza lunch or a Friday afternoon department field trip. Not only will your team think you’re a great boss for your acts of generosity, you’ll actually be boosting productivity by encouraging workplace friendships.

Workplace buddies brighten your day by encouraging you to reach your goals, sharing a laugh and allowing you to blow off steam when things get stressful. If you don’t have a few friends at your work, make developing relationships with some co-workers a top priority. To find out how you can form friendships at work, check out the Three Secrets to Creating Allies at Work.

Do you have a good friend at work? How do you think having friendships with co-workers affects your job performance?


  1. Jenny Blake

    I work at a really social company and what I love about it is that everyone is so supportive of each other. Sometimes I think work friendships can be tricky, in the sense that you really have to try not to engage in gossip or needless complaining. The workplace is still exactly that – a workplace – and people will still judge you on your level of professionalism.
    I think workplace friends can become especially important allies in moving toward a greater work-life balance. I’ve got a co-worker who’s now my workout buddy, and I get to reap the benefits of friendship, accountability and physical fitness! Even grabbing someone for a walk around the building can be rejuvenating.

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