The Skills Employers Wish You Had

ThinkstockPhotos-487834398Finding the right person for the job is a task employers often struggle with. In addition to experience and education, top candidates must also possess certain skills that are right for the job. You may be familiar with important hard skills like a college degree or certification, but how often do you assess and improve your soft skills like communication, teamwork, and time management?

If “not often” is your answer, you may want to reconsider your job search tactics. In fact, in a recent study from Express Employment Professionals, a group of leaders shared the soft skills that society is missing when it comes to preparing the next generation for the workplace.

“We hear all the time from businesses that they’re looking for workers who are punctual, respectful, properly dressed, and dedicated. Employers prize these soft skills, but we constantly hear from employers that too many potential workers lack these attributes,” said Bob Funk, CEO of Express. “Soft skills are vital and there are things we can all do to help develop them.”

The study revealed that the skills employers are looking for include people skills, respect, modesty, humility, self-sufficiency, gratitude, and more. While these skills may come naturally to some, the study suggests there are actions job seekers can take to learn these skills and teach them to others.

To better understand the soft skills employers are looking for, check out the study’s list of ten actions you can take to help prepare those who are about to enter the workforce.

“The results show what everyone in society can do to send signals, especially to young people, so they develop strong soft skills that will guide them in life – and help them get job offers,” Bob Funk said.

What do you think society can do to better prepare workers to be prime job candidates? Share with us in the comment section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

U.S. National Staffing Employee Week: Thank You!

National Staffing Employee Week is Sept. 28 – Oct. 4 in the United States, and we want to show our appreciation for the millions of men and women who make up the temporary and contract workforce in the United States every week, and especially those who work for Express every year.

Whether you’re employed by a staffing firm or considering pursuing a new career path, use this week to take pride in the integral part you play in not only furthering your career, but also building a stronger economy. Express Employment Professionals salutes your hard work and dedication.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.us_staffingweek_2015

Poll: How Do You Wish Your Company Showed Appreciation to Employees?

MOV_POLL-ICONAs we approach the holiday season, many companies are beginning to decide how to show appreciation to their employees this year. From cash bonuses to holiday parties, the ways employers compensate, or don’t compensate, their employees’ hard work varies. Like last year, we want to know how you wish your employer, or future employer, showed appreciation to you and your co-workers this season.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

National Punctuation Day: Tips for Resume Grammar

national_punctuation_day_webIf you’re searching for a job, you’ve likely spent a lot of time creating a resume that shines and sets you up as a prime candidate.

The last thing you want is to ruin that sparkling resume with poor grammar or misspelled words. In order to stand out to hiring managers and beat the job search competition, it’s important to have a well-crafted, well-written resume.

Thursday, Sept. 24, is National Punctuation Day, and in honor of this important day, we’ve compiled some tips on proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation to help you review your resume.

Don’t crowd your sentences with unnecessary words. Keep it short and simple. For instance, don’t write “I reorganized the billing process;” instead say, “Reorganized billing process.”

Don’t use pronouns, especially third person. Your name should be at the top of each resume page, so the recruiter knows the resume is talking about you. Start sentences with a verb, leaving out pronouns. Example: “In charge of billing software” as opposed to “I am in charge of billing software.”

Use active power verbs. Passive verbs weaken your accomplishments. Always use active power verbs. For example, write “managed a staff of five” instead of “did manage” or “was a manager of.”

Be tense-aware. If you describe the job you are currently in, use present tense. If you are describing jobs in the past, use past tense.

Break up your sentences. Keep sentences lean and clean, and avoid complex sentences. Don’t write a sentence like this:  “Managed a team of 15, who worked in various areas of a project like planning and fundraising, and instituted a new teambuilding program that, according to my employer, improved productivity by 50%.”

Instead, break up the sentences: “Managed a project team of 15. Instituted new teambuilding program that improved productivity by 50%. Led all aspects of project from planning to fundraising.”

Use your own words. Never copy and paste the job description.

Spelling counts. If you’re ever in doubt, turn to a dictionary. Utilize your computer’s spell-check and have a friend double-check your spelling. Also, make sure you have the recruiter’s name spelled correctly in your cover letter.

Read your resume aloud. Before you send your resume, read it aloud to yourself or a friend. This will help you identify bad verb tenses, odd phrases, or awkward sentences.

Celebrate National Punctuation Day by going over your resume and following these tips to make sure it’s clean and stands out.

What other tips do you have for grammar and spelling on a resume? Share with us in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Better Together: Teamwork Games

better_together_teamwork_games_webWe all know that teamwork is vital to the success of a business, but building teamwork takes effort.

According to a recent article by Six Sigma, an online business institute, “Business teamwork is important because it enables companies to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently. Companies set goals and these goals cannot be achieved by one person. Members of a business need to work as a team. Put simply, teamwork is the collective performance of different individuals skilled at different activities in order to fulfill a group goal or objective.”

To help you better your teamwork skills and have a little fun, we’ve put together a list of game ideas that will inspire and encourage employees. Try these at your next team building exercise.

The Game of Questions
This is a great game for companies trying to address a problem. As few as 10 people are split into two groups. One team stands in a circle facing out while the other team creates a larger circle around them facing in.

The inner circle asks a question of the person opposite them in the other team. The employee has 30 seconds to answer. After, the person in the outer circle asks the same question. The inner circle then moves clockwise one space while the outer circle moves counter clockwise.

Continue the questions until everyone has answered. Questions could include:

  • “What is your greatest strength?”
  • “What kind of management style works best for you?”
  • “What is your definition of success?”

Tower of Cards
In this game, employees gather in groups of two to five members. Each group receives a pack of cards and a pair of scissors. The teams have to build the best and tallest tower using only the cards and scissors. This game is designed to help with team bonding and creativity.

Dodge the Traps
Try this teambuilding game to increase trust and communication with employees on your team. In a large area, place “traps” around haphazardly. Items for your traps may include balls, bottles, or cones.

In teams of two, blindfold one team member from each team. The other member must speak to the blindfolded employee to try to lead them around the traps in his or her path.

Building Blocks
Create a fictional problem like a brain teaser, design challenge, or riddle. Have team members write their solution or idea on a large sheet of paper. Once one person puts down an idea, pass the paper to the person on the left and have them use the idea to build another solution. As the paper continues around, see what the results are. This game allows people to understand and appreciate the value of everyone’s ideas.

Team building games work and are an excellent way to get employees to connect and work more effectively with each other. What are some of your favorite team building games? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Congratulations to Our Next Round of Job Jackpot Winners!

job_jackpotAt Express Employment Professionals, we know our associates are what make us successful, and we’re privileged to have put more than 465,000 people to work in 2014. To show our thanks this year, we’re awarding 30 associates $1,000 each in our new sweepstakes, Job Jackpot.

As part of Job Jackpot, associates are given a scratch-off ticket. Game pieces can be returned to participating Express offices to be entered into a grand prize drawing to win $1,000.

Grand prize drawings are held bimonthly, and the most recent drawing just took place. Congratulations to the following Express associates:

  • James from Tennessee
  • Sandria from Alabama
  • Nikki from Arkansas
  • Samson from Kentucky
  • Kari from Minnesota

If you’d like a chance to be our next winner, stop by your local Express office and talk to your staffing consultant today!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Try These Snacks to Keep You Focused

snacks_to_keep_focus_webAt some point during the day, nearly everyone has a hard time focusing. If you’re faced with distractions, didn’t get enough sleep, or just keep zoning out, you may need a little help staying focused on your work. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to increase your ability to focus, and all it takes is a little snack. In fact, when it comes to increasing your alertness, there are several foods you can eat to feel the difference.

If you’re not a coffee drinker, consider adding green tea to your morning routine. Green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that increases alpha brain waves. These brain waves are similar to the ones that happen when you spend time meditating, so your body responds by becoming more relaxed and calm. In turn, you are more focused. For a tea with more flavor, go for peppermint tea. Studies have found that the smell of peppermint can perk up your brain by reducing anxiety and fatigue. Try sipping on these brews in the afternoon if you’re trying to avoid the higher caffeine content of coffee.

Coffee and Spices
Of course, coffee is another option for increasing your alertness. The drink is famous for its ability to perk you up and help you focus and has also been linked to other health benefits. If you don’t mind the caffeine jolt, go for a cup of coffee when you find yourself in a slump. And for an extra boost, add a few sprinkles of cinnamon to your coffee. A recent study found that the smell of cinnamon can make you feel more alert and decrease frustration.

Dark Chocolate
There’s good news for chocolate lovers! Dark chocolate has been shown to boost blood flow to the brain and stimulate the release of feel-good chemicals called neurotransmitters. That means dark chocolate may increase your alertness while simultaneously putting you in a good mood. Better yet, as little as one-third of an ounce of chocolate may help protect against age-related memory loss.

Leafy Greens
A recent study found that people who ate two or more daily servings of vegetables, especially leafy greens, had an increase in mental performance and focus that matched people five years their junior. This boost in alertness is just another reason to go for that salad at lunch.

Fresh Berries
Studies show that eating berries can boost your concentration and memory up to five hours after consumption. The antioxidants in berries increase blood flow to the brain, which in turn, makes mental tasks easier. In addition to a boost in alertness, the health benefits of berries also include a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, so try adding darkly-pigmented fruits like blueberries to your oatmeal or snack on them in the afternoon.

We all know the health benefits of drinking lots of water. But, did you know that going for a glass of water can help you regain your focus? Studies show that dehydration can negatively affect your memory and brain function, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Adding a few drops of lemon to your water can improve your mental performance even more.

Try incorporating avocado into your meals or snacks to help clear a foggy brain. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats that support nerves in the brain and increase mental alertness. Add the healthy food to your burger at lunch, or snack on chips and guacamole when you’re feeling less alert.

Remember to get off to the right start with a healthy breakfast every day. Try eating whole grains, oatmeal, high-protein eggs, or fruit and nut mixes to help you stay focused all morning.

How do you keep your focus on the job? Share with us in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.