Tag Archives: volunteer

Poll: How Do You Give Back?

MOV_POLL-ICONIf you lead a busy life with a packed schedule and never-ending to-do lists, finding time to volunteer may be the last thing on your mind. Yet, the benefits of volunteering are numerous! While the biggest value of giving back is the impact on your community, it can also aid in your job search. When you volunteer, you gain new skills to add to your resume, find networking opportunities, and become a more attractive candidate to employers.

Because there are multiple ways to give back in the community, we want to know what you’re doing to make an impact and be involved.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Everyday Habits That Make You a Better Leader

habits_better_leader_webBecoming a great leader doesn’t take a lifetime of work. Rather, there are everyday habits you can start right now that will help you learn to successfully lead others. From communicating effectively to being courageous in the face of adversity, these tips can help you mold yourself into the leader you want to be today.

Learn to set clear expectations.
It’s fair to say that no one can read minds. So, it’s especially important to make sure you are setting clear expectations before starting a project or delegating an assignment. If you’re leading people on a project, ensure you’re being precise, both verbally and in writing, about what is expected and when you expect the work to be completed. If you’re being assigned a task, make sure you ask questions that clearly establish the expectations of your job before you start. By clarifying expectations, you decrease the opportunity for problems to arise and make it easier to deal with them when they do.

Focus on people.
If you’re a supervisor or a leader of others, it’s important to visit with your teammates on a frequent basis. Investing time in your co-workers helps grow your team and build trust, accountability, and understanding. And strengthening your relationships with those you lead helps you give important feedback during annual reviews. If you aren’t in a leadership position yet, the same rules apply. Getting to know your co-workers and being someone people trust is a great way to help you move up the ladder and get noticed.

Get involved.
One of the easiest ways to gain experience, network, and build your resume is through volunteering. When you give your time to help with community service or an organization that’s important to you, you’ll gain valuable relationships, enjoy the feeling of giving back, and gain skills you may not have otherwise. You may also learn how to lead others, which can be a valuable tool back at the office.

Be brave.
When faced with difficult decisions, leaders have to be brave. In fact, employees will often look to how a leader behaves during turbulent times before deciding how to react themselves. When you’re faced with adversity in the workplace or at home, take a deep breath and consider your options before moving forward. Remember to assess the outcomes of your decisions to learn from your mistakes and celebrate your accomplishments.

Know yourself.
According to Forbes, 90% of top performing leaders possess an abundance of self-awareness. Having a strong sense of self-awareness means you have a clear image of yourself, which includes your leadership style, strengths, weaknesses, and skills. You know where you can improve, and you know where you shine. Once you develop stronger self-awareness, you can craft a plan for improving areas that need work.

Hold yourself accountable.
When things go wrong, it’s easy to blame someone else. But, great leaders know when they’re at fault. Instead of shifting the blame to someone else, own up to your mistakes and any role you had in the problem. Don’t be afraid of what may happen when you’re honest, and never point the finger at those who are not at fault. Furthermore, be there to back up those who need you when things go wrong.

Love what you do.
When you’re passionate about something, it shows. And often, it’s contagious. Take time to be thankful for your job and gain enthusiasm for what you do so others can pick up on your energy. Strive to share the passion you have for your work with others before boredom and apathy take over your team.

How do you prepare yourself to be a successful leader? Share your tips in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to by Express Employment Professionals.

How to Start Making Use of Your Extra Hour

extra_hour_webThe end of Daylight Savings Time in America means night falls quicker and the sun rises earlier, which gives you an extra hour each day – but not for long. Before you fall into the routine of your past schedule, make use of that extra hour with these tips to help boost your career or job search.

Even though you may have a regular schedule now that the time change has passed, there are still some extra steps you can take to make a difference in your job search or career.

1. Catch up on sleep

Sure, this sounds counter-productive, but using that extra hour to catch up on ZZZs will make you more successful. Why?

According to The Sleep Foundation, many Americans show up to work drowsy and say they turn in sub-par work performances on a regular basis. A Sleep in America® poll found that 29% of people admitted to sleeping or feeling sleepy at work in the previous month, and 12% were late to work in the last month because of sleepiness.

Get your sleep, and you’ll get better results.

2. Tackle a to-do list

If your to-do list is covered in dust, it’s time to get to work. Put in extra effort to complete little chores like freshening up your resume or sending out requests for references without having to make time in your regular schedule.

3. Begin reading a helpful book

Career-enhancement books or articles on job seeking contain useful and valuable information. Sadly, many job-seekers are too busy looking for work to sit and read. Take an extra hour to find articles or books that are inspiring, creative, educational, helpful, and engaging.

4. Start an exercise program

Counteract the grogginess that comes the end of Daylight Savings Time with a brisk walk in the fall air or by hopping on that bike that’s been sitting in the garage. Regular exercise helps with your career and motivation as well.

According to new research, workers who participated in some form of physical activity experienced significantly lower instances of depression and burnout at work.

5. Pamper yourself

Take the extra hour and use it to treat yourself to light meditation, yoga, a pedicure, a massage, or whatever helps you relax. Stress from work or job hunting can take its toll, so finding time to indulge in your hobbies or relaxation may be just what you need.

6. Organize your workspace

Whether you work at an office or from home, time to arrange and organize your desk or workspace is time well spent. Messy homes and work areas not only give a bad impression to co-workers and clients, they also add to daily stress by leaving you feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

7. Sign up to volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to add spark to your resume in between jobs and add to your skills. Volunteering also shows recruiters that you are a “do-er,” not someone who waits around for opportunities. Contact your local charity to find opportunities to help others while also helping your career.

How do you plan to use your extra hour? Do you have some ideas that we’ve missed? Share your advice in the comments section below.

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Brand It Blue Day Is Almost Here!

On Saturday, June 13, Express Employment Professionals offices across North America will gather together for Brand It Blue Day. The event is a day of service aimed to help in the fight against hunger, and you can be a part of it!

There is value in volunteering–both in your personal life and your career–and Brand It Blue Day is a great time to join a good cause. If you’d like to be part of the big day, contact the Express office in your city and ask if they are participating in Brand It Blue Day. You may be able to volunteer your time at a food bank or bring in donations for a food drive. Contact your local Express office and find out if they’ll be joining this day of service so you can help!


Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

The Results Are In: How do you give back?

poll_results_how_do_you_give_back_webGiving back can be a great feeling, help you network, and make you more employable. Being a volunteer can set you apart from other job candidates and give you an entirely new set of skills. Because of this, we asked Movin’ On Up readers how they gave back to the community through charitable citizenship.

What the Survey Revealed
The survey revealed that nearly 42% of readers give back by volunteering their time and talents. The rest of the respondents give back in the following ways:

  • Donating food, clothes, or other needed items to organizations  30%
  • Donating funds to charitable organizations                                    9%
  • Donating blood                                                                               2%
  • Other                                                                                            17%

Although the majority of respondents spend time volunteering, a third donate tangible items to organizations in need, nearly 10% of respondents pull out their wallet to give funds to various charities, and 2% donate blood.

A number of respondents selected the “Other” option and provided their own responses to the poll. Of the 17% who selected “Other,” responses included:

  • All of the above
  • Walk-a-thons
  • Wild land search and rescue
  • Volunteering at the local hospices

Keep Giving Back
The results of the poll indicate that people give back in a variety of ways. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that people most often volunteered with religious (33%), education or youth-service related (25%), and social or community organizations (14%). This leads us to ask, what are your favorite ways and places to volunteer? Let us know in the comments section below!

 Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

How Giving Back Makes You More Employable

giving_back_makes_you_more_employable_webAccording to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), volunteering raises your odds of finding employment in today’s job market. In fact, a recent report from CNCS reveals that volunteers have 27% higher odds of finding employment than non-volunteers, and the relationship between employment and volunteering was strongest for those without a high school diploma or who live in rural areas.

Who Is Volunteering
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 25% of Americans age 16 and older engaged in volunteer opportunities in 2014. This equates to 62.8 million volunteers, and the median number of volunteer hours worked was 50. People most likely to volunteer are those between the ages of 35 and 44, while volunteer rates are lowest amongst those 20 to 24 years of age. The report also found that the organizations people volunteered with most were religious (33%), education or youth-service related (25%), and social or community organizations (14%).

What Are the Benefits
While the benefits of volunteering are numerous, there are a few positive effects that stand out, including:

  • Acquire new skills. When you volunteer your time, you often have the opportunity to learn new skills or trades you may not have been exposed to otherwise. These new skills are not only great for you personally, they are also important to building an impressive resume.
  • Stay engaged in the working world. If you’ve been out of work for a while, the job search can be tough. Volunteering not only allows you a chance to work on a new project that may clear your mind for a bit, it also shows potential employers that you’re driven, motivated, and encouraged to stay working despite gaps between paid jobs.
  • Improve your resume and LinkedIn profile. In addition to adding new skills to your resume, volunteering also helps you beef up the experience portion of this important document. Any experience you can add to your resume will help you stand out from the competition. Additionally, people you meet while volunteering can make great connections on LinkedIn.
  • Make new contacts. Speaking of LinkedIn, volunteering is a great way to kick-start your LinkedIn profile or enhance an otherwise stagnant one. Volunteering is an opportunity for you to network with those in your industry, or in other industries you may like to work.
  • Better understand today’s work environment. If you are an older job seeker or have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time, volunteering is a great way to get back out there. You can learn skills that are important to today’s employers while also working with younger generations to better understand the new workforce.
  • Gain self-confidence and lift your spirits. When you volunteer, you experience first-hand the difference you’re making in your community. This feeling can lead to a boost in self-confidence, which may be beneficial if you’re struggling with a particularly stressful job search.

How to Find Volunteer Work
Now that you know how volunteering can make you more employable, it’s important to know where you can find volunteer work. To find your next opportunity, try these methods:

  • Use your skills. Look to your current sets of skills to find an opportunity that’s right for you. For example, if you’re a skilled marketing professional, look for volunteer opportunities in this field. Or if you love to paint, you can search for volunteer work painting homes or other buildings.
  • Plan for the future. If there’s a job you’d like to have, use volunteering as an opportunity to help you reach that goal. Volunteer at organizations that will help you learn the skills you need for your dream jobs and help you find the people who can get you those jobs.
  • Ask your friends. Your friends and family may have volunteer experience you can benefit from, especially if they work in an industry you’re trying to break into. Ask them where they volunteer or who they volunteer with to help you find a new opportunity.
  • Search the internet. There are a number of websites that can help you find the perfect volunteer opportunity based on your skills and interests. Check out sites like VolunteerMatch.org and Serve.gov for local opportunities. If you’re age 55 or older, try the Senior Corps website, which is made specifically to help you find volunteer work.
  • Start your own. If you can’t find the right volunteer opportunity for you, or if you have an idea of your own, consider creating a volunteer opportunity or cause. You may even be able to partner with an organization that can get your idea up and running.
  • Join Express for Brand It Blue Day. On Saturday, June 13, Express offices across North America will set aside time to give back to local food banks, pantries and other nonprofit organizations. Visit ExpressPros.com/BrandItBlueDay to find out if an Express office near you will be a part of this day of service and how you can be involved.

When you look for volunteer work, seek out meaningful jobs that will help you network, learn new skills, and reach your professional goals. And remember to always treat your volunteer job as if you’re being paid. You never know who will be volunteering with you or how they may be able to help you land your next job.

How does giving back make you more employable? Share your stories in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.

Moving On After a Job Break Up

movin_on_after_job_breakup_webGetting fired, laid off, or quitting a job can be a very rough time. If this happens to you, chances are you’ll be faced with some negative emotions and anxiety about your future. Starting a new job search while you’re under so much stress can be difficult, but there are steps you can take to lessen the blow. Check out these tips to help you move on after a job break up.

Give yourself time to let it sink in.
Often, leaving a job comes with negative emotions. These emotions are normal, but you can’t bounce back and find a new job if you’re still focusing on negative thoughts and memories. You need to be positive and enthusiastic about new opportunities in order to land your next job, so make sure you allow yourself time to work through the feelings that come with being let go. Go for a walk, take up a new hobby, or lean on family or friends to help you cope before you take the next step.

Learn from your mistakes.
If you were let go from a job because of something you did – or didn’t do – take some time to think about what went wrong and how you can stop it from happening again. Try to find lessons you can learn from the situation. If you were let go because of company problems, like financial troubles or a change in management, those lessons can be harder to find. But, there are always things you can do to improve your future employability. Remember to think of the positives this change may bring. Perhaps now you can explore a new career path, reassess your strengths and weaknesses, go back to school, or find a company that will allow you to move up in your career.

Start planning.
Starting a new job search can be intimidating, and you may not be sure where to begin. According to Amy Shouse from LearnVest, a financial planning company, start by writing down every place you’d like to work. Regardless of where these companies are located or if you have the education or experience to work there, put them on your list of dream jobs. Then, do at least five things every day that will work toward landing one of those dream jobs. Research companies, make calls, submit applications, and find places to network.

Be ready to talk about the job in interviews.
Although it’s not always easy to talk about former employers, you need to be prepared when an interviewer asks the inevitable question: “Why did you leave your last job?” Remember to avoid badmouthing your previous boss, always remain honest and open with your answer, and try to show your strengths to the interviewer. For more tips on answering this question, check out this Movin’ On Up article.

Remain professional.
Regardless of why you are leaving the company, remember to exit gracefully. Since networking and references are an important part of the workplace, you don’t want to burn any bridges you may need down the road. And don’t broadcast your feelings on social media either. While it may be tempting to let your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn friends know how upset you are, it’s best to avoid saying anything negative about your previous job. These social accounts are easily searchable by potential employers, and you don’t want to air any dirty laundry that could prevent you from landing an interview. If you have to get all of your negative emotions out, rely on a friend you can trust instead of social media.

Consider volunteering.
Looking for your next job may take longer than you expected. Since you don’t want long gaps on your resume that show you were out of work, consider volunteering to an organization in your community during your job search. In addition to giving back and feeling good about your part in the community, volunteering also offers many benefits to your job search. When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to network and meet new people, learn new skills, and gain experience to add to your resume.

Although moving on from a job break up can be tough, it doesn’t have to be. How have you bounced back from losing a job? Let us know in the comments section below!

Movin’ On Up is brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.