Take Inventory of Your Accomplishments

Good job written on a sticky noteThe holiday season is well underway. Decorations and lights are going up, Christmas tunes replace normal ringtones, and holiday e cards fill inboxes everywhere. Along with those greetings, you’re likely to get a few of the annual Christmas letters from family and friends detailing what an amazing year they had. Their vacation in Tuscany was fantastic. Mom got promoted to vice president at the firm. Dad won his age group in the Iron Man Triathlon. Junior graduated magna cum laude. It’s enough to make anyone feel just a little inadequate. So fight back against the humble-braggers. Now is the perfect time to take inventory of your accomplishments.

Why Take Inventory?
There are many reasons to take inventory of your accomplishments. It’s always a good idea to keep your resume up to date. Whether you’re a job seeker or have your sights set on a promotion in your current position, it’s wise to be ready when opportunity knocks. Aside from a professional standpoint, a personal assessment can help determine whether you’re on track to reach your goals for personal growth. Whether personal or professional, taking inventory of your accomplishments can be a huge confidence boost.

What Goes on Your List?
You may think that an accomplishment has to be an enormous, groundbreaking feat. But perhaps you should broaden your definition of an accomplishment. Obviously a promotion at work is a big deal. Of course that kind of achievement goes to the top of your list. But don’t limit yourself. You also want to list skills you acquired that will help advance your career. Did you learn a new software program, complete any workshops or training courses? Perhaps you were recognized for an achievement or received a glowing performance review. Or maybe you’ve been assigned new responsibilities under your current job description.

On the personal side, think of things that promote your personal growth. Remember to be generous, think big picture. Anything that helped your personal development or well-being is fair game. Any goals you reached or that are ongoing are worthy of note. Did you volunteer or give back to your community in any way? Are you on a regimen of healthy eating or exercise? Did you improve your organizational skills, begin a savings or retirement investment plan? Perhaps you set aside distractions and devoted more time to reading. Did you acquire a new skill or hobby like gardening or home improvement? Include any new undertaking that required effort and commitment and that you look upon with a bit of pride and a sense of accomplishment.

Now What?
If you’re taking a professional inventory, it’s likely time to update your resume. Find some great tips to dust off your resume here. Next, decide what you’d like to accomplish in the coming year. Then plan your next move. There are some great ideas to advance your career here.

On the personal side, consider whether any of the skills and activities you enjoy away from work could make you a more valuable employee. Next, take a moment to bask in the glow of your achievements. Any accomplishment, large or small is worth a little self-congratulation. If you feel you’re still a little short in the achievement department, don’t beat yourself up. Why not begin now? It’s never too late to set a goal. If you need a quick confidence boost, set your sights on an objective that’s easily attainable. The important thing is to make a plan and then take steps to make it a reality. And who knows? Before you know it, you may be sending out your own annual Christmas letter.

What were your accomplishments this year? Do you have any tips on setting goals and finding ways to reach them? Let us know in the comments section.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.


  1. Pingback: Take Inventory of Your Accomplishments | Express Pros Manchester

  2. Louise Donaldson

    Just a few of my personal accomplishments in this past year is on my job; I have been learning new things within the lab. They seem to be adding a few new responsibilities to my presents duties. On a personal side I have been giving back to my communities by giving to a few charities and volunteering helping little child to read and about cooking, keeping a clean house for her children and the important of these things. I am also volunteering to keep two little children while they mother go to work. I have also taken in four members of my family in order to help them get on their feet. There is a young lady at work that I am teaching how to value her self as a person and to understand just what a nice person she is and that she needs to reach for the stars and not to just settle for what come along. I have trying to teach her that she can have the best and that she is a good person. I have bought a few toys for needed children. My family is happy this year, because they all have jobs and is able to take care of their families and that is a bless in it self. 2016 has been a busy year for me and I am looking forward to 2017, because it will be even better! I have learned so much this year both personal and professional..

    1. Movin' On Up

      Louise, that is amazing! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, and thanks for sharing them with us. We hope 2017 brings even more success!

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