Daily Archives: April 22, 2013

Express Your Appreciation for Co-workers

Show AppreciationIf you’ve ever worked in a department with other employees or as part of a team on a project, chances are, someone has helped you out somewhere along the way. From showing you how to complete a task to lending you advice on a project, co-workers often provide guidance and support as you work together to get the job done. Building good workplace habits, such as expressing gratitude, is a great way to build rapport. A little appreciation goes a long way, so make sure to show your gratitude for the help you receive from your co-workers. This doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are three simple ways you can express your thanks any time of year.

Say Thanks
The easiest way to express your gratitude is to simply say thank you. Whether you express your appreciation verbally, through an e-mail, or in a handwritten note, saying thank you to your helpful co-worker shows that you value their help and recognize that you might not have been able to complete your assignment without their assistance.

Share Recognition
If your department or team hosts weekly or monthly meetings, recognize your co-worker for their assistance by formally thanking them in front of your supervisor and other co-workers. A small gesture like this can be very meaningful.

Return the Favor
One of the best ways to show your appreciation for someone’s help is to return the favor. If they need help on a project or advice on a task you’ve completed before, offer to guide them through it. When you have skills or experience to offer, take the opportunity to share your knowledge. This demonstrates not only that you’re thankful for the help, but that you’re the type of person who is willing to lend a hand.

Expressing your appreciation for your co-workers helps build your team. So, make sure to recognize your co-workers the next time they offer to step in to help you out. Your acknowledgement can inspire your co-workers to give more and help others more often.