The Recession: An Opportunity to Improve Your Life

With much of the media focusing on the negative impact of the recession, new grads looking for employment, mature workers who’ve been laid off, and individuals struggling with survivor’s guilt, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If you’re feeling defeated in your current job search, look beyond the grim picture the media paints to the opportunities and possibilities ahead of you before you raise the white flag of surrender.

While change and the unknown can be daunting, even frightening, it can also be a chance to redirect your life, to have an adventure, or to do and become more. It may not feel like it now, but the possibilities your life holds and the roads you choose to take are endless. So, if you find yourself at a roadblock, create a new path.  Bravely step out on the road less traveled, and change your life. Choosing this mindset can make all the difference.

Not sure which road to take? Explore these avenues to discover potential alternative career paths.

Start Your Own Business. If you’ve ever wanted to be your own boss, now may be the perfect time to start your own company. While keeping your passions and skills in mind, think outside the box and develop a business that’s right for you, whether it’s a quaint neighborhood restaurant, an in-home day care, or a franchised company. Be innovative and dream big and you’ll take control of your destiny.

Gain Life Experience. If you’re a new grad or just need more adventure than an 8 – 5 desk job has to offer, consider taking some time to discover the world. Think about volunteering for the Peace Corps, or becoming an English teacher in a foreign country. Working abroad will provide you with incredible life experiences, equip you with valuable skills you can use in other fields, and help you determine your priorities and purpose.

Whatever road you choose, whether you’re just beginning or you’ve traveled great distances, take heart. As Dr. Seuss says, “Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know and you are the one who’ll decide where to go.”

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