5 Tips for New Grads in the Changing Workforce

recent_grads_first_jobs_webThe transition from college to the workplace brings many changes, but is also full of opportunity. With the five different generations in today’s workforce, it’s important to find your place in the workforce and establish yourself as a professional who can make a positive impression.

Whether you’ve landed your first job, or are on the hunt, here are five tips to help you find success in today’s ever-changing workforce.

1. Connect with other generations.
When you enter the workforce, you could encounter up to five different generations, each with their own view of the workplace. While you likely have your own, strong vision of how work should be done, it’s advantageous for you to learn from those you’re around. One good way to do this is through mentorship. Connect with a seasoned professional within your company and commit to meeting regularly.

2. Work on soft skills.
While experience and technical skills take time to develop, soft skills can be established immediately. Work on being a team player, listening, leadership, and other skills that can’t be gained from completing a college course or certification program.

3. Position yourself for future leadership.
As older generations retire, it’s important to position yourself to step into leadership roles that may open in their absence. Because of the skills gap, many employers will soon find themselves looking to younger generations to step up and take on more responsibility. So, early on in your career, start thinking of how you can prepare yourself for such roles. Take time to study your company’s current leadership, learn a new skill, find a mentor, or volunteer to help with projects. You can also take a look at the results from a recent Movin’ On Up poll to see how others are preparing for future leadership roles.

4. You control your career.
It’s important to realize that the future is in your hands. While you may end up at a company that is great about promoting employees’ professional growth, you must remember that at the end of the day, they have a business to run. Identify the strengths you bring to the table, capitalize on those, and do your best to make yourself invaluable to the company.

5. Be patient and flexible.
Keep in mind you are part of a generation accustomed to having information at your fingertips. The fast pace of technology can make it hard to wait, but know that as businesses strive to stay ahead of the changing technology, things won’t always move as quickly as you’d prefer. So, be patient and be flexible.  Realize that things will get done, but maybe not as quickly as you’d think. Part of that is generational, while another part is simply how businesses sometimes work.

Have other tips you’d like to suggest for new graduates? Let us know in the comment section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


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