What Do You Want to Know in an Interview? The Questions You Don’t Ask

Have you ever been in a job interview and thought of a question you really wanted to ask but weren’t sure if you should? The reality is, there are a lot of things you won’t know about a job until you actually start it. But there are ways you can ask some of the tough questions when you’re in the interview so you’ll know better what to expect.

We want to know the top questions you want to ask but won’t. Vote in our poll, and we’ll address the top questions in a later post.

Think of something that’s not on this list? We still want to hear from you.

Let us know the answers you’re looking for in an interview by leaving us a comment.


  1. Doris

    Why did the last person leave this position and what were their comments in the exit interview? What has the turnover been for this position?

  2. Marie

    What is the financial stability of the company? Are there any short term goals to sell or relocate the company or the position.

  3. Suzanna

    I actually did ask in an interview once, “Okay, you asked me why I would be the right candidate for this job. Now I would like you to tell me why your business would be the right place for me to use the skills and experience I described. Why should I work for you and not your competetor?”

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