Tag Archives: network

Be Thankful: How to Appreciate Your Job

be_thankful_for_job_webThe holiday season is fast approaching, and it’s a time of year when many people consider all they are thankful for, like family, shelter, and friends. When you count up your blessings, do you include your job? Even if your current job isn’t perfect, it is something for which you should be thankful. If you’re struggling to appreciate your job, take a look at these tips to help alter your thinking.

Appreciate your perspective.
Remember, you control your perspective. That means your attitude – and yours alone – shapes the way you think about the situation you’re in. It also means you’re the only one who can make yourself enjoy your job. So, take a few moments every morning to remember the things you enjoy about your job and start your day off with the right attitude.

Appreciate your contributions.
You contribute a lot to your employer. If you’re struggling to find meaning in your work or are having trouble enjoying your job, take a moment to consider what you bring to your workplace. Take an inventory of your talents, skills, and personality, and remind yourself that you are a valuable employee. Then, shift your focus and contribute even more. Make an extra effort to voice great ideas, and put in a little extra participation when you can. Chances are your increased efforts and positive attitude will be noticed and maybe even rewarded.

Appreciate what you receive.
Even though it may not always seem like it, your job gives back to you in many ways. Your income isn’t the only thing you get from your work. Take a moment to make a list of the things you receive from your workplace, like health insurance, benefits, time off, or teambuilding opportunities. Does your workplace offer a gym for employees, or bonuses during the holidays? Do you have flexible work hours? Does your employer provide coffee in the mornings? Even that is a benefit you may not have noticed.

Appreciate your alone time.
Taking breaks during the work day can really help you unwind and let go of stress. If your workplace allows, take advantage of your break time every day. Even getting away from your desk for five minutes to step outside, make a phone call, or grab a snack can be enough of a mental break to get your head back in the game. Don’t forget to leave all of your emails and work behind for those few minutes. Your time away from your desk or work station may help you relax and remind you to appreciate a few moments of quiet time during a busy work day.

Appreciate your co-workers.
When you contribute toward a pleasant work environment, you also help your co-workers appreciate their job. Don’t participate in gossip, as it only spreads negativity. Instead, minimize your time with those whose personalities clash with your own and spend time with people you can help and befriend. Have fun at work by inviting your co-workers to lunch or keeping up with their life outside the workplace. When you get along with your co-workers, it not only makes for a more enjoyable work environment but can also help the team’s overall morale.

Appreciate work-life balance.
When your work day ends, make sure you don’t take it home with you. Mentally check out of your job before heading home for the day. A recent study from Good Technology revealed that 80% of people continue working after they leave the office, and checking emails is the biggest culprit. It’s okay to enjoy your work, but you need to find a balance between your job and your personal life to ensure happiness.

Appreciate the experience.
Even if your current job isn’t the one you want for the rest of your life, you can appreciate the experience you’re getting. Your job may not be part of your overall career plan, but it can add valuable skills and experience to your resume that will help you land the job of your dreams later. Not to mention, supervisors, managers, and co-workers are important people to have in your network. You never know who they may know, or where a better job connection may turn up down the road.

According to Business Insider, “the luckiest employees reap rewards from multiple areas: financial, emotional, and professional. They see their daily work as a chance to learn, better themselves, and understand the lessons hurled at them.”

At the end of the day, remember that you’re lucky to have a job. That doesn’t mean you should stay in a job that isn’t right for you. If your work is stressing you out or making you feel unappreciated, it may be time to look for something new. While you consider a career change or take up a new hobby, use these tips to help you appreciate the job you have right now.

Why are you thankful for your job? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Start Building Your New Career Today

start_your_new_career_today_webAre you a recent graduate? Are you new to the workforce? Are you looking for a career change?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you may be in the process of building your new career. Getting started can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you’re motivated to make your new career a success, your dream job can become a reality. To help you get started, check out these tips for building your new career today.

Know what you want.
Whether you just graduated, are entering the workforce for the first time, or considering a career change, the first step is knowing what you want in a job. Do a self-assessment of your values, hobbies, experience, and work preferences so you know when a job opportunity may be right for you. Knowing what you want before you apply helps you avoid getting stuck in a work environment that doesn’t match what you need. According to a Forbes article, “When your values are dramatically misaligned with those of your employer, you will become disengaged and possibly even disgruntled.”

Customize your resume for every job application.
Making sure your resume matches each job description helps you stand out from the competition and ensures that you’re the right fit for the job. Don’t forget to check for spelling and grammatical errors in both your resume and cover letter. Sending out material with mistakes may make you appear lazy to hiring managers and prevent you from landing an interview.

Spread the news!
Tell your friends, family, and mentors that you’re looking for work so they can help you search. You never know what connections are out there, and someone you know may be able to connect you with a potential employer. Networking is essential when you’re looking for a job, especially if you’re thinking about changing careers or are just starting out in the workforce.

Consider finding temporary or short-term roles.
Temporary work is not only a great way to earn an income while you’re searching for that perfect job, it’s also a chance to gain experience and skills you may not otherwise have. Temporary jobs even allow you to test out a career you may be interested in by helping you get your foot in the door. You can gain knowledge, skills, experience, and networking opportunities by working a short-term job in a field you want to explore. And, that temporary job could even turn into a permanent one. Consider applying with a staffing agency to find temporary or contract work that’s right for you.

Take advantage of social media.
Some of your social media sites can be a useful tool in your job search. LinkedIn, for example, is a great way to get noticed and find employers who are hiring. Think of LinkedIn and your other social networks like a digital resume and use them to showcase your skills, experience, and education. Remember to keep your social media clean and free of anything that may not make you an ideal job candidate for employers. If your social media profiles are public, chances are potential employers will look at them. In fact, a 2014 survey by Harris Poll revealed that 51% of employers who research job candidates online said they’ve found content that caused them not to hire the candidate. Think twice before sharing any photos, updates, or links that may be questionable or paint you in a bad light. When it comes to your job search, social media can make or break you.

Freelance or start a side business.
If you currently have a job, but have a hobby or skill you’d like to explore, consider freelance work. For example, if you love to write, but don’t know where to find writing jobs, try contacting websites or local newspapers to see if they’re looking for freelance writers. Or if you are really good at math, but don’t know how to use that in your career, reach out to schools and other organizations that may be looking for tutors. Freelancing allows you to take on small projects that use your skills while adding to your portfolio and experience.

Educate yourself.
If you want to change careers, you may need the proper training to do so. According to the University of Southern California, some college graduates earn more than twice as much as high school graduates. If higher education is in your future, start by looking for vocational schools and colleges in your area. In some cases, the training you need may be as simple as online certifications or courses. If you’re looking for a career change, check out this list of careers that will make going back to school worthwhile..

Make a list of companies where you’d like to work.
Forbes suggests taking the time to learn about companies you’d like to work for, and familiarizing yourself with that company’s leaders and the industry they’re in. Know what issues affect the industry and determine whether or not you have the experience and skills to offer possible solutions to those issues. Knowing industry trends is also a great way to start a conversation with potential employers and hiring managers.

What tips do you have for building a new career? Share with us in the comment section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Four Training Tips You Can Do Right Now to Advance Your Career

training_tips_for_job_webWhether you are currently seeking a job or looking to move up the ladder in your current position, you can be proactive in building a plan for future success.

If you want to advance your career, start taking steps today to boost your skills, prepare for promotions, or impress interviewers. Here are five career training tips you can do right now to help secure that future success.

1. Develop current and new skills. Be honest with yourself about both your strengths and your weaknesses, and learn to develop both. If you struggle with new programs required for your job, study them or enroll in training. If public speaking is part of your career plan, join organizations like Toastmasters to help improve your speaking ability. Many libraries and community colleges also offer workshops in everything from Excel to business writing. Investing in your skill set is never a waste of time and can only improve your chances for success.

2. Build your network. Networking is a skill you can develop right now, with or without a current job. Attend events where your peers go. Ask advice and offer help when you can, but also watch what successful people do well and learn from them. If you have a job already, build your network within the company. Collaborate and work with others to solve problems, showing that you have a team-building mentality. Attend work functions and join professional networking groups to help expand your future job base.

3. Make a plan. If you are seeking employment, take this time to plot a course for your dream career. Knowing where you are going makes it easier to get there. Research what skills you need to improve, what programs or knowledge you need to learn, and what you must have for upward mobility, and then create a step-by-step plan to meet those skills and needs. Many experts suggest creating a one year, three year, and five year plan – much like you would in a business plan. Once you have a clear goal in place, reaching that goal becomes attainable.

4. Act like the leader you are – or want to be. At the end of the day, leaders are the ones who get promoted or hired. Doers are the workhorses, but leaders are highly sought after. So how do you train yourself now to be a leader? First, have a vision for your career and/or the company’s future. Learn to speak up and offer to take charge on projects. Show respect for all employees, and communicate in a professional manner. Again, taking business communications or public speaking classes can help with this.

If you want to advance your career, these simple training tips are steps you can take now, whether you are currently employed or not. Follow these career training tips, commit to your career, and be open to learning new skills. Proper training is never a waste of time.

What training tips helped you in your career or job search? Share your tips with us here.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Make a Cool Impression at Your Summer Job

cool_impression_summer_job_webEvery summer, many students look for temporary work while they take a break from school. Summer jobs are a great way to make money, meet new people, and enhance your resume. They’re also an important stepping stone in your career path, whether the job you choose is part of your overall career goals or not. According to Nicole Williams, a business owner in New York City, “You want to impress your boss. You want to do everything in your power to make this job a great opportunity for you.”

So, how do you impress your boss and make sure your summer job leads to bigger and better opportunities? Check out the tips below to stand out from the competition this summer.

Adjust your routine.
Staying healthy and rested makes you a better employee. Instead of staying up late or spending hours watching television before the lights go out, create a bedtime routine that will allow you to get the sleep you need for better job performance. If you like to unwind before bed, consider reading a book instead of spending time in front of the screen. According to Reuters, using a technological device before bed dramatically increases the likelihood that you’ll need more than 60 minutes to fall asleep. Getting better sleep can make you less drowsy, which in turn can up your creativity and efficiency. Plus, walking in the door on time or a few minutes early helps show your boss that you take the job seriously.

Go above and beyond.
While your current role may be perfect for you, if you have plans to move up in the company, you may want to consider taking on additional projects to show your initiative. According to career author Dan Schawbel, “If all you do is what is listed in your job description, it’s impossible to get ahead.” So, keep an open mind when you’re asked to take on additional projects or roles and see if your can-do attitude helps you get noticed.

Learn from your mistakes.
It’s impossible to be perfect all the time. Once you accept this fact, you can learn to embrace any mistakes or failures you experience on the job. If you receive a performance review or other feedback that is less than perfect, try to recognize the constructive criticism as a way to improve. Look for the lessons in your mistakes and use them as a chance to grow both personally and professionally. “If you aren’t afraid to learn, then you’re going to be in a position for more success in your second, third, and fourth jobs,” Williams said.

Network, network, network.
We talk a lot about networking on this blog, and for good reason. Networking is an important way to connect with people who can help you land a job, find a new opportunity, or expand your list of references. Even if you only plan to work at your summer job for a few months, you can use the opportunity to meet as many people as possible. You never know what connections they may have or how they can help you with your future career goals.

Pay attention to your wardrobe.
If your summer job requires a professional wardrobe, don’t skimp on quality. Looking professional is important in the workplace and can make a positive impression on your boss, co-workers, and customers. Luckily, there are cost-effective ways to achieve a professional look. Check out clearance sections at department stores, or consider looking at local second-hand stores for professional attire without breaking the bank. If your job requires a uniform, always keep yours clean, ironed if necessary, and professional. Showing up to the job with a uniform that isn’t up to par can make you seem uninterested or unmotivated–two qualities you don’t want a potential reference to mention with your name.

Whether your summer job is part of your career path or just a way to work while taking a break from classes, your workplace performance matters. Make connections, learn new skills, and use learning opportunities as a chance to grow and be better prepared for your next job.

How do you plan to make a great impression at your summer job? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Don’t Let Your LinkedIn Profile Go On Vacation

linkedin_vacation_webThe season for summer vacations is here! Many people are packing up their suitcases, lathering on the sunscreen, and hitting the hottest vacation spots while school is on a break and the weather is nice. Although it’s important to get away and take time to relax and unwind from school, work, or your job search, you don’t want to let your vacation get in the way of your networking abilities.

It’s true that our culture is suffering from a bit of social media overload, and some online users are so overwhelmed by their social networks and email accounts that they have considered taking a short break from them. In fact, 50% of online users in a recent survey reported that they’ve thought about taking a vacation from social media. While stepping away from Facebook or Twitter for a few days might be a good idea, you may want to take a different approach with your LinkedIn profile. Read on for more tips to keep your LinkedIn profile working while you’re relaxing.

Understand the purpose.
LinkedIn is a very useful network for job seekers, students, and those in the workforce. If you have a LinkedIn profile that you only update on occasion, you’re missing a big opportunity to be seen by recruiters and potential employers. The network allows you to research companies, find connections, and use your friends’ experiences to connect with people you may not be able to reach otherwise.

Write a catchy headline.
Much like your resume, your LinkedIn headline needs to represent you and your career goals. The headline is located just below your name on your LinkedIn profile and is one of the only things, aside from your name and profile photo, someone sees before deciding whether or not to click on your profile. So, make your headline count by spelling out what you’re looking for on LinkedIn. You can use your headline to state that you’re searching for a job, or just looking to network with those in your industry. According to Forbes, an administrative assistant found a job in two weeks after using the clever headline, “Office Manager/Business Air-Traffic Controller Looking for Overstressed CEO to Make Sane.”

Make a list of dream jobs, and network with them.
If there are specific companies you dream of working for, find their company pages on LinkedIn and follow them. When you follow those company pages, you’ll be in-the-know about what’s going on with their company. You may even be able to see job postings or other updates before the rest of the competition does. Plus, when you interact with the content companies share, you put your name in front of potential recruiters.

Do your homework.
If you land an interview, whether through LinkedIn or other means, don’t forget to do your research before the big day. Thankfully, LinkedIn can help with that. Try to find the profile of the person you’ll be interviewing with and learn what you can from it. For example, you may be able to find out where your interviewer went to college. Better yet, it may be the same school you attended. Automatically, you have something to talk about and a way to break the ice during your interview. Checking out their LinkedIn profile will give you a look at who the person is, what their experience consists of, and any community causes that are important to them. Knowing these bits of information can help you feel more comfortable during your interview while also showing you did your homework.

Use LinkedIn for more than networking.
Although being able to connect with potential employers is an important element to LinkedIn, there is more to the social network than simply adding friends. Give your profile substance by adding links to presentations, videos, or other projects you’ve completed. And don’t forget to share any articles, blog posts, or content you write by using the status update feature on your page. Sharing your own content is a great way to encourage interaction and also helps you get noticed faster.

Summer is a great time of year for relaxing, heading to the beach, or just taking some time off. While you’re busy soaking up the sun, don’t forget to keep an eye on your LinkedIn profile so you won’t miss out on important opportunities. During the summer months and holidays, you can easily make networking a part of your vacation by meeting new people and keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date.

How do you make your LinkedIn profile stand out? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Holiday Weekends Are a Great Time to Network

holiday_weekend_networking_webWith the Fourth of July holiday right around the corner, many Americans will find themselves traveling, camping, enjoying cook-outs, and gathering with family and friends. While it’s a great time to make memories and enjoy a firework show, it’s also a prime time to make sure you’re thinking about your career.

How can a holiday weekend make an impact on your job search? It’s all about networking. Whether you’re planning to attend a neighborhood pool party, barbeque with friends, or participate in a community event, there’s always an opportunity to network and make connections that could help you on your career path. Take a look at these tips for enhancing your summer holiday through the power of networking.

Be friendly.
You never know who you may run into at a social gathering, so it’s always important to put your best foot forward. In fact, it’s a commonly held belief that people will form an impression of you in the first seven seconds. When you meet someone new, consider it an informal job interview. Be friendly and positive and don’t be afraid to talk about your hobbies, what you enjoy doing for work, or your career goals. Even if the person you’re meeting doesn’t seem to possess any direct connections to a new job or company you want to work for, they may know someone who does. And, the first impression you give them could make or break your chance at that relationship.

Give yourself value.
When you meet someone for the first time, it may be easy to talk about yourself and share your career goals with the other person. While it’s important to introduce yourself, make sure you also allow your new connection time to speak. And don’t forget to give yourself value by explaining what you can do for the relationship. If you have experience, certain skills, or training that could benefit the other person, make it known. For example, if you’re an experienced welder and you find out your cousin’s friend owns a machine shop that’s looking for welders, be sure to introduce yourself and make your skills known.

Share your contact information.
If you happen to meet someone with connections or a job they’re trying to fill, make sure you get their contact information so you can follow up with them after the holiday weekend. You may want to consider carrying around business cards with your name and contact information for networking purposes. Keep a pen handy so you can write a note on the back of the card, like “Jim’s BBQ” or “Sarah’s Firework Stand” so they will remember where you met when they find your card after the holiday weekend. You may also consider sharing your LinkedIn profile with any new connections. If you have a smart phone or tablet handy, you can even look up the profile of those you network with and add them as a connection before you forget.

Don’t forget to follow up.
After the holiday weekend has ended, consider sending your new contact a handwritten note thanking them for their time or interest and asking if there’s a convenient time for you to meet and further discuss the open position or your career goals. Sending a quick note through email is another way to make a memorable impression and keep your name at the forefront of your new connection’s mind.

How do you plan to network during the holiday weekend? Have you made a job connection through a social event? Share your tips in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Break Free From Your Job Search

break_free_from_job_search_webAs our Canadian friends celebrate Canada Day, Independence Day is just around the corner in the U.S. While both of these holidays are a great time to get together with family and friends, enjoy a picnic, watch a firework show, and celebrate freedom, it’s also an opportunity to declare independence from your job search. If you’ve been looking for work for an extended period of time, you are probably well aware of the struggles a difficult job search can bring. In honor of the July 4th holiday, we want to share some tips that may help you break free from your search and land a job.

Re-evaluate and consider your goals.
When it comes to your job search, there may be a specific job or company you have in mind. While it’s beneficial to have an idea of where you’d like to work or what you’d like to do, it’s possible that too much focus on a specific position may cause you to have tunnel vision. If you’ve submitted resumes and applications for the same type of job over and over, but haven’t landed an interview yet, take some time to step back and evaluate whether or not you’re on the right path. It’s possible that you don’t possess the skills or experience needed for a certain job, and you’re only wasting time pursuing it.

If that’s the case, assess what education or experience you may need to meet the position’s requirements and consider receiving the appropriate training before you apply for similar jobs.

Network both online and offline.
LinkedIn is a great way to make connections with people in the industry or company where you want to work. Making sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with all of your skills, experience, and educational information to help you stand out to potential employers who find you online. Likewise, your other social media accounts may be visible to recruiters and interviewers as well, so make sure you keep your Facebook, Twitter, and other accounts professional at all times. You never know who is looking at them!

In addition to online networking through social media, it’s just as important to network offline. Consider going to industry events, joining a professional organization, attending local functions, or volunteering in your community. These gatherings give you the opportunity to meet new people face-to-face and network on a personal level. Often, employers don’t post their jobs online. They rely instead on employees or personal networking, so you don’t want to miss out on this unspoken opportunity.

Show excitement during your interview.
If you are asked to visit a company for an interview, there’s no doubt you’ll be excited. But, a recent survey from OI Global Partners reveals that 56% of interviewers think their interviewees don’t show enough excitement or interest during the conversation. While it’s natural to feel nervous during an interview, it’s important that you don’t let those nerves get the best of you. Make sure you show your interest in the job by researching the company before the interview.

When you research, look for something about the company that stands out or relates to you so you can share a personal story about it with your interviewer. This shows that you put effort into learning more about the job and that you’re excited about its purpose. And of course, go to your interview. A recent survey from Express Employment Professionals revealed that an alarming number of job candidates don’t even show up to their interviews. Remember, you can’t get the job if you don’t make the effort. If you’re going to be late, call ahead and let the interviewer know that you’re running behind, but don’t avoid going just because you’re late.

Consider short-term employment.
Even if your end goal is to find a long-term position at a company, you shouldn’t turn down any temporary roles that come your way in the meantime. There are a number of benefits to taking on temporary work while you’re looking for your dream job, including the ability to test out industries you haven’t worked in before. You may be able to find a job in an environment you’re interested in, but don’t have the experience necessary to land permanent work yet. Additionally, many temporary jobs can turn into permanent ones if they’re the right fit for you. If you decide to pursue temporary work during your job search, remember to showcase your work ethic, skills, and dedication every day. You don’t always know when the employer is looking to hire someone full time!

How did you break free from your job search and land the job? Share your stories in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.