Canada Employed: Flexibility Aids Recruitment and Retention; Employees Want Better Benefits

Canada Employed explores the state of employment and unemployment in Canada. Learn more about the latest insights, according to a recent Express Employment Professionals-Harris Poll survey.

1 in 3 Canadian Job Seekers Have Paused Starting a Family Due to Lack of Work/Life Balance

  • One-third of employed job seekers put starting a family on hold due to a lack of work/life balance
  • Employers are responding to requests for improved work/life balance through hybrid schedules, flexible start times, more paid time off, childcare subsidies, and gradual return-to-work programs following maternity leave
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Canadian Employees Want Better Benefits; Companies Say They Can’t Keep Up

  • 42% of hiring managers say employees are asking for better benefits this year compared to last
  • 70% of companies say it’s impossible to offer all benefits being demanded
  • 58% of companies have modified their benefits to retain and recruit employees
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Last Updated on May 3, 2024