The Daily Grind

Fix Your Quasimodo Slouch: Tips for Correcting Poor Posture at Work

We’ve been taught the importance of good posture since we were little, but how many people actually took that information to heart? According to a study released by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, back pain is the most common cause of work-related disabilities in the United States. The study also shows that back pain is the leading reason for job absenteeism. More workers than ever before are spending long hours behind a desk and on a computer. Strains from poor posture while working will cause little aches and pains here and there, and over time, they add up to serious problems.

To help you correct your posture and dramatically improve the way your back feels at the end of a day in the office, try these tips below.

Adjust your monitor
Almost all problems with posture begin with tension around your neck and head. Begin by correcting your posture at the top, or all other methods will be ineffective. Try sitting down comfortably at your desk in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Turn toward your computer screen, and then open your eyes. Where your eyes land is the ideal position for the center of your computer screen, because this position is the most natural, so adjust your screen accordingly.

Kick back at work
“Sit up straight.” Many have heard this admonition growing up, but as it turns out, your parents may have been giving out bad advice. A recent study by the Radiological Society of North America shows that the best position for your back is actually a reclined 135 degree position, not an upright 90 degree position. The reclined position calls for both feet to be planted on the floor with a relaxed 135 degree recline to remove pressure from the spinal disks in the lower back.

Don’t get stuck
To avoid being in one position all day and cause your muscles to stagnate, take quick breaks to adjust yourself and stretch. Try changing how you sit for certain tasks. For example, sit back in a relaxed position when you’re reading, but sit up toward the front of your seat when you’re writing. Lean back from your computer to adjust your neck around regularly to help prevent tension build up. Also, it’s good to stand up periodically while you work.

Keep your feet planted
When sitting behind your desk, keep your feet flat on the floor with your knees slightly apart. By sitting with one leg under you or crossing your legs, you are twisting your spine, and putting pressure on your knees and hips. Doing so will give you bad posture, compress your lower back and cause aches and pain in your body.

You can prevent back pain and injury and good posture is one of your best defenses.

Are you conscious of your posture at work? Are aches and pains causing you more trouble than before? Try these simple adjustments today, and see if you notice the difference.

5 Tips for a Safer Commute

Every five seconds, a car crash occurs, and many of these accidents happen while employees are on the job, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the No. 1 cause of work-related injuries, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). They are also the leading cause of death and injury across all age groups, OSHA says.

To protect yourself from dangers on the road, check out these five driving safety tips.

1. Avoid distractions.
When you’re distracted while you drive, your risk of having an accident increases dramatically. About 80% of car accidents occur due to some form of distraction, according to the NSC. Distractions can come from a variety of sources, including other passengers, radios or iPods, talking or texting on mobile phones, applying makeup, eating, and more. Though it can be tempting to multi-task, it’s important to focus on driving when you’re behind the wheel because for every mile you drive, you make about 200 decisions, OSHA says. Taking your eye off the road even for a split second increases your risk of an accident, so make sure driving is your one and only concern when you’re behind the wheel.

2. Get more sleep.
You might be asking yourself what sleep has to do with driving. Well, when it comes to safety on the road, it can be everything. Americans are chronically tired, and the effects of fatigue show up in more than just the faces of unrested workers. Drowsy driving accounts for over 100,000 crashes each year and at least 1,550 deaths. So if you find yourself driving to work tired each morning, try an earlier bed time. Turning up the radio or rolling down the window for fresh air won’t effectively combat the threats of drowsy driving.

3. Buckle up.
It may seem like obvious advice, but experts say that using your seatbelt each time you drive – no matter how far or near your destination – is the single best way to reduce the risk of death and serious injury in the car. In fact, the proper use of seatbelts saves 12,000 lives and prevents 325,000 injuries each year, according to OSHA. Plus, it’s the law in most states. So, protect yourself and everyone in your vehicle by making sure all belts are buckled before you start the car.

4. Leave your rage off the road.
Aggressive driving does more than just annoy the people around you. The behaviors associated with road rage, including excessive speeding, tailgating, running stop signs and lights, and more, greatly increase the threat of an accident. Though you may be in a hurry to get where you’re going and other drivers may do things to annoy you or slow you down, you won’t get to your destination any faster if you end up in a wreck. So, keep your road rage in check and enjoy the benefits of less stress and a safer commute. Even if you’re not prone to road rage, in a tense commute, it’s difficult to deal with crazy drivers around you. Instead of letting your frustrations materialize into risky driving behaviors, be a kind driver and avoid conflict with drivers around you.

5. Drive defensively.
No matter how safe a driver you are, many of the risks on the road involve other drivers. Always pay attention to the cars near you as well as to the traffic and road signs so that you can make the best defensive decisions on your drive. Pay careful attention each time you get behind the wheel, even if you’re driving a route so familiar you feel you could navigate it blindfolded. You never know when unexpected changes in the road or threats from other drivers around will appear, so always be on the alert. If a dangerous situation arises, remember that your safety is more important than it is to get where you’re going in record time. Don’t be afraid to slow down, pull off the road or contact the authorities if the need arises.

Being safe on the road is important not just for your own well-being, but for those around you as well. Make sure you’re safe on the road by using these tips.

Do you suffer from road rage or find yourself driving on little sleep often? Are you always talking on the phone while driving or getting annoyed at drivers who text on behind the wheel? Share your driving safety stories with us in the comments section. And don’t forget to vote in our poll to tell us where you stand on the issue of safety.

Want more driving safety tips? Check out these resources.
Driving Defensively
Night Driving
Accident Reporting

3 Reasons to Own Up to Your Mistakes

You’ve probably made a mistake at work, because we’re all human, and mistakes happen, whether big or small. But how you deal with your blooper moment can set you apart from others. Here are three reasons why you should admit your mistakes at work.

You’ll be better off. When you own up to your mistake, you can learn from it, put it behind you, and then move on. Telling the truth about your error will show others that you’re mature and professional, and they’ll view you as trustworthy. Taking responsibility for your actions is better than beating yourself up, or trying to cover up a mistake.

You can fix the mistake. If you make a mistake and admit it, you can create a plan with the help from others to figure out how you can correct it. Someone else may have made a similar error in the past and be able to guide you through a solution. Even though you made a mistake, admitting it and seeking counsel on how to correct it will show that you’re willing to do what it takes to ensure the same mistake won’t happen again.

Avoiding conflict only makes things worse. When you avoid conflict, lie about a mistake, or blame it on someone else, it can come back 10 times worse. Chances are, someone will find out what happened, and then you’ll have to face the consequences of escalating what may have been a small issue in addition to making the mistake itself to begin with. Consequences for covering up a mistake could be as harsh as getting fired, depending on the severity of the situation.

After making a mistake, your first impulse may be to forget it in hopes that it’ll go away. But the right choice is to admit your error, learn from your mistake, and take steps to change your process, behavior, or attitude.

3 Financial Tips to Prepare for a Layoff

According to a recent poll by The New York Times and CBS News, nearly three in 10 Americans believe that they or someone in their household might lose their job in the next 12 months. With the economy seeming to stall, businesses are cutting back their hiring practices and increasing their layoffs. Recent reports released by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a firm that monitors layoff activity each month, show that U.S. companies gave pink slips to 103,522 people in May – the highest number of layoffs in two years.

If you’re concerned that you might be asked to leave the company, there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself financially in case of a layoff. Follow these tips below to weather the job loss until you can find a new job.

Build an emergency fund. Try and put as much cash as possible into a savings account. You can do this by stopping your 401(k) payments and having your employers give you the money instead of putting it directly into your retirement fund. If you have to withdraw money from this account later, it could cost you up to 10% in penalty charges as well as income tax payments. You can also lower the tax withholding on your paychecks. Your taxable gross income is likely to be lower even if you’re only out of a job for a few months. Also, start paying only the minimum payment on your credit cards, and put back the excess amount that you would normally pay into your savings account. When you start working again, go back to aggressively paying off your accounts.

Make a budget. Hopefully you have already established a budget, but if you haven’t then now’s the time to create one. Once you have a budget, make sure you cut back on all unnecessary items or charges. For example, if you have five cell phones, one for each member of your family, cut it down to two. Believe it or not, we did survive before cell phones were invented. Also, try carpooling to cut down on gas expenses, eat out less, and conserve on electricity all while putting the money you save into your emergency fund.

Apply for credit. Some experts suggest establishing lines of credit to help in case of an emergency and only in an emergency. Try getting a home equity line of credit. This isn’t a loan but it allows you to use your house as collateral in case you need some extra money. You can’t get this if you don’t have a job, so apply for it before you’re laid off. If you decide that lines of credit are your best option – be cautious. Only open enough accounts that aren’t going to put you in extreme debt in case you find yourself having to borrow more money than you thought. This can be a tricky backup plan, but if you play it safe and use it only as a lifeline, you should be able to bounce back without any lasting marks.

Layoffs can be scary but by preparing yourself ahead of time with these tips, you can make it through the tough times. Be conscious of your spending and be proactive in your savings – don’t wait until you’re laid off to start preparing.

Are you in fear of losing your job? What tips would you offer to help others prepare for a layoff?

3 Tips to Stay Cool at Work this Summer

With the summer heat upon us, you may be tempted to pull out your summer attire of T-shirts and jean shorts for the office simply to stay cool. But it’s important to keep your work attire appropriate, even during the hot summer months. So, while you’re avoiding the summer’s top fashion faux pas, here are a few alternatives to help you stay cool and comfortable at work.

Drink plenty of water. Keeping your body replenished will help you regulate your body temperature and keep you from overheating. Drink plenty of liquids, especially water, to keep your body hydrated, but avoid too much caffeine because it can dehydrate you.

Turn on a fan. If you work in an office, bring a small, portable fan and face it toward you to push away the heat and create a cool breeze. Your co-workers may appreciate the air flow, too, but if they don’t, use a non-oscillating fan. You can also try using a handheld mister or battery-operated fan if you work outdoors or don’t have access to an electrical outlet.

Wear lighter fabrics. Just because you shouldn’t wear tank tops and flip flops to the office doesn’t mean you can’t make summer wardrobe selections. Choose light-colored fabrics if you’re outdoors in the heat to reflect more of the sun. And, if you work indoors, choose light-weight fabrics that breathe and won’t trap the heat next to your body, such as cotton or linen.

Using these tips will help you keep cool while maintaining your professional image at work during the long, hot summer days.

Cell Phone Etiquette in the Office

Have you ever been interrupted or disturbed by a co-worker using a cell phone in the office? You might even be the perpetrator and not know it. If your employer has a no cell phone policy, make sure to follow their rules. But if you’re allowed to carry yours with you, here are four tips for cell phone etiquette to keep disruptions to a minimum and keep peace in the office.

Use silent or vibrate mode – In an office environment where you are in close quarters with co-workers, the simple ringing of a cell phone can break your concentration or disrupt others. Turn your ringer on silent, or use the vibrate mode if you’re expecting a call. Or, simply turn your cell phone off altogether. Callers can leave a voicemail, and you can return your personal phone calls on your break, during lunch, or after work instead of during company time.

Keep talk quiet – If you do take a personal call on your cell phone while in the office, keep your voice down. Most people don’t want to hear the conversation you’re having with your sweetheart or your doctor, so be considerate of others. Better yet, take your conversation down the hall to an empty conference room, or step outside to talk.

Don’t talk in the bathroom – Cell phones and restrooms don’t mix. Period. No one in the bathroom wants to hear your conversation, and the person on the receiving end of your call doesn’t want to hear toilets flushing and running water, either. End the conversation before you go into the restroom, or return the phone call later.

Avoid using your phone during meetings – During a meeting, don’t answer your phone, text your friends, or check your e-mail. Otherwise, you’ll appear distracted, bored, and unprofessional. If you’re texting or e-mailing someone for important information pertaining to the meeting, let others know what you’re doing so they don’t think you’re being disrespectful. The best thing to do is leave your cell phone at your desk, and be sure to turn the ringer off.

Cell phones give us easy access to others, and vice versa, but at work they can be a tempting distraction for ourselves and interrupt others. Follow these cell phone etiquette tips the next time you take your phone to work so you won’t be the one committing a cell phone faux pas in the office.

Get New Habits, Not a New Job: How to Cut Costs by Increasing Gas Mileage

If you feel that your paycheck is shrinking, you may not need a new job, just new driving habits. Record gas prices are being broken week after week. As of mid-May, New York and Chicago are averaging over $4 a gallon, and gas stations across the country are quickly approaching that mark. With what seems to be ever-increasing fuel costs, individuals are feeling the pinch at the pump. To help you get more mileage for your money, try the following these seven tips.

1. Clean out your car. Before you hit the road, take out all the unnecessary junk inside your car. According to the Department of Energy, removing excess weight from your vehicle can save you up to 7 cents a gallon, for fuel priced at $3.72 per gallon. Removing an extra 100 pounds of unnecessary weight from your car can improve your gas mileage by 2%. Keep the spare tire and car lift, but the golf clubs can go.

2. Drive sensibly. “Speed Racer, slow down!” exclaimed Speed’s teacher in the big-budget summer flick of the same name. Driving like Speed will drain your gas because high speeds guzzle fuel. By avoiding rapid accelerations and constant braking, you can avoid wasting gas and also be a safer driver. But, don’t drive too slowly because slow acceleration can bog down your engine and decrease fuel efficiency as well.

3. Properly inflate your tires. Under-inflated tires can also reduce your gas mileage and poses a safety hazard as well, so make sure you pump up your tires to the recommended level. Over-inflating your tires can decrease friction and increase gas mileage, but it’s unsafe because it also reduces grip for braking and turning.

4. Turn off the car. If you know you won’t be moving for more than 30 seconds, turn your car off to save fuel. Turning your car on and off uses less fuel than leaving it idle for minutes at a time. This tip is useful at railroad crossings, ATMs, drive-thrus and long traffic lights.

5. Keep the wheels practical. Shiny new rims on your car might be trendy, but bigger wheels actually increase you car’s rolling resistance. This increase will cause your car’s fuel economy to lower. If you do drive with larger tires, keep your stock wheels and switch out the larger rims on long distance drives.

6. Use cruise control. When you can, use your car’s cruise control. Using cruise control at highway speeds can save up to 7% of your car’s fuel economy. With little need for acceleration and braking on the highway, the constant speed helps save gas.

7. Just park it. Circling the mall, grocery store or workplace parking lot in search of a close spot is a fuel burner. Even by waiting for a car to pull out of a spot, your idle car wastes gas – and your time. So try parking a little further away and burn less fuel while burning more calories.

By following these simple tips, you might just be able to afford driving somewhere other than just to the office and back.

How are record-breaking gas prices affecting you, and what are you doing to cope? How is the fuel economy on your ride?