Daily Archives: January 4, 2016

The Results Are In: How Does Your Company Ensure Great Customer Service?

poll_customer_service_webEmployees are often seen as the face and voice of a business. Because a company’s success may depend on the image it portrays to customers, we asked how the company you work for ensures that you and your co-workers maintain a great level of customer service.

The Results
Our poll revealed that the number one way companies ensure great customer service is by providing training and onboarding for new hires. Twenty-three percent of respondents selected this option, which specifies that training is thorough enough to explain the expectations of the company.

Another 18% reported that “employee development programs and education” are how their company ensures great customer service, followed by 17% who said “there are programs in place that award employees who provide extraordinary service.”

A combined 29% of readers selected two options that reveal “nothing extra is done” to maintain great customer service, which breaks down into the following reasons:

  • 17% said “we have a poor customer service environment”
  • 12% said “employees already provide great customer service”

Monetary incentives for excellent service aren’t as popular with companies, according to our poll. Only 7% of readers selected “bonuses” as a means for ensuring great customer service.

Lastly, 7% of readers chose the “other” option and left responses that included:

  • Excellent benefits
  • PTO to keep employees satisfied and refreshed
  • Communication
  • Daily meetings
  • Customer service depends on the employees you work with

Did we miss anything? How does your company ensure great customer service? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.