Did you make a holiday wishlist this year? While we’re on lists, now might be a good time to create a job wishlist if you’re looking for a new opportunity as we head into the new year.
What is a job wishlist?
We all have desires in our careers. A job wishlist aims to precisely define your needs and wants for your next opportunity. To make sure you have a targeted job search, we want to assist you as you go through your list. Reflect for a moment on your professional aspirations, including where you are now and where you hope to be.
Career Goals: Take a moment to reflect on where you are in your career and where you are trying to go. Are you looking to switch careers? Are you looking to make a lateral move in the same industry? Do you have any non-negotiables like remote or flexible working options, deal breakers like long work commutes, or lack of work-life balance? You’ll want to clearly define these goals so you can hold yourself accountable to your wishlist.
Salary Pay Expectations: Compensation will likely be near the top of your wishlist for jobs. Knowing your current income and whether you are being fairly compensated based on job market research is crucial before you start applying for opportunities. Along with salary expectations, consider benefits and additional company perks like remote work and training opportunities. You’ll benefit from having this knowledge on hand when negotiating with hiring managers and conducting interviews with them.
Workplace Culture: If you plan to join a new company, what are some of the workplace culture requirements you are looking for? Be sure to read up on your future company’s mission, vision, and values so you can see if you share the same principles. Maybe your decision factors come down to company size or dress code. Is working in a diverse and inclusive work environment important to you? Workplace culture is important, so you should be sure to become familiar with it during the interview, so you know what to expect if you accept the offer.
Creating a job wishlist is a great way to visualize and implement your goals. Let your job wishlist be your secret weapon to career success. Don’t forget after you make your list to check it twice. See what we did there?
What would you add to your job wishlist? Let us know in the comments section below!
Last Updated on September 6, 2024