Daily Archives: November 24, 2008

Time Management Tips to Reduce Workplace Stress

Reduce Workplace StressThe holidays are literally just around the corner. Unfortunately, not only joy and cheer are associated with this season; stress levels also spike during the holidays. Aside from the regular amounts of stress individuals work under, the American Psychological Association reports that the holidays increase stress for women by 44% and by 31% for men.

Stress often comes with feeling overwhelmed and losing of control at the workplace. To help you get a handle on things, try these time management techniques at work and reduce work-related stress.

Work-Life Balance – To lower stress levels, it’s vital to find the balance between your work life and your home life. Compare your work schedule and job responsibilities with your family life and social activities. If you see that you’re too heavily involved with work and have little time for your outside life, make it a point to balance the two. Look through our blog’s Work-Life Balance page for more ideas.

Take Breaks – Instead of misusing time throughout the workday, taking small intentional breaks throughout the day will help you focus the rest of the time. Stepping away from your desk or getting up to stretch will give your mind a quick break and allow you to quickly recharge.

Prioritize – Properly allocating your time to complete important tasks keeps you on track and organized. Pay attention to what you’re working on and how much time is required for each task. This allows you to know if you’re able to take on an extra task or help out a co-worker with another assignment. But, make sure you don’t over do it, because taking on too much is simply asking for added stress.

Understand that some stressors are out of your control, but with proper time management, you can reduce your stress levels at work. Be sure to review our other tips on reducing workplace stress, so you can enjoy the holidays without overwhelming stress.